How to get rid of worms, worms, roundworm, pinworm

A lot of troubles give us the results of analyzes of feces. And without them, we see that the child is pale, not eating, he has no appetite, he gets tired quickly: can not focus, not sleeping at night grinds his teeth, often capricious, too whiny.

His disturbed intestinal pain, itching in the perineum and anus. Be sure to teach your child to wash his hands and when he comes from the street, and after the enjoyable games with your favorite cat or dog.

Much of what we recommend for children has to do with adults. And if suddenly you are having this trouble, try to get rid of it by means of effective, affordable, proven for decades and centuries. How to get rid of worms, helminths

Ascaris, pinworms, lamblia

C. Talma offers to prepare a paste of 150-200 g peeled pumpkin seeds, and 2 raw eggs yolks. In the morning on an empty stomach to eat 20 g of herring (sardines). Do not drink. Soak 2 hours warmer on the right side. Every 30 minutes to eat 20 g of herring (of 4 reception herring). Then eat a mixture of pumpkin seeds.

Light treatment for worms for kids of any age.

Onions and garlic (5 g), mash well, stir in 300 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Make an enema in the morning and evening for two consecutive days.

Strawberries: 3-5 cups a day and eat at the same time in the morning and evening to do an enema with garlic and onions. The course of treatment - 3 days.

Decoction of herbs centaury, wormwood - 25 On 8 consecutive days, morning and evening drink 1 glass of infusion rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture to 1 cup of boiling water. On the eighth day evening drink another 2 cups of the infusion of tansy, elecampane root, dried fruits blueberry - just a teaspoon.

Carrot juice. Drink 1/2 cup in the morning and continue to drink every 30 minutes another 4 times 1/3 cup. 2:00 Then do not drink or eat. In the evening, put a cleansing enema. If the daily drink carrot juice or grated carrots 7-9 days per month, the child will never be worms.

Bilberry fruit is very useful for pinworms. Nordic School Helminthologists widely practiced treatment for blueberries. There can be fresh, milk, jelly making, fruit juice. Within 24 hours, along with the feces out a large number of pinworms. It is desirable for a day to eat a kilogram of blueberries.

MED 1/2 teaspoon 7-9 times a day. But nothing else to eat or drink that day. This procedure is carried out under the supervision of parents. The next - any vegetable dishes. There is a mass mortality of worms.

Red ash: take a pinch of flowers or 10-12 berries in 2 cups of boiling water. Insist less than an hour. Strain and drink a few sips 5-7 times a day.

If the presence of worms observed nausea, it can remove 1/2 cup of water with a teaspoon of salt.


The perfect tool - gruel of pumpkin seeds with honey.

Prepare it as follows: the seeds to dry, but do not fry them clean to avoid damaging the thin green shell. Small portions grind in a mortar, adding dropwise water. The resulting mass is mixed with honey.

Adult single dose is sufficient 300 grams of seeds, 1/4 cup water, 1 tablespoon of honey. All this mixture to eat on an empty stomach one hour to 1 teaspoon. After 3 hours to take a laxative, and another 30 minutes to put a cleansing enema.

Children treated with honey, pumpkin porridge conduct courses (2-4) with a break for 2-3 days.

Helminthology recommend two days before treatment to give the baby mashed vegetable food. On the eve of the treatment of dinner should be light. In the morning on an empty stomach to give honey pumpkin porridge, and after 1, 5-2 hours to put a cleansing enema. As a rule, enough 2-3 such procedures.

A child aged 2-3 years - 50 g of honey pumpkin porridge, 4-5 - 70 g, 6-7 - 90 g, 8-9 - 120 g, 10-12 - 150 g, 13-15 - 200 g

Pumpkin seeds are crushed with the skin in a meat grinder, cover with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and evaporated in a water bath for 2 hours. Broth drain, remove oil from the surface of the film. The whole broth consume on an empty stomach for 20-30 minutes. After 2 hours, then take a saline laxative. Adults decoction of 500 grams of seed, for children up to 5 years - 100-150 g, 5-7 years - 200 g, up to 10 years - 300 g

50-100 g of fresh peeled pumpkin seeds pounded, rubbed with sugar (1 tablespoon). Take on an empty stomach at one time with water or milk. Then drink castor oil. The next day, repeat the procedure. Suffice it to hold four courses. The effect is wonderful.

