Carnival Red, Russian, wide,
Ice slides, a generous soul!
Zaigryshi - celebrations narrowing and entertainers,
With the song valiant, with a hill of pancakes!
Tesza Samobranka Lays son-tablecloth,
Treats zyatyushku solar pancake.
It is no accident Gourmand third day of the holiday -
Delicacies all filled home!
Razguliay, broad, generous Carnival!
Come out, well done on fist fight!
If you are lucky - silushkoy compete!
Honors and goodness carry away with them.
As podmazhet Oiler - the girl and the red
Yes rusoyu head to heart pinned to ...
Boma gasp and crumble under the hoofs ...
Will carry a horse in the fairy distance.
The fifth day is responsible for mother-zyatёv before,
Here it is a high honor, son, do not drop:
To pancakes with pancake maker did not seem the lean,
Try the pancakes hundred napeki!
Crafts are famous sister - zolovushki,
During her maiden song not noticeable hour
In the evenings working fabulous Cinderella
Embroidery, knitting surprise us!
Last Sunday before Lent did not come for!
My husband loved his wife, brother, sister, I'm sorry.
Yes begin gentle kissing the holy day,
This joy light years used to carry!
You tell me, Oiler, where Spring stashed?
Is not it time to retire Zimushka already!
For blinochki - the sun that you cooked for us,
Thanks sincere we bear you.
Author Elena Girvel
On this day, we carnival
We congratulate you!
We wish you comfort and to not faded
Never flames of the hearth,
To the table has all relatives
And happiness blossomed like a flower of spring.
To bad forgive and forget the good.
Scarecrow winter on an area of bedrooms,
Pancakes eat to satiety
And Tesza in-law would be secretly whispered,
What better candidate than he was,
For her daughter, she used not ever find.
That life was sweet and sytoyu
And the holiday of Maslenitsa had not forgotten.