Moonlight "diet"

 Moon diet
Moon diet

Lunar tips and advice on nutrition.

"Oh diet! You can not neither that, nor this." I say so many women, "incurring" in tight clothes, or look in the mirror.

I want to please you. The moon does not recognize the diets, although it has its own rules of supply that may surprise you.

As rightly said by Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician and astronomer: "Your food should be your medicine." I think there is no doubt.

Currently, however, only some doctors have questioned how and what you eat. While large and small disease begins with malnutrition.

Previously, doctors and healers, first of all interested in your analysis, I'm sorry, "chair" and its regularity. Saying: You are what you eat "is relevant now.

The media offer us different recipes and nutrition programs. Nutritionists insist on all sorts of diets and separate feed.

Moon also tells us a different story.

Any diet, and any kind of monotonous food (except under certain diets diseases) are harmful.

The body needs much more than the germinated seeds or roughage.

As I said, during the waxing Moon and the constant habit of eating for two weeks, you can quickly gain weight. Conversely, there are a few more than the moon decreasing, not recovering.

Well, fast Lunar calendar for 2012 advises the day and the day of the new moon and full moon.

You can not eat a lot in the days of "Pisces" double burden.

Avoid fatty foods the evening. After 21-00, the circulatory system in the lower phase (DO NOT FORCE).

On Wednesdays and Fridays, no meat.

Pay attention to the combination of products. Underground and ground products must be balanced in your diet.

Those vegetables that do not grow together in the garden, do not mix and the plate.

Products from corn meal and caffeine - are harmful.

Cheese and grapes - are incompatible.

Four of these products can cause headaches and migraines, aggressiveness and nervousness.

That's one of the rules of the moon:

All raw always used to be cooked (boiled).

Fruit and nuts, to the salads and raw vegetables.

Then, for example, yoghurt and bread.

And only last meat, eggs, cheese, that - that fat.

The latest comes dessert.

Try and stay healthy. Remember: "You are what you eat."

Other lunar secrets can be found here:

What to do in a full moon

 What to do in a full moon

The full moon has always attracted its extraordinary beauty, mystery and mystery. After this phase of the moon react as the nature, flora and fauna, as well as mere mortals. So, what can and should be doing better than the full moon, and that the three phases of the moon can not be done, read the article.

Some complain of insomnia and bad health, someone appears mentally unstable, and for creative people is the "golden time" -poyavlyaetsya inspiration. But in fact, the satellite is nothing unusual happens - a solid physics.

It is no secret that this period strengthens both positive and negative emotions, human qualities. But not all people have the effect of the Moon. More resistant to "Hypnosis" this cosmic beauties did not even change the rhythm of work.

And if you compare the moon with changeable woman, you should find out what you can do with the full moon, and what should be avoided?

The lunar cycle affects the health of people

The moon affects the vital biorhythms. On this basis, we will adjust their sleep. If the full moon causes of insomnia, you should heed the advice of yoga, no matter how ridiculous it did not show: during sleep should be positioned so that you fell the moonlight, especially the full moon. This dream harmonises energy and brings peace of mind.

These days there is an increased pressure in humans, thereby providing bleeding. Avoid any operation, whether the removal of a tooth that is more serious. Good appoint survey - in this phase of the moon is easier to find a hidden problem in the body.

The full moon is much more clearly manifested side effects from medication. And no matter how you imagine your life without your favorite "bad" habits, the full moon eliminate coffee, tea, alcohol and cigarettes. In this cycle, alcohol can do wonders with the "minus" and the effect on the person becomes unpredictable.

According to statistics at the full moon increases the number of accidents. During this period, try to avoid the different movements, especially long-distance travel.

Do not plan during a full moon any serious negotiations, business meetings, serious conversations with the people you love, watch out their and their nervous system from shocks.

Full Moon - time to show their talents

What to do in a full moon people active, how to realize themselves and where to find his muse? It is this phase of the moon is to those who can not imagine themselves without work. Be creative, write their masterpieces when the window for you peeps round disk of the full moon.

If you have something to tell the world to make a sensational discovery, or start a new project, the full moon - a good time for this.

If you are an amateur gardener, then you should know that these days the plant will cost over without your love and care. Nothing can be transplanted, crop, sow. The only thing that is allowed to do - cut flowers for bouquets and plant the plants.

Lunar tips

During the reign of the full Moon postpone any cosmetic procedure: beauty they will not increase, but can cause allergies. The same advice applies to hair painting.

If you are drawn to the "exploits", do not play a good hostess: Do not make spring cleaning, do not dispose of unneeded things. This "revolutionary" attitude is deceptive.

But for devotees of the popular recipe - it's time to collect medicinal plants, healing power which that rises above the ground.

Explore the Moon, listen to yourself, feel its impact.

Due to the Moon to become the best. After all, if the inhabitants of the heavens still have an impact on the inhabitants of the Earth, their feelings, emotions and the right to dispose of life we ​​and only we.

Congratulations astrology in verse

 Happy Astrologer


How often have we all inadvertently,

In the starry sky you see,

Where does the fate of the road,

What will happen to us, we want to know.

No doctor can help or geologist,

But to deal with that easily,

Who astrologer by profession,

Today is a holiday with him.

I wish you all, so that no sadness,

Unnecessary hassle and without tears,

You always read in the morning

Astrological forecast.


Today, the holiday is not simple,

But what he loved and roads,

Who knows our destiny,

Who vocation astrologer.

Once he was astrologer

And there is an ancient profession,

We treated her with respect.

What are their predictions correct?

Merry desired mood,

All the secrets of the universe to unravel,

Fates of Human cunningly

In the starry sky take.


There is now a horoscope in any newspaper,

Fully astrologers that compose them.

But there are those, though few of them in the world,

Who has gathered the wisdom of the ancient books!

Sounds like music - "Jupiter in Capricorn"

Suddenly a terrible combination can not be?

But an art, so in the end,

Do not frighten, and to promise happiness.

I congratulate all the astrologers today,

What is the fate of the people want to adjust.

From horoscopes let them know,

What's in the stars this day they were promised!


Let the day astrologer

The roles have changed.

We'll set up the horoscope.

Trust - try.

Astrologers today are waiting

Fun festivals,

Smiles, joy and illness

Forget about the date.

To give you flowers and laughter,

Cheer up.

Predict too - will succeed,

Let's start with self-hypnosis!


Astrologer holiday today,

We would like to congratulate heartily.

For all thank our prompter,

What do you teach to live and not to rush.

Thank you for your guidance.

Well, the desire to come:

Tell us for self-hypnosis

It will be very good!


Save us from disaster,

He will say at the right moment we stop

From all errors save

Nice, cute horoscope.


I want to be an astrologer,

To foresee everything,

To know how to act,

And all the signs to see.

Who fits me as a husband?

How to get lucky?

Going where my happiness?

Whether to go to the country?

Every day we are waiting for an answer,

Horoscope scroll.

Give, give me advice,

True act eh?

Horoscope tells us,

There will be excellent,

This means - the way is open

Happiness in your personal life.

I want to be an astrologer

Here are the first attempt:

Can you now predict ...

Illumine you smile!