The air-dried pumpkin seeds cleaned of hard skin, leaving the green inner shell. Treated seeds grind in a mortar in small portions, and then rinse the mortar 1/2 cup of water and pour it into mashed seeds. 300 g - dose for an adult human.

You can add 50-100 grams of honey or jam without any red berries. Thoroughly mix. The resulting mixture was taken on an empty stomach, lying in bed. Eat small portions. After 3 hours, take 20-30 g saline laxative, and after 30 minutes an enema. There can be only after the stool caused by enema. Children aged 3-4 years - 75 g of a mixture of 5-7 - 100 g, 8-10 - 150 g, 10-15 - 200-250 g

Successfully "chase" all kinds of worms pericarp of green walnuts. 100g pericarp chop, pour 1 liter of boiled water, 1 hour wrapped in a towel. Drink 1/2 cup every hour after eating. On this day, nothing but pumpkin seeds do not have. At night, an enema. A week later, repeat the procedure.

Get rid of the worms help 0, 5 liters of milk and a head of garlic. Garlic crushed, pour boiling milk, pour into the pot. When the milk has cooled down a bit, then put the pot on the child. This procedure was repeated several times a day. To quickly and completely get rid of worms, at the same time you can make microclysters with garlic milk. On this day there are mashed potatoes with herring (anchovies), but you can starve.

The method of getting rid of worms for naughty children. 1 teaspoon chopped garlic pour 1/2 cup of low-fat milk. Boil for 1-2 minutes on low heat. Strain and drink on an empty stomach. On this day, there is only mashed potatoes.

Hemorrhoids, as a treat, get rid of hemorrhoids

One of the unpleasant and quite common effects of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract is hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids - from the Greek "bleeding", the old Russian name - pochechuy.

The appearance of pain in the rectum and red blood in the stool suggests the presence of hemorrhoids.

The use of our recommendations will save you from further development of the disease and the need to turn to surgery.

Recommends a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Tabasco, alcohol and other products that contribute to constipation, - delete.

Limit fats, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, chocolate, cocoa, nicotine. From radish advised to refuse, since it provokes and aggravates the hemorrhoids and can cause bleeding.

It is advisable to avoid long walk, work stand. Do not sit on a cold place.

At the beginning of the disease it is useful to take a daily sitz baths for 5-7 minutes at a water temperature of 28-35S, only 10-12 procedures.

In hemorrhoids impose a leaf for 2 hours. If they are of concern, then remove the leaves and wash away. After 1-2 days, repeat the procedure.

2-3 tablespoons of chamomile brew 1 cup of boiling water, leave for an hour in a well-sealed container. Strain. Use exterior washes.

Protivogemorroidalny tea: senna, grass, yarrow, buckthorn bark, fruits coriander, licorice root - all in equal proportions. 1 tablespoon of the mixture brew in 1 cup boiling water, leave to cool, strain through cheesecloth. Drink at night for 1/2 cup.

2 teaspoons dry grass Persicaria maculosa (hemorrhoidal grass) at 0, 5 liters of water, simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, insist 2 hours. Strain and take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

1 tablespoon chopped herbs Hypericum perforatum pour 1 cup boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes on low heat, strain and drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day 20-30 minutes after eating.

From mature mountain ash berries squeeze the juice. Take 75-100 grams of juice three times a day 40 minutes after a meal with water at room temperature. Optionally add honey or sugar. If the juice of fresh mountain ash drink a long time, it heals even the internal hemorrhoids.

2 teaspoons chopped herbs horsetail make a glass of boiled water, 1 hour, drain, drink a sip during the day (bleeding).

2 teaspoons chopped dandelion root pour 1 cup of boiled cold water, insist 8 hours. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

1 tablespoon of dried nettle leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon of 5 times a day.

In the presence of strong hemorrhoidal pain, a mixture of nettle leaves and bark of buckthorn (8 g). A mixture of sugar and 1 liter of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain. Drink 1/2 cup, preferably in the form of heat, 3 times a day (one of them must again overnight).

