Our liver with her bile ducts and gall bladder - one of the toughest and most important systems of the body, however, as everything that Nature gave us unique.
A well-functioning liver - is ultimately whole body health.
The two main functions of the liver - a blood purification, washing every cell of our body, and participate in the digestion of food that gives the energy necessary for life. Interestingly, the performance of these two functions is not at the same time, and distributed by time of day so that the body kept the biological rhythm, inherent nature.
At night, when we sleep, the body rests and all systems work with minimum energy load, liver, cleanses the blood, choosing from her toxins accumulated during the day, and accumulate them in the night bile.
That is why it is so important to have breakfast before 7 am, because there is such a "flap", called the sphincter of Oddi, which is ready to open up and release toxic bile night, even if it enters the digestive system of a small amount of liquid. This process takes place from 5 to 7 o'clock in the morning.
So the first breakfast can serve all easy to prepare, but it is better if it will be 1/2 - 2/3 cup of broth hips, any herbs you like. This can be a cup of tea, coffee, and finally, just water.
Do not forget that the process of the morning garbage bile is very important, because in its absence is the bile that night, absorbs toxins, remains in us, and the whole day is poisoning the body.
Develop the habit of eating breakfast for the first time before seven in the morning, we protects the liver, and the whole body from diseases such as gastritis, cholangitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, urate diathesis, constipation, hemorrhoids.
The second important condition for normal functioning of the liver is a fraction (multiple) food.
This again is due to the biological rhythm of the body. He needs to every 2 hours was garbage bile that occurs in the digestion process. It is enough to eat a small piece of bread or a few plates soaked dried apples, raisins, nuts.
The method of such fractional nutrition helps the body physiologically and painlessly "crush" the stones and remove sand from the biliary system of the liver.
7-8 meals a day as it may seem strange, positive effect on the normalization of the hormonal system, because the enzyme system that responds to food intake into the body, starting from the salivary glands of the mouth and ending with the intestinal juice of small and large intestines, are closely It connected with the work of the endocrine glands.
Liver - a kind of pantry of nutrients the body (in particular, glycogen, which is used by the body in times of stress, "covers" are the organs and systems of the powerful adrenaline and noradrenaline). Liver - chemical factory, "A built" between the two systems - the digestive and circulatory system.
The imbalance in the action mechanism of this complex is the cause of many diseases in the gastro-intestinal tract, cardiovascular system, especially the heart. There is a very close relationship of the digestive system, liver and blood circulation.
We do not even suspect how important the correct operation of the liver. In support of this can result in the following example. Often the cause of swelling in the legs, we are looking at a violation of the cardiovascular system, but in fact this may cause poor lymph flow in the liver.
It contributes to the accumulation of gases in the colon, liver, pushing the chest and compressing the inferior vena cava, which leads to severe edema. And here is where we can help the fennel, rather than the urgent ECG. After all, with flatulence in young children, we just give them dill water. So why do we forget about it, when it comes to ourselves?
If any oil to bring to a boil, then it will turn into poison. So why are we still alive? Yes because there liver. She is able to deal with all the toxins that enter the body. Yogis call the liver "hard worker," which like the workhorse pulling his load to the end, until the death of the last cell.
Paul Bragg wrote, "in a pan boils our death." Overloading a diet low in animal fats during physical exercise leads to the fact that the blood stream "corked" wax-like particle cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the arteries. Bragg believed that atherosclerosis comes to us "not with age and with the diet."
Even before the violation of the liver will make you see a doctor, you can decide to review the work of the liver cells as your chair. After all, back in the old days, a country doctor did not allow patients to destroy the contents of the vase the night before his arrival.
For consistency, color and fat content of the chair can be judged on the liver cells in the liver which contains billions. Each of them is arranged in such a way that one part of it "incorporates" a waste from the blood, and the other "makes" these toxins in the bile ducts.
The digestion process takes place emission of bile into the duodenum where bile is actively involved in the digestion and stool formation. The chair should be soft, formed and bold. The absence of such a measure, as the fat content of the chair shows that the amount of fat ingested and is able to be recycled, exceeding the permitted limit.
The fat that remains unprocessed or delayed in the blood, contributing to the formation of atherosclerosis, narrowing of the lumen, or accumulates in the liver of the cell, depriving it of the ability to work.
Harbinger is a serious liver disease such as a functional disorder dyskinesia bile ducts.
Its symptoms are:
Heaviness in the right upper quadrant postprandial nausea in between meals, lack of interest in favorite dishes, bitterness in the mouth, belching, bad breath in the healthy teeth, sleep disturbance, indicating failures biorhythm of the liver.
All these symptoms are worse after taking fried, greasy, canned, smoked food. If time does not pay attention to them, that these processes may last for years, contributing to the formation of sand, stones, leading to inflammatory processes in the liver (hepatitis, cholangitis) and eventually to cirrhosis.
If you do not wear tight shoes, and you have the corn under the right little finger, pay attention to your liver. This is usually the first sign of trouble in the liver. He appears before you feel which side is the liver.