Funny funny greetings Carnival poems

 Carnival poems congratulations carnival, joke funny poems about Pancake Day


Mother-in-law! Mother dear!

Today, I forgive all,

What are you grumbling for a salary,

Thrusting nose where it is not necessary,

That smoking is not permitted,

What kind of booze abused,

For fishing for football,

For "Where were you? "" Where to go? "

I look forward to today's pancakes,

To live without us to war.


Dear you are my zyatechek!

On this glorious vecherochek

Cloth covered table

I forward to visit you come.

I will treat you with pancakes,

Fish, beer, pies,

Pie and soup,

Lentils, dried apricots,

Corn pie,

Nagotovlyu any porridge,

That you had a healthy,

Stronger my daughter loved.


Look. What's going on!

Santa on a sled downhill races!

Mother-in-law-in-law to visit waiting

The whole day is baking pancakes!

Apologies neighbor

What pounded yesterday at lunch!

Do not scold his wife -

Today the silence in the house!

Even my moody chef

Today in front of everyone

Congratulations congratulated me

And sent home for a walk!

It is a pity that only lasts seven days

A feast for the soul:

Carnival's his name,

New year will have to wait.

Author Eleni Kerr


Imagine this aunt:

No thick and thin,

Red cheeks burn,

He tied the apron dress,

His eyes sparkle with joy,

Pancakes are invited to taste,

What are the big gorochkoy

On a platter with a gold border ...

My riddle guessed?

This aunt learned?

Carnival comes to us,

Have you met her, people!


Pancake - time and pancakes - two,

Delicious, rosy.

Mardi Gras came to us

Good, I wish!

Russian folk Shrovetide, history and traditions of the holiday

 Mardi Gras 2011 Mardi Gras celebration Russian folk history description of carnival, carnival week

Ancient Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa, a number of idle, calendar history and description

Holiday Carnival has a very long history, and its period is the time of occurrence of Russian paganism.

However, if in pre-Christian times Shrovetide symbolized a farewell to winter and meeting the spring, then a bit later his semantic load has undergone some changes.

At the same time, 7 days Carnival is a time when believers can eat butter and dairy products before Lent, thus as if preparing himself for a difficult test.

Carnival Calendar

February 20, 2012 beginning of the Pancake Festival of cheese a week, Monday - the "encounter"

21 February Tuesday - "zaigrysh"

22 February Wednesday - "gourmet"

23 February Thursday - "Razguliay"

24 February Friday - "Vyachorka Tiffany"

25 February Saturday - "gatherings in-law"

26 February Sunday - "Tselovalnik" Forgiveness Sunday, the last day of Carnival

February 27, 2012 Beginning of Lent

Carrying Carnival history

Home Maslenitsa depends on when Lent begins. Each of the seven days of the festival has its own special name.

For example, Monday is called "encounter." In the old days in this day and svёkry released her daughter-in-law for a day to visit his father's house. By the end of the day, and joined themselves to it. The main objective of the visit was to find joint solutions on time and venue of the festival, the number and composition of the invited, and so on.

Tuesday was named "zaigrysha." The main objective of this day was the show of the bride (or more brides). In general, most of the traditions and rituals carried out on the Pancake week, were intended to marry off the bride.

It is in the Pancake week is done to immediately after the end Lent was done on the wedding. In the morning, young men and women called to try pancakes and go from the snowy hills. On the same day on pancakes invited friends, relatives and acquaintances.

The third day of Maslenitsa called "gourmet." Tiffany called her zyatёv pancakes (and with them and other family members).

Week last Thursday before Lent called "Razguliay." It was believed that if half of the week is over, then you can safely have fun, so to speak on a broad footing. And then we began a variety of games and fun.

The most traditional of them were considered horseback riding and fisticuffs. But the main event of the fourth day of Maslenitsa became seizure snow-ice city. One part was walking on the defensive, and the second, respectively, to attack the fortress of snowballs.

Friday was named "Vyachorka Tiffany's." If Wednesday skill pancakes and hospitality boasted Tiffany, then on the fifth day of Maslenitsa this responsible duty passed to zyatyam.

Saturday was called "sister-togethers." The future bride, as well as girls who recently acquired the status of daughters, called to his feast zolovok. Also Saturday, the girl Pancake-law had something to give.

The last day of carnival Forgiveness Sunday

And perhaps the most striking and memorable for the whole week before Lent became her last day - Sunday. In people, this day is called the day of wires or forgiven. It is also known that name as "Tselovalnik."

The Sunday before Lent as before, and to this day people still ask for forgiveness from their loved ones. Ministers of churches in this day hold a special evening service, during which he asked for forgiveness from the parishioners and the faithful of all honest people.

In response to a request to forgive or that person made answer: "God will forgive you and I forgive."

Another tradition of the day was a visit to the bath and, of course, a great feast, as they say, "the whole world".

SMS greetings with short poems Carnival Forgiveness Sunday

 Poems about Pancake Day, Shrove Sunday, sms greetings Carnival


Darling, I congratulate you

With forgiven, enlightened Sunday!

With pancakes I come to you, loving

And so sincerely ask for forgiveness.

Cover with a generous and elegant table,

Pour wine, tell Toast.

Tomorrow tighten the belt tighter

Today eat, and tomorrow will be the post.


Spring-red knocking at the door.

Winter has passed, the link drops.

Courage to go out,

All with Carnival Congratulations

Bake pancakes ruddy,

Parish rejoice spring.

Open the door a little wider in the house,

Meets guests at the festive week

Relatives, acquaintances were treated,

Resentment over the people farewell.

We wish these days do not get angry,

Be kind, more fun,

Worthy to spend the winter,

Nature awaken to life!


You eat pancakes all week,

They are useful and very tasty.

On Sunday Sorry,

Let it be the soul purified from sin.


Mourners winter and spring Meet

Delicious pancakes all the treats you.

With nipple congratulate all his friends.

Ask forgiveness and forgive them all.


I congratulate you all carnival

And on this day I want you all to say

What you for all the wrongs I forgive,

And entertain guests waiting for pancakes.


Oh, you're my friend,

Do you ever forgive me.

Let all the evil winter blows,

And pancakes spring brings,

And the smile on the floor face.

Hello, Carnival !!!


Mother-in-law, my congratulations,

Today I come to you on the pancakes

For all I ask you for forgiveness.

Once again, congratulations to the beginning of spring.


Let Maslenitsa pancakes

Bring in your house tsunami:

A lot of joy, effort,

Good and prosperity!
