Diarrhea how to get rid of diarrhea treatment

Ordeal can be diarrhea - a disease of "dirty hands".

It appears from the poor quality of food and water, the incompatibility of the eaten food.

Poorly washed vegetables, fruits may also lead to that the chair will be frequent and liquid. If this condition is caused by microbial-bacterial agent (cholera, dysentery), you need hospital treatment.

There is an opinion in a few hours if taken preventive measures to combat diarrhea improvement does not occur, then it is necessary to call a doctor immediately.

Try the tips that will help you in the establishment of the intestine.

MA Nosal recommended to do an enema of water infusion orchids. Babies brew 1 teaspoon adults 1 tablespoon in a cup of boiling water. Insist to cool, strain.

The old and perfectly valid prescription from diarrhea: the powder of the dry film coating the stomach chicken. The film is well washed, dried, crushed. Store in a jar. We advise to always have this therapeutic powder in the house. To receive a sufficient pinch pour the powder into 1 teaspoon of water. Take several times a day.

In the summer should prepare green walnut shells. It must be cut into small pieces, dried. Brew 1 tablespoon of raw 1 cup of boiling water. It is better to do it in a thermos. Drink 1 tablespoon several times a day.

Strawberry, strawberry, sour plums, cherries (preferably dry), pears (better decoction of dried, especially wildings), blackberries, blueberries, fresh green (not ripe) APPLES. Eat these foods throughout the day.

Good help from diarrhea broth young twigs and stalks of cherries. It should be drier in winter easily accessible drug. 1 tablespoon of raw pour 1 cup boiling water, it is best to use a thermos for 3-4 hours. Strain and drink a few sips every 30 minutes.

Eucalyptus leaves 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of boiling water. Insist to cool, drink 1/4 cup 6-8 times a day. It is desirable in this day there is rice porridge.

Not bad helps decoction of yarrow. 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water 11/2. Insist to cool, drink a few sips 7-9 times a day.

For centuries, successfully treat diarrhea stamens petals. 1 teaspoon (or 7 g), pour 1 cup boiling water, preferably in a thermos. Drink a few sips 7-8 times a day.

Strong infusion of hypericum. 2 tablespoons to 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 20-30 minutes, strain, drink a little during the day prior to the termination of diarrhea. Recovery is faster when this infusion of garlic add water 1 crushed garlic zubochek or squeeze the juice into 1/2 cup of water. Mix extracts, drink throughout the day. To eat at this time of cereals, cooked only on the water, or drink strong tea with crackers.

Well treat diarrhea leaves and berries of barberry. Be sure to stock up on this useful drug. 1 tablespoon leaves or berries to 11/2 cups of boiling water. It is better to brew in a thermos and insist for 3 hours. Drink several times for a few sips.

The old and well-acting prescription from diarrhea - BIRCH ASH. 1 tablespoon of ash pour 1/2 cup of boiling water. Allow to cool. This slurry sucked gradually over 3-4 hours.

Oak bark: 1 tablespoon to 1 cup of boiling water. Allow to cool. Take 1 teaspoon every 15-20 minutes.

If dysentery is good to use infusion of psyllium. Tired of the evening 1 tablespoon of raw 1 cup boiling water. Infuse in a thermos overnight, filter, start drinking in the morning 1/3 cup every 30 minutes, washed down with 1/3 cup of hot water, if you normally carry it.

Monodiet relieve constipation and to establish the bowels

How lovingly we treat the heart and how to pay little attention to the intestine, the everyday, every second worker, is doing very important, roughing, base, at first glance, the work.

According to the calculations of American scientists, we spend only 5-7 minutes a day on this job, which is the harmonization of the metabolic processes in the body.

It must be remembered about his need for tissue: beets, carrots, cabbage, apples, prunes and other sour-sweet fruit. The smoothly functioning cleaning system of any organism, the less likelihood of problems in it.

Here's what you can do to prevent constipation and organize the work of the intestine:

For gentle treatment of the bowel is not necessary to "fill up" it unnecessary amount of food; to eat, unless every two hours, at least every day at the same time of day.

