Signs on Shrove Tuesday, to the cheerful spring holiday
Many people like the carnival. Festivities in the street, fun and lots of pancakes and cakes, and with various fillings. Pancake Day celebrated in Russia for a long time. According to the Orthodox calendar Christians celebrate Shrove Tuesday - the beginning of cheese a week in 2013, from March 11 to March 17.
Let's talk about the signs.
First sign.
When celebrated Pancake tried at this time to have some fun. The sign reads: if the owner of the Carnival was ready to receive guests in his home, in his house the whole year will be well-being. For a week the celebration of Carnival, and the owner should be happy to guests who came unexpectedly.
The second sign.
For a week, while there is a carnival, bake and eat as many pancakes as your heart desires.
But accept, on Wednesday, mother-in-law should be ready a lot of pancakes and call to her son in law. On Friday, on the contrary, mother-in-law calls to his pancakes.
The third sign.
How napechesh pancakes, so many will be sunny days.
But why, because the pancakes are round, have the shape of the sun. In paganism to the sun (Jari) treated and worshiped as God. One pancake baked in a carnival was equivalent to one solar day.
Therefore I wanted to bake a lot of pancakes, but you have to know when to stop. If little was cooked pancakes, it will be rainy summer and the harvest will be lost, and if a lot of pancakes, there will be a drought and the harvest will be lost again.
A good hostess followed by their number. This sign of acting on those pancakes, which were eaten by the family in the carnival. And the guests are not in the bill, that they may eat as they want.
Fourth sign.
Carnival effigy made of straw, dressed him in women's clothes and tied a headscarf. Scarecrow called madame-carnival. Within a week, the people rejoiced, and on Friday, along with the scarecrow, went to ride the mountain on a sled.
We rode until evening. Then we put the scarecrow in the snow. This action was considered so welcomed spring and asked the sun that would shine more brightly and warmed. And when the sun disappears behind the horizon, stuffed cleaned up Sunday in a barn.
On the last day of the week, stuffed again ride a sleigh, and then burned. It was believed that all the unnecessary need to burn and smash that would have had a good year with no problems.
The fifth sign.
Traditionally, throughout the carnival, held sledding, and a tradition was everywhere in the city and in the countryside. In a city rich Carnival could boast their horses, and the rich ladies can show off to all your jewelry.
The carnival whistles made all the children in the form of birds. Then it was thought that the kids running around, which whistles in whistles, said migratory birds, which they quickly flew towards them. Nowadays these whistles are doing, but not made of wood and plastic.
Now you know that the carnival is rich trappings. And if one day carnival to spend with your friends, you raise yourself up for a long time, and the memories of this holiday will cause you a warm feeling.
This festival is a lot to say, but he was one of the favorite holidays of the year. And no matter what people think about it, but this week it is necessary to cook and eat a lot of pancakes.
Proverbs and Sayings of the People's Shrovetide
Russian Orthodox holiday of Maslenitsa, this cheerful holiday devoted many folk proverbs and sayings, and there are also signs.
Proverbs and sayings
No pancakes - not Carnival.
Oil is not given for ever.
Piruy woman Carnival and enjoy yourself, but about post recalls.
Not habitation, and Mardi Gras.
Not all cat Shrovetide will Lent.
Pancake seven days walking.
Taking a walk, still need to remember about the upcoming post.
This Mardi Gras, so solid and so we Verbnaya Good!
Pancake obeduha, money priberuha.
It is Mardi Gras, Pancake yes honey bears.
Blintsov, pancakes, crepes, as the wheels of the spring.
In the mountains to ride in pancakes lie
Though all to myself lay and spend Carnival
As Shrove pancakes flew into the ceiling.
Pancake see off, expect sun light.
Damn not wedge - the belly is not split.
Damn not bundle - on forks are not nakolesh.
Aunt Barbara,
My mother sent:
Let the pan so skovorodnichka,
Muchka yes podmazochki.
The water in the furnace,
He wants pancakes oven.
Where pancakes, here we are.
And the most cold-blooded man like hot pancakes.
Pancakes and kisses accounts do not like.