To prepare the infusion of therapeutic enemas. 1 teaspoon of flaxseed pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. On 1 enema enough 50 ml slightly warmed mucus. With a sharp irritation of the rectum The amount of infusion reduced to 20-30 ml, but most do an enema.

From raw potatoes cut a candle inserted in the anus, if very dry, then dip into the honey candle. Contraindicated to use and much green with sprouting potatoes.

At the initial stage of the formation of hemorrhoids and fissures in the rectum is recommended to swallow without chewing garlic cloves.

With spastic colitis: microclysters - 50-100 ml of 30% solution of honey in warm boiled water (3 parts honey to 10 parts water).

From recipes collected C. Talma: 1 g of the mummy + 1 teaspoon of honey and a few drops of boiled water, stir, divided into 10 parts, 1/10 to enter into the rectum at night. The course of treatment 10 days.

Baths and compresses to the anal area. Infusion of the collection: the seed of the horse chestnut - 30 grams (one of the best venotonicheskih funds), chamomile flowers - 30 g, sage leaves - 20 g, oak bark - 50 g You can use a different collection: oak bark - 50g, field horsetail - 20 g valerian root - 20 g

Ointment adipose rib mesh pig. Fat simmer on a steam bath for 12-14 hours, then add the same amount pochechuynoy grass. Mix well to make candles and put them into the anus or lubricated with ointment obtained anus. The procedure is repeated morning and evening.

The ancient recipe from hemorrhoids from Zemsky medical book. 1 liter of milk and 2 finely chopped onion 1:00 simmer in the oven. Pour into a pot, put a circle, take to couples got on hemorrhoids. This warm foot wrap. The procedure continues until until cool milk. Repeat after 3 days. To cure enough 4-6 procedures.

A decoction of leaves of wild strawberry. Good to eat in and do compresses on the protruding components. 1 tablespoon dried leaves (better to collect them in the fall) to 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes after eating.

In the Ukraine, is widely practiced treatment of hemorrhoids berries Kalina. 20 berries brew 1 cup of boiling water. Drink throughout the day, eat the bones, they are no less useful than the berries.

Blueberries. A decoction of the leaves is used for enemas and external compression. Very good in this eat berries, and drink blueberry juice.

The long, poorly treatable hemorrhoids cures Vitamin K. This vitamin should be added rutin (vitamin P), but the recipe should consult your doctor. Because vitamins are prepared oily compresses.

Within 5 days to eat 2 cups dogwood berries with seeds. The effect of this wonderful treatment. There are cases where after the treatment completely passed the illness.

When bleeding from propolis ointment used. 70 g vaseline, 20 g of lanolin fine grind and add 10 g of propolis. Heat in a water bath, stirring occasionally for 10 minutes. Applying ointment 2-3 times a day.

Good help tea, yarrow, buckthorn bark, fennel seed, lemon balm. Taken in equal amounts. 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour 1 cup of cold water, leave for 6 hours and then cook for 10 minutes. Strain and drink 2-3 times a day 30 minutes after eating 1/2 cup.

Leaves DAISY. 3 teaspoons of raw chopped, pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 8 hours and drink 2-3 times a day for 1/3 cup of 30-40 minutes after eating.

In chronic hemorrhoids, you can treat yourself to a nice treatment: two days per month (winter-spring), every 2 hours to drink 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or lemon slice to eat 7-8 times a day.

Eucalyptus leaves. 300 g of finely chopped herbs, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil. Wrap 30 minutes. Strain. Do microclysters or compresses.

When bleeding hemorrhoids nice crumbly buckwheat helps if its saucer to eat 3-4 times a day.

You can cook poppies MILK 3 tablespoons poppy rub with 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar. Take 3 tablespoons in the morning and evening. The dose may be increased if there bladder pain and blood in the urine.

Broth flowers pumpkin, zucchini, squash, cucumbers. 1 tablespoon of the mixture to 1 cup of boiling water. The broth to drink during the day, from flowers to make a compress. You can add 1 to the treatment of a glass of pumpkin juice. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes after eating. The course of treatment six to eight weeks.

For successful treatment of hemorrhoids Zemsky doctors advised to use the drug not only inside, but also make them compresses, lotions, microclysters.

If the treatment is carried out in the complex, it is possible to eliminate this disease.
