Poems Congratulations to the holiday day of forgiveness, Mardi Gras

 Holiday Carnival verses, the day of forgiveness, Carnival wishes greetings


In cities, towns and villages

Walks holiday cheer,

Hurtling down the hills of ice,

On the sleigh flies, stray,

All pancakes treats

And forgive the past,

In each tower, he knocks,

And the old woman and the girl,

Mother, father and brother

He wants to live lavishly,

Do not be sad and do not get sick,

And the soul does not grow old.

Term of him - one week

By spring thaw

He will present mood,

But with the sunset on Sunday

With the honors he leaves,

To return a year later.

Author Eleni Kerr


Adorable one, do not remember longing:

Leaves winter cold and frosty oppression.

And very soon will come the spring time -

And let it stay on your eyelid.

And in the day of forgiveness, I wish:

Be happy with me, my beloved!


I wish you happiness and beg your pardon

I wish you happiness - no, not just,

And at the same time I ask your forgiveness.

Surely (do not know, however, how)

I repaired to you insult and deprivation.

You do forgive my daring

In these hours of St. Sunday?

I promise: to continue, day by day,

Daru I just love and consolation!

Author Tatyana Martynova

Popular holiday Maslenitsa wide organization, sports, festivals

 Popular holiday wide Shrovetide carnival organization, rituals, games Carnival

The culmination of the wires Carnival became her burning effigies. Meet on clothes, and escorted ... How escorted Pancake? Popular holiday Maslenitsa wide.

All Pancake week - the last before Lent Week - full of joy, fun and mischievous festive mood.

Since ancient times this ceremony symbolized a farewell to the harsh winter cold and gentle rosy spring meeting.

Every day of Maslenitsa committed special rituals, revealing the deep essence of the entire Russian people. Their content is generally limited to such things as:

- Maintaining friendly relations between the related families;

- Generous refreshments friends, acquaintances, and all the honest folk pancakes and pies;

- Participation in various Russian amusements and games and so on. D.

But the climax of the Carnival celebration became Sunday. That same day, it carried out the most ambitious, the most cheerful and most interesting ceremonies of farewell to winter. The main symbol of the wires became a ritual burning of the carnival Marena - its stuffed.

In some Russian cities Marena, though not burned and buried. Carnival effigy made of cloth, straw, sticks, and other improvised materials. Going to the so-called pancake train (the course, the participants are becoming willing people - horse and foot, both young and old). It was he who was carrying a stuffed.

Symbolic Moreno, usually installed in a haystack and burned. And while burning an effigy, a sign of farewell and remembrance, the flames throwing pancakes, eggs and other food.

By the way, pancakes - all essential attribute of Maslenitsa. Pancake in Russia embodied the image of the sun. And eating it, people like to energize this heavenly body. Of course, the sun was a symbol of the good, heat and light.

On the same day and spend most of Shrovetide fun. The most traditional ones, which are widely practiced to this day are games such as:

Icy pole

High wooden pole pre-filled with water and exposed to frost. After the water froze, the very pillar, respectively, acquired the status of "ice."

On top of it I was attached any prize (for example, a bunch of crackers), who could get only one who can get to the top.

Tug of war

In this fun, usually attended by men (although sometimes connect and children, and women). All who wish to have fun and show their strength divided into two teams.

Between them he was driven into the ground a wooden peg, and to refer to the middle of the rope was tied to a red rag. The winner is the team that pull the rope to their side.

Playing in the snow and the ice storm the fortress

This game could take a variety of angles. Quest would be to bring down the snow any object or throw it on the opponent. Also playing in the snow without any particular goal - just to have fun from the process of the game.

Sturm ice fortress assumed prior creation, itself, the fortress itself. Most players have built makeshift shelters made of snow, but also practiced and "siege" of large-scale structures of ice.

Humorous poems Carnival greetings for the holiday

 Poems about Carnival, Carnival greetings, humorous poems about Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras poem


Pancake oil I smear,

I eat it and smile!

Instantly, I feel the joy

And my sadness disappears!

After saying goodbye to winter I

To warm spring beam

Ozar all goodness,

Because of the gray winter clouds!

Pancake House is knocking,

Treats bears,

Humor, like a bird,

Sings a glorious song!


May all your dreams come true!

And your life will shine like the sun!

Health, Happiness and Love wave

Let light joy knock on your little window!

Let this bright holiday,

Will you in the circle of family, friends,

Meet the spring and enjoy the light,

Warm smile, mom Warm,

Pancake Day - a holiday of light!


Rather, open the door to his,

And the holiday house waste!

Happiness, joy, warmth,

In my heart you will feel!

And I want to wish everyone

Pancake meet,

Do not know the grief and problems

And the taste of pancakes!

It may be crowded house

Guests and fun!

We have a song choir voraciously,

Heart Warming warm!

Let the kids have fun

And happy people

After all, from early morning until evening Zorka

There is a dance we will!

And all week long

We opened our doors,

Then comes Lent,

We will believe in miracles!

Author Julia A. Bevza


Maslenitsa festival came to us!

He himself brought joy and spring.

I sincerely wish you,

For life was like at the foot of paradise!

Not to know no sorrow, no worries,

It adds only joyful hassle!

To good health on a cart,

But luck was taking daily for wear!

To the house was full cup,

Multiply your wealth family!

That spring has always lived in the hearts,

Ray happiness did not go to the face!
