What is a marriage of convenience?


First, let's define what is a marriage of convenience? The classic definition is that it is a marriage made by mutual agreement between two people in which either one side or both at once pursue commercial

or material interest instead of love and mutual attraction. If we talk on the subject, after such statements are submitted as soon as soulless female predator, hunting for other people's heritage, or unhappy alcoholics, thus selling its only value - urban residence.

Sadly becomes, is not it? And women do not want to get into the network of marriage scams, become an instrument in the deft hands of the greedy and cunning immigrant, bite your elbows and feel cheated and miserable.

Women tend to want to meet a real handsome with a private apartment, with no material problems with higher education, not drinking and, most importantly, madly in love with them!

And it is true happiness, and an object worthy of a response, and infinite love ... Stop! And what happens? In my opinion, women are just billed to the heavens, and painted the exact terms of the marriage contract ...

Even if for the sake of particularly picky dreamer deleted from the material component of the portrait of male dreams, still have to be of quality, for which the women love men!

That is, women always make yourself a portrait advance their expectations, and then try on - one of the contenders for the hand and heart is most similar to the image created by their imagination!

And is not this calculation?

Not everyone, unfortunately, turns out to find his ideal, and any woman, especially young and inexperienced, always hoping that with time she will be able to alter his chosen, and it will truly be those whom she has always dreamed of.

Experience shows that such dreams are naive and semi-animal while away the evening with a beer on the couch - not their failed experiment, and the original mistake of Mother Nature. Loser begin to turn up their nose at a young and successful friends.

Especially if one of them dares to express aloud their dreams of a beautiful and rich wife. And even more so is the fury of the fact that these women are not going to be content with little, and go directly to the dream, sweeping along the way opponents.

Each of the women is worthy of his fortune, and do not think that the search for a rich husband - a dirty, vulgar and trivial.

If women love a man for his ability to withstand the cruel world, to earn enough money to protect them from life's adversities, and want to see next to a strong and rich man - this is not a marriage of convenience, but a search for the perfect man!

Each of them can have its disadvantages - of a mature age, ugliness, bad character. But all this does not detract from its main advantage - the ability to provide for his family! And that is what these men and women are like.

Not for beautiful eyes, not for the moonlight tales of paradise in a tent is not for the miserable life in a communal apartment. Their image of the real man is directly associated with its material component, and it's true!

This is a major plus in the marriage of interpretation, which was discussed in this article. There are others of his species, as mentioned in the beginning, ugly and even criminal.

Well, there's the flip side of each coin. Just always need to know exactly what women love men and do not consider themselves as evil and thus unworthy of the senses!

Some make their reliance on "good, but the poor", the other - on the "beautiful and windy", others are waiting for all transcendental prince who could embody all the positive qualities of the male sex.

All of this - also a marriage of convenience, do not forget it! And you love your man just because he is in this world!

Sergei Vasilenko

Marriage of convenience are different


Somebody need registration, someone - money to someone - and does the surname. So well-known singer and TV presenter Lolita fictitiously married while still a student. For the residence in Moscow, she married a fellow student.

And of citizen Gorelik it turned into Mrs. Milyavskaya. When the marriage she paid six thousand rubles, for which classmate bought old cars.

As for money, it is usually women seduce the wife of their wealth and make the marriage issue, not being afraid to live life in a "golden cage".

Often, a marriage of convenience is much stronger and long-lasting marriage of love.

When the game interferes with love, everything is upside down, and decisions are made by heart, and in the case of the calculation of a man and woman can soberly assess the situation with the help of his mind.

A marriage of convenience is not a new thing - when the unfortunate girls were married off for those who came to them in estate and financial position, too, can be equated to the calculation.

And Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" mother Tatiana accustomed to marriage without love: "The habit of more than we have been given - it is the replacement of happiness."

But getting married on the calculation, a lifetime is not designed in advance.

Here are those who know about such a marriage is not hearsay, and say, "marries convenience - perfect. But in the end it turns out that you can rely only on themselves. "

Maria Mitrofanova

Marriage of convenience are different


Somebody need registration, someone - money to someone - and does the surname. So well-known singer and TV presenter Lolita fictitiously married while still a student. For the residence in Moscow, she married a fellow student.

And of citizen Gorelik it turned into Mrs. Milyavskaya. When the marriage she paid six thousand rubles, for which classmate bought old cars.

As for money, it is usually women seduce the wife of their wealth and make the marriage issue, not being afraid to live life in a "golden cage".

Often, a marriage of convenience is much stronger and long-lasting marriage of love.