After Shrovetide - Lent, but for the passionate - Easter.
Piruy and walk, woman, on Shrove Tuesday, and about the post of butter without the recollect.
Shrove have fun, but Blink and lodged them.
Shrovetide seven days walking.
You are welcome to us on Shrove Tuesday with his goodness, with honest belly.
To help you carting to the elbows, and eat at the throat.
Afraid Pancake heartily but a piece of cake.
Mardi Gras is fucking yes honey bears.
It was the court of Carnival, and not gone into the house.
Mardi Gras without pancakes, birthday party without cake is not there.
Thirty brothers, sister, granddaughter, grandmother of forty, three mothers daughter oily.
Pancakes - relatives of the sun.
In forgiven day like Easter, all the kissing.
Farewell to Carnival!
Goodbye, my dear!
Farewell Dunyushka!
Delicious pancakes honey, recipes Pancake
Carnival - a holiday to delete, mischievous and joyful. And that sun was shining as it should, people bake pancakes in March, but was escorted hateful Winter. Good damn expensive. Previously baked "pancakes with meaning."
For example, in the environment of cheese a week, are oily, called in-law on pancakes. On Friday, he was the son-in must make a "Teschin Vyachorka." Kohl pancakes are not specified, and the relationship can run a chill!
So pancake recipe preserved, but right and left them not to give away. Not that we have now flown, people take it - enjoy it ... And remember: "Damn - not damage the belly! "We offer detailed recipes for different dishes on Shrove Tuesday: delicious pancakes sun.
Pancakes by leaps and bounds
To prepare you need: Wheat flour and milk - 5 glasses, 3-4 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, a teaspoon of salt, 50 g. fresh yeast, 200 gr. fat, a little bacon grease for frying.
In a saucepan, pour two cups of warm milk with yeast diluted in it, add three cups of flour. Stir and put in a warm place. After half an hour the dough should increase in volume by half. The brew vmese salt, lightly powdered with sugar, egg yolks, fat. Pour the remaining flour and gradually dilute the remaining milk.
When the dough in a warm place to rise again, stir and let it rise again. Only now add the well-beaten egg whites and mix. After 20 minutes, you can begin to cook pancakes. For such a test would be a nice little pan. Pancakes Pancake Serve hot, ideally - with caviar and salmon.
Pancake cake with meringue and custard
Four-hot mash yolks with half a cup of sugar, mix with one and a half cups of sour cream. Add the resulting mixture of 200 grams of flour, put four beaten egg whites. Carefully stir. In a small frying pan bake about ten pancakes. It does not matter if they get fat.
Prepare the custard. To do this, take the 3 egg yolks, mash them with half a cup of sugar, add hot milk. A bowl with a mixture put on a steam bath and cook until thick cream, stirring. A little cool, place the softened butter and vanilla.
Now we must sandwiched pancakes with cream, meringue top cover (with a mixture of whipped three proteins with a glass of sugar) of pastry bag, place in preheated 240 degree oven for a few minutes. It signals the end of the baking - meringue browns. Serve your cake hot.
Delicious pancakes with Camembert
The dough for this unusual dish cook as for the ordinary pancakes. Bake their need for pan diameter of about 10 centimeters. Prepare the stuffing. To do this, a box of Camembert mixed with 50 g. oil and a teaspoon of brandy to a state of complete homogeneity.
Each pancake starting to get a cheese mass, then wrap the tube and place on baking sheet. Sprinkle with grated cheese and pour the tomato sauce. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. To get a very effective and tasty "BANQUET" option dishes.
Tomato pancakes on Shrove Tuesday
For the preparation of this strange but tasty dishes, you will need 300 gr. tomatoes, 200 ml of milk, two eggs, 200 gr. cheese, wheat flour, vegetable oil and parsley and salt. Boil the tomatoes and rub through a sieve.
The Ambassador of the sauce, mix with milk and eggs. Stirring constantly, add the flour to the liquid the consistency of sour cream sparsely.
Fry the pancakes in a small frying pan - they are very delicate and can easily break. Serve pancakes with tomatoes on the table hot, generously sprinkle with grated cheese and parsley.