Marry rich. Part 1


It would seem that what could be more natural than to want a good marriage? Fortunately from all points of view: that did not drink, did not smoke, did not change the plus would provide all necessary. No one wants to live, counting every ruble, when the terms as temptations.

In short, the desire to connect his life is not just a nice guy and a well-endowed guy is understandable. But the desire to have a feature suddenly come true. And then what?

Girls of all time dreaming and dreaming of a prince on a white horse. However, over the centuries the image of the Prince has evolved considerably.

Today, it looks like this: instead of a horse - or a jeep "Mercedes", instead of armor - a pair of bodyguards, instead of a sword - a cell phone.

Plus a nice suit, a gold credit card, elegant manners, love of good restaurants and travel abroad - preferably on a private yacht ...

Ages for centuries, but one thing always: Prince of the poor can not be.


... I met with Nike in the sports club. Cute little girl 24 years old, tall, athletic figure with an excellent, well-groomed body. Rides on the "Golf". At first I thought she was a coach - whenever I had to deal with, she was always there.

Then one began to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the sauna - and talking. Nick had little talkative, but not boring, and I heard a lot of interesting.

Nike's platinum (most expensive) membership card to the club pays the husband, who works in the system of Gazprom. They married three and a half years. We met in Cyprus. Nick has been abroad for the first time, a girlfriend persuaded. Both worked in the studio, the year did the left orders hoarded. Scraped together, we went. Volodya particularly scrape it was not necessary - he came to hang out for the weekend.

Local girl he categorically did not like, and he went to look for compatriots, because with any other nation could not explain for the lack of linguistic abilities. Like the very first Russian beauty, despite a fair amount of cocktails, the girl turned out to be decent and Vovinam solitude did not want to share immediately.

It amazed him so that he two cocktail made its Moscow phone, and ten days later rang. And calls as long as Nick does not marry him. Resist it for long, because the guy was not ugly, Rose gave baskets and having all of the Prince.

And another house in a prestigious suburban village. She worked in the studio. And all the company looked at her and was running envious saliva. In general, if she refused, she would have no one understood, and above all she is. "And he loved me," - said to me in a bored voice of Nick.

After my indelicate question: "What does not love?" - She thought for so long that I decided to sleep under the influence of a girl Finnish folk therapy. No, says love, only love him very specific. With work after marriage, she immediately quit - worthless wife of a millionaire to go to a seamstress.

She, by the way, still do not know whether you can call him a millionaire and how much, at least roughly, his money. On the farm, and he pins her issues once a month a fixed amount and very swears, if it does not fit. And every week he goes to the casino.

Sometimes, though, and he takes her along. Nick decided to start sewing again - even friend - because he nearly killed her when he found out. Allegedly, she had a disgrace, but in some places it is his position, as if he can not provide it - screamed the whole evening. You figure it out first at home - and so on.

So she sits all day at the club. What to do? But it looks good, Vova proud of all the time she buys a new dress. Although often howl Girl Wants Nike, but the thought of divorce leads her just in a stupor. What, to go back into the studio?

And goodbye to the fresh fruit market, sauna, massage and a pedicure, "Golf" and a house outside the city? No, she has not lost her mind - that Nick is confident firmly.

I'm with her, however, I bet. However, all their criteria.

In recent years, various kinds of family counseling refers nemerenoe number of notorious Russian new - and husbands and wives. Husbands need to prove to his wife that her place in the kitchen. Wives say no to their mother gave birth ...

Thank God, at least to the psychologists began to walk, not to harass friends and family.

Marriage of Convenience

Table of contents
Marriage of Convenience
Page 2


How little you need to be happy, right?

Just want to meet a handsome, wealthy (and not least - generous), intelligent, interesting, charming, gentle, kind, loving man, with a good sense of humor,

expensive cars in the garage, cottage by the sea, two-bedroom apartment in the city center. It's such a small thing!

Of course, your current boyfriend is also nothing, but makes it a little bit, and no apartment and no prospect at all!

Why are we looking for a rich man?

You, of course, remember the stories that my mother read to you as a child and that you are now reading to their children. We were not brought up on articles about Marxism and Leninism, we were told of Cinderella, who is married to a rich prince and Ivan the Fool, who married the richest princess.

That now we adults call greed, profit, calculation was embedded in us since childhood. It is a natural desire of every girl could meet a handsome prince. Note! Not of Emel the stove we dreamed of as a child, namely a prince!

When are lovely teenage years, and we are confronted with elementary everyday problems (buy bread, washing powder, pay utility bills), we have a natural desire to be sure that we can for all this to pay at this month and next .

Money gives us confidence in the future, give us freedom and independence to many things. When a person begins to "push elementary bytovuha" from the romance no trace remains.

HOW TO BE sweet paradise in a tent, when the winter hut THIS WILL NOT heated?

Calculation in a relationship - it is a natural need, but ...

When a marriage of convenience becomes a mistake?

As for material gain are you ready to make concessions, to break their principles and freedom, this money grows into a relationship, and you begin to demand from his men the money as if it is obligated to buy you a new mink coat and pay twelfth this year's trip to Egypt .

Naturally the desire that we all want to live well and beautifully.

But if you're willing to live with a man without experiencing any feelings for him, but the desire to once again reached into his wallet, sooner or later you will regret it.

I do not want to scare you type the phrase "God sees everything," but just think about what you would if you did the same as you're doing with your "sponsor"? Truth is that to pay for everything, it is still relevant.

Yes, you can excuse yourself with some facts of his life (it is necessary to raise to the baby's feet, you do not want to return to the "communal" to her mother), but then I ask you another question: Who gave you the right to sacrifice the feelings of one person for the sake of the other's feelings ? Decide, of course, you.

I know a lot of couples, where my friend got married on the calculation, and all they have successfully develops in marriage: her husband, over time, feelings, love, family relations smooth and harmonious.

But that's the question, "Do you stay with him, if he ceases to make good money?", I hear the answer is "no, I will look for another rich." I do not wish any man a wife. Yes, and you yourself would not wish her husband, ready to get away from you if you suddenly remain without a job, right?

What men think about a marriage of convenience?

Stanislav, 34 years old:

"The fact that women are all the time looking at my car and a suit, immediately puts the greatest obstacle to our own, so to speak, spiritual relationship. Ladies used to look in my wallet as well as I used to look at their feet. It's puts a very negative imprint.

Prev. - Next. "