In the fight against constipation is very important season by season. From July to October, during the late summer and autumn fruitful, we can not only correct existing shortcomings in the work of the intestine, and "whip" him to the stable operation during the winter-spring period.

Adhering to the following diet and recommendations, you will be able to see this.

During a diet, it is desirable to drink 1/3 cup 30 minutes before a meal the next seven decoction of herbs: mint, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, senna leaf, buckthorn bark, fennel seeds (just five herbs, only their need to take in equal proportions) . 1 tablespoon of the mixture steamed in the evening in a thermos for 0, 5 liters of boiling water.

Drinking on an empty stomach and at night, and 1/2 cup of broth, if not help, then take a still day.

Monodiet relieve constipation and to establish the bowels

1st day

Fresh salad, to which add fresh carrots, apples, greens, 50-60 g of fresh beets. Vegetable oil.

2nd day

Hercules: 1 cup to 3 cups of water, add fresh porridge or soaked dried apples. In autumn and winter, it is desirable to add a viburnum berries.

3rd day

500 g low-fat cottage cheese, fresh apple 1-2, 15-20 pieces of prunes. Another option is to add the cottage cheese 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, dill, parsley, celery, 1 clove garlic, 1 bell pepper.

4th day

Apples. It is desirable to most of the apples to bake, make a mousse, jelly. For this apple peel, chop, add 3 tablespoons semolina, any jam or some sugar water to cover the apples, and put in 15 minutes in the oven on a small fire.

Day 5

Porridge buckwheat - 1 cup cereal to 3 cups water. During cooking, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and finely chopped small onion. Summer - dill, parsley.

6th day

Beans or peas (1-1, 5 cups). Boil. Add plenty of dill, parsley. You can make a casserole, adding two eggs and leaves of horseradish.

7th day

Stuffed cabbage. Preferably with minced vegetables (onions, carrots, greens and millet, rice, buckwheat). Cook sauce to your liking. The variant - "lazy" stuffed. Cabbage can make burgers or steaks.

Day 8

Vermicelli with the addition of meat (nautically), but preferably with cheese or feta cheese and herbs (dill, parsley, celery).

9th day

Red Diet soup with beans or cold beetroot soup. Cooking for a familiar and favorite recipes.

10th day

Cereal grains of wheat or millet (2/3 cup grits 2, 5 cups of water) and a compote of fresh berries and fruit or uzvar prepared 3 days before use.

As an alternative to the discharge of the day - 1-2 kg of apricots, peaches (in summer).

In winter and autumn, it may be 1 liter of birch, plum, apricot, alychevogo, cornel juice, to which is added 1/3 cup of beet or carrot juice.

Treatment of constipation, how to get rid of constipation


Among the violations in the gastrointestinal occupy a special place constipation, poisoning our lives in the literal and figurative sense.

This - a pathological condition characterized by a delay of stool in the body more than 2 days. Many people suffering from constipation, practically do not feel any discomfort for a long time. Therefore, they do not pay attention to it.

But while constipation occurs self-poisoning organism waste his life.


When constipation processes of decay inherent and even desired by the body, strengthen and promote a more rapid and unpredictable in its consequences "wear and tear" of the intestinal mucosa, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestinal flora.

If constipation develops intestinal dysbiosis. Apart from the lack of daily bowel movements and constipation may manifest itself in the daily life of unexplained headaches, earthy-gray complexion, shortness of breath not related to diseases of the cardiovascular system, weakness, drowsiness, unmotivated fatigue, loss of interest in previously favorite foods.

Changes in the regularity of the chair, his consistency, color, formation of the appearance of a particularly unpleasant, pungent smell is already evidence of functional and organic changes in bowel habits.

And since it is the system volume in the body, the pain arising at each site, make themselves felt on the stage of the disease when it is difficult to fight.

Oriental medicine states that on the walls of the intestine, as well as on the foot and on the surface of the ear, are the projections of all the vital organs.

Imagine that for a long time you can not even get rid of sinusitis or folk or traditional methods, but in fact on a projection of the nasopharynx in the gut "lay down" and got comfortable there fecal stone.

