Holiday Russian Shrovetide poems Week celebration, congratulations

 Holiday Carnival, poems about Pancake, Pancake Day Week


Carnival Red, Russian, wide,

Ice slides, a generous soul!

Zaigryshi - celebrations narrowing and entertainers,

With the song valiant, with a hill of pancakes!

Tesza Samobranka Lays son-tablecloth,

Treats zyatyushku solar pancake.

It is no accident Gourmand third day of the holiday -

Delicacies all filled home!

Razguliay, broad, generous Carnival!

Come out, well done on fist fight!

If you are lucky - silushkoy compete!

Honors and goodness carry away with them.

As podmazhet Oiler - the girl and the red

Yes rusoyu head to heart pinned to ...

Boma gasp and crumble under the hoofs ...

Will carry a horse in the fairy distance.

The fifth day is responsible for mother-zyatёv before,

Here it is a high honor, son, do not drop:

To pancakes with pancake maker did not seem the lean,

Try the pancakes hundred napeki!

Crafts are famous sister - zolovushki,

During her maiden song not noticeable hour

In the evenings working fabulous Cinderella

Embroidery, knitting surprise us!

Last Sunday before Lent did not come for!

My husband loved his wife, brother, sister, I'm sorry.

Yes begin gentle kissing the holy day,

This joy light years used to carry!

You tell me, Oiler, where Spring stashed?

Is not it time to retire Zimushka already!

For blinochki - the sun that you cooked for us,

Thanks sincere we bear you.

Author Elena Girvel


On this day, we carnival

We congratulate you!

We wish you comfort and to not faded

Never flames of the hearth,

To the table has all relatives

And happiness blossomed like a flower of spring.

To bad forgive and forget the good.

Scarecrow winter on an area of ​​bedrooms,

Pancakes eat to satiety

And Tesza in-law would be secretly whispered,

What better candidate than he was,

For her daughter, she used not ever find.

That life was sweet and sytoyu

And the holiday of Maslenitsa had not forgotten.

Festival Mardi Gras history of appearance, celebration of the winter

 Holiday Carnival, Shrovetide history, the history of Mardi Gras celebration, tradition

Mardi Gras Festival is truly the most fun and the most popular festival. With it can argue that perhaps the New Year. This holiday originated long ago, when the Slavic lands did not know Christianity and worshiped natural deities understandable to people Yarile, Veles, Perun and others.

New Year was celebrated at the time of the first of March, and not the first of January.

Carnival symbolized the cold of the winter and spring and the meeting, seeing the old year and the new appointment, giving hope for a good harvest, prosperity and happiness. There is a saying: as the New Year meet, so spend it.

So our ancestors tried to swing. Celebrated Pancake Day a success! Fun, walking, drinking, eating. Her and he called for a "rastochitelnitsey." Work in those days was forbidden.

The main dish of the holiday pancakes were considered, because it is the god of the sun and spring Yarilo helped banish the winter and cold weather. Damn, as a symbol it is very suitable - and all hot as our heavenly body.

With the advent of Christianity in the life of Slavs much has changed - there are new gods, new rules and new customs. Pagan holidays banned. Pancake also tried to ban, but nothing could force people to give up favorite holiday.

Even Peter I loved to walk on Shrove Tuesday. He grandiose festivities, amazing foreign ambassadors and noblemen. So, in 1722 he organized the entire process, which today would be called a carnival. On the rails were delivered various ships that dragged through the snow pulled by a horse.

Moreover, boatswains exposed to the wind sails and they slipped on the land if the sea, helping tired horses. Also in the procession was a lot of entertainers - Neptune with his entourage, Bacchus and his retinue, Arap, Turks, and other dragons. Total participated in the procession of 60 sleds and carriages.

Catherine II also arranged during Shrovetide carnivals, as well as very rich feast. It is particularly distinguished itself in the year of birth of his grandson. Then the queen gave away Russian diamonds of various sizes and dignity of one hundred and fifty pieces!

But on Shrove Tuesday not only fun carnivals. Arranged in those days, and fist fights and ice skating with slides, swings and skating, sleigh riding.

Fist fights at one time even banned, because after they left a lot of victims. They started with the fact that the power of the two competed enemy, then they were joined by their friends, then friends, then friends of friends. At the end of fighting there were so many that no one understood anyone beat for beat that who his who stranger.

Swing also tried to ban, because with them, often falling and something broke myself. But this did not give people entertainment. We continued to fly up to the sky.

Slides for skiing first choose natural, somewhere outside the city, on the high banks of the river or on the hills. Then they began to build their own, filled with water, so that they better roll, decorated with funny figures and ribbons.

Gradually the hills began to gather near the sellers of pancakes and various hot drinks, as well as artists. Arrange noisy booths, funny theater performances. They are built near the slides and rope carousels.

Another fun on Shrove Tuesday was joking taking a snow fort. Typically, a fortress built on the river. On the assault were on horseback. "Besieged" defended snowballs and deterred horses panicles. Holding fort for the laughter of the crowd first dipped into the hole, and then loaded with presents gifts.

Very fun before Shrove Tuesday was carried out, despite the fact that with the advent of Christianity, this festival has taken a slightly different meaning.

Popular holiday tradition of celebrating Mardi Gras

 Celebrating Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday celebration, traditions and rituals of Maslenitsa

People Mardi Gras celebration with the arrival of Christianity

Celebrating Pancake Day began on the eve of a seven-week Lent, to which the faithful should come with a purified soul. But you can not force a person to immediately abandon the familiar food.

Mardi Gras, also called cheese Week, during which you can not eat meat, began to be seen as a preparation for the main office.

Timing it now varies depending on the length of the celebration of Easter. But now, the holiday lasts seven days, hence the Week.

The next day after the Shrovetide - Monday, is considered "clean." With him begins Lent. On this day, people are thoroughly washed in the bath, washing off the dirt, not only, but also all the bad things that have accumulated over the year.

Also on this day we are always washed from fat and skoromnogo all the dishes, even the one in which the milk was stored.

The tradition of celebrating carnival

Carnival can rightly be considered a holiday not only national, but international, as noted it all over Europe and even in overseas countries, but this holiday is called differently.

Catholics in the week before Lent, arrange magnificent carnivals.

In the UK, on ​​this day satisfied pancake race.

In Mexico, far too satisfied with carnivals that need to be sure in the mask. It is believed that the mask drives away evil spirits. And at the end carnival Mexicans choose the Queen of Carnival and "terrible king."

But in the more intimate to us Greece is not fried or pancakes or tortillas.

In the week before Lent, they arrange lush carnival, during which just chase away the cold winter.

Maslenitsa they have, but there is a bad bear - dressed in a fur coat volunteer who drive through the villages on a leash. Bear always trying to run away all the time something comes up for that.

And those who drive, try to keep as tightly as possible. Accompany this procession of men with bells tied at the waist.

Bells have to tie a lot, sometimes at one person they number up to several dozen.

With these bells should not just walk and run and jump to their ringing scared winter. Noise during this action is so deafening that the two steps can not hear anything.

Here's a she, carnival, the funniest, the most popular festival of the year.