When the game interferes with love, everything is upside down, and decisions are made by heart, and in the case of the calculation of a man and woman can soberly assess the situation with the help of his mind.

A marriage of convenience is not a new thing - when the unfortunate girls were married off for those who came to them in estate and financial position, too, can be equated to the calculation.

And Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" mother Tatiana accustomed to marriage without love: "The habit of more than we have been given - it is the replacement of happiness."

But getting married on the calculation, a lifetime is not designed in advance.

Here are those who know about such a marriage is not hearsay, and say, "marries convenience - perfect. But in the end it turns out that you can rely only on themselves. "

Maria Mitrofanova

A marriage of convenience - the pros and cons


Marriage for love - that's fine.

But why must resign ourselves to a deliberate or humiliating poverty everyday savings, linking the fate of a man who is unable to earn decently and responsibly dispose of their belongings.

Of course, money can make life easier and more enjoyable: it is much more fun to take blagovernomu allow themselves three days in Belize than three months to argue with him about what kind of house you can afford. Besides, no one says that a person who can take away you in Belize can not be pleasing to you by itself.

But when one partner (and, incidentally, it is not necessarily male) brings into the marriage a lot more money than the other, you should not think that the other will automatically receive a ticket to the golden beaches.

"Money solves many problems, but perhaps less create themselves," - says Barbara Stan, author of "Prince Charming is not coming."

So every time you dream of a rich wife (possibly after a row with his own, again not brought the pay in a million), think about some of the difficulties that may lie in wait for you.

"The control package" - a term that is applicable in family matters.

Decision-making in the family - it is always some conflict of interest, but if your partner you are richer in 1000, whether it has its voice in 1000 times more weight when addressing issues of how to use the money or how much you can spend?

If the spouse possessive developed strongly, and you agree with the principle of "money - is power," then "a wealthy partner has more influence in the family" - says Barbara Blouin, author of "In Love and / or by calculation: the impact of large inheritance relations of man and woman. "

Money does not grow on trees

They are respectable people do - sometimes criminal way. Sometimes the status of your partner - earned or inherited - can be a source of conflict when you learn how to be "made" the money and know that these methods, from your point of view, unacceptable.

It may be objected that such things are commonly known by the time the couple walking down the aisle. Not always. Often the "family tree" of capital is not advertised, and only after a few years of marriage partner may find it possible to set the "sharp" questions - says Dr. Dennis Pyhrn, co-author of the study "Challenges of Wealth."

Or, if you are satisfied with the way of making money, you can not make a permanent absence of a spouse at home: inspired by their financial prospects and the concomitant prestige, some workaholics are just beginning to live at work.

Meet the Parents: they can become the arbiters of your fate.

If your partner has received the status of "dowry", his or her family may want to control the life of the "poor relation" and his children over the next 20 years. Terms of trust funds may include the right to choose the school where they should learn from your offspring.

And the lifestyle of the family of your spouse begins to dominate your daily existence against your will. "Lifestyle young couples usually comes under the influence of the family richer partner," - said the Pyhrn.

And it may lead you to loss of individuality. Do you not become my financial manager, honey? One way not to lose yourself in an unequal marriage - to continue to pursue their career.

However, a wealthy spouse can offer you not only to share his wealth, but also to play an active role in managing them. And you quite suddenly discover that not just married on the calculation, but must make such calculations thing in your life.

"Such a proposal could void your authority to do their work, and this is not always a pleasant surprise," - writes Pyhrn.

As a bottomless barrel

But sometimes problems with self-assertion lie in wait just a wealthy spouse who can not get rid of the suspicion that you associated with it life just for the money. This distrust, sometimes haunting a man with youth, imposes on second partner "additional moral burden" of constant demonstration of authenticity of their feelings.

The need and then convince a partner in her love for him may be tiring or annoying if you feel that you still do not believe. And if it falls on the ground distrust of other complexes, then break down these barriers becomes as hard as rock split broom.

Bad news

Prince Charming can you quit, die or go broke.

Any of these situations - a heavy blow for a woman who has put himself at the mercy of a rich husband, focusing on the family and the home. Or for working women, which is, however, provided all the revenue management family wealthier spouse.

But the rich husbands may lose their capital, to exchange his wife to a young mannequin or die before they learn better half feel financially and socially independent individuals.

So Stan advises such women to take an active part in the distribution of family income, have their own bank account and separate lines of credit, and to continue to set aside for the future, even in a time when it seems to be not required.

"Marries convenience - well, - says the expert. - But in the end it turns out that you can rely only on themselves. "