If you caught myself on the fact that there was a desire to take with them to the bathroom a magazine or book, it shows a tendency to constipation.

"Lazy" work glandular mucous apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract is formed from an early age the child's habit of sitting at a desk for long periods, have not started to eat. The optimal duration of a meal should not exceed 15 minutes. Trapeznichaya a long time, we accustom your bowels sluggish to work. Repeating this every day, we force the organism as a whole to move to a less intense energy exchange.

For constipation, intestinal, weak his work when it seems that the food is "stone", we not only want to eat, but lost interest in food. "Gravity" is so palpable, that may appear weakness, rise not only the pressure but also the temperature. If this condition becomes a habit, then a day or two waiting chairs are replaced by attempts during that whatever the cost to have it.

Every month we should fight harder as quickly cease effective help to this facility. By the famous arsenal recommend you add are listed below.

Salad "I whisk".

Coarsely grate the carrots, beets, apples - all in their raw form. 2-3 times a day to eat it at 70-100 g, season with vegetable oil or sour cream. Salad sure to eat on an empty stomach in the morning and at night for 2-3 hours before bedtime. Excellent salad helps after a one-day fasting.

For constipation, intestinal and chronic colitis is incredibly useful tea from the twigs of cherry. Curative effect of those branches, which alone fall to the ground after flowering. Sprigs collected, washed well, trying to preserve the color. Dry. Store in a paper bag. Once again: not to break branches and collect from the ground.

Brewed as a tea: 1 tablespoon finely Family Dining mangled sprigs 2/3 cup boiling water. Drink only freshly brewed tea during the day. If you do not have time to collect the twigs during flowering, you can collect them when ripe cherry. The most pronounced curative effect of branches of the darkest color of cherries.

At locks in a season MELON nakushatsya try it a little more. We must remember that the melon is not compatible with any food. She individualist and just can not stand in the bowels of society other products. The body will thank you for this treatment - would give most or all fecal debris in the gut.

Very useful for bowel draining. Treat yourself to the season: in a few days to eat her blade. The most useful is the drainage and treatment, which can be easily separated bone.

German chemists during the time of Peter I offered coffee infusion (do not boil, it is a treatment, not for pleasure), which perfectly influences intestinal motility: 1 teaspoon to 1/2 cup of boiling water. Brewed as a tea. Drink only warm. The infusion is useful to drink coffee in the morning and once or twice during the day.

We should not forget that garlic soothes and relieves pain, kills unnecessary and necessary to restore intestinal bacterial environment. If your body is resistant to garlic, then during the day should be eaten one zubochek or rubbed them a crust of black (gray) of bread or a small piece of bacon (8-10 g). This amount of fat has an excellent choleretic effect, which also contributes to a normal intestinal peristalsis.

Enhances bowel tops beets and radishes. Brew 1-1, 5 tablespoons of dry or fresh raw 1 cup of boiling water and drink instead of tea 5-6 times a day for 1/4 cup.

In the autumn-winter-spring can be nasushit rhubarb root. Take 20 minutes before a meal at the tip of a teaspoon until then, until the work of the intestine is not normal.

OAK ACORN cleaned from the husk, cut into 3-5 pieces, dried in the oven, grind to a powder in a coffee grinder. And you can assume that you have a coffee, you'll be sure to drink milk. Disappear heaviness in the stomach and intestines, bowel movements become systematic.

European doctors a few centuries ago as a remedy for the sluggish bowel offered ... BEER. Do not be carried away by them - it is the only treatment. Drink 1/4 cup 4-5 times a day for 20-30 minutes before eating.

Very good regulates gastrointestinal camomile tea: 1 tablespoon per 3 cups of boiled water, not more than an hour, strain and drink as tea without restrictions.

Red ash, taken after the first frost: 10-12 berries knead, pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist to cool. Drink 4-5 times a day.

If the inside of both feet is keratinization, calluses, corns, it is an indicator that the intestinal motility change in the direction of atony. There may be constipation, which is not very concerned about, but in the gut already is narrowing.
