Gastritis with high acidity, how to lower the acidity

Same Honey water, but one hour before meals or cold substantially reduces gastric acidity gastritis.

The most common treatment recipe potato juice: Grate the potatoes thoroughly washed with peel, squeeze the juice and drink 30 minutes before eating 1/4 cup 3 times a day, gradually adjusting the dose up to 2/3 cup. Juice should be freshly prepared. Juice Shake before use. Undesirable precipitation. The course of treatment - 4-5 weeks.

If you have stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers or persistent pain in the stomach treatment - 7-8 weeks. If it is difficult to take the juice 3 times a day, make sure you drink in the morning and evening. Preventive courses of treatment is preferably carried out in October and February.

For centuries, used to normalize the acidity of raw egg protein. Take 20-30 minutes before eating slightly chilled.

Dry leaves and thin branches of blackberries, mint and Melissa added to tea. Treatment blackberries mentioned in the XI century Travnik.

From August to October you can spend treatment plum or prune juice. Sort plum irrelevant. For 20-30 minutes before a meal should eat 100 grams of plums or drinking 1/3 cup juice. It is advisable not to miss a few days of treatment. The course - 27 days.

Fans extinguish heartburn baking soda can successfully replace her calamus root powder, which should be taken at the tip of a teaspoon, washed down with warm water. If no help once, then repeat 2-3 times in 20-30 minutes.

Gently normalizes acidity, reducing it to normal, mix: lime blossom, flaxseed, peppermint leaves, fennel seeds in equal proportions. 1 tablespoon of the mixture brew a cup of boiling water. Insist to cool. Strain. Drink 50 g of 2 times a day as long as it becomes easier. This treatment is prolonged.

Those who suffer from gastritis, it must be remembered that the spring - a time not only of love but also of exacerbation.

Gastritis "time" (less than 10 years) are well treated with a mixture of 3 parts of the fruits and flowers of mountain ash and 1 part calamus root. 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour 1 cup of cold water. Insist hour, bring to a boil, cool, strain. Drink in the form of heat for half a cup 2-3 times a day before meals.

Lower acidity to normal help beet. Make juice and beet salad. A good action and has boiled beets.

Antique and effective means to reduce the acidity of a pumpkin porridge, cooked 1 part milk and 2 parts water. Use pumpkin availability and the possibility of long-term storage, to carry out not only prevention, but also treatment.

When "galloping" acidity, which is usually caused by neurogenic, stressors, perfectly helps the drink made up of one part beet juice, 2 parts apple juice and 1 part carrot juice.

During exacerbation of gastritis with any acidity or transferred against heart attack, stroke and operations of the abdominal cavity can be prepared Protein steam omelet.

Zemsky doctors treated any acidity of green apples.

It is necessary to clean the apples peel and core. Rub them on a fine grater and eat. To do it best on an empty stomach. 3-5 hours do not eat, drink. At night there is no apples will be much flatulence. Duration of treatment: the first month - every day, the second - two to three times a week, and the third - to eat apples once a week.

Gastritis with low acidity, as the increase

At low acidity of gastric juice for 20-30 minutes before a meal to take 1/4 cup of warm boiled water with 1/2 teaspoon of honey (honey water) three times a day.

At zero acidity in honey water, add 1 tablespoon of juice of plantain leaves and decoction of dried raspberry leaves (1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water - insist 1:00). Plantain leaf juice and raspberry leaf decoction stored in the refrigerator.

The same pattern can take a drink from the berries of sea buckthorn and wild rose.

Useful apricots in bulk and dried, and apricot juice. Take 30 minutes before the meal - optimum operating conditions to increase acidity.

Since autumn berries can prepare cranberries, Gulf of cold boiled water. Drink this water all winter 1/4 cup for 20-30 minutes before eating. Water should be refilled daily. And in April, you can have yourself berries 1 teaspoon before meals. Vitamins and minerals found in cranberries, a good remedy for spring beriberi.

Fans GRAPES can increase the acidity of gastric juice, eating the fleshy varieties of this miraculous fruit. You need to eat 100-150 grams of grapes for 20 minutes before eating.

Moderately increases the acidity of porridge from fresh cucumbers, as well as dishes, which include boiled cabbage.

In order to increase the acidity in canning cucumbers, zucchini squash and vinegar can be replaced with sorrel.

Very good for acidity BEAN all kinds: from her mashed filling for pies and dumplings. It is added to soups, vinaigrettes, salads. Out of beans you can bake a lovely cake.

In autumn and winter preparing mashed turnips grated fresh vegetable oil - an old recipe.

Resistant and long-term meat diet increases the acidity.

Lemongrass reduced increases and decreases acidity. 2 grams of seed magnolia vine is enough for the day. You can cook the juice from the fruit, and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes after eating. The effect occurs within 40 minutes, the effect of lemongrass lasts 5 hours. Another positive feature of berries - the elimination of pain in the stomach.

Acidifying alcohol tincture unripe walnuts.

10-15 unripe fruit quickly cut into thin slices, pour 0, 5 liters of vodka. Better infused into a glass jar, tightly closed, at room temperature for 14 days. Strain. Tincture has a pleasant smell, has a dark color, suitable for long-term storage. Good help for pain in the stomach. Take 3 times daily after meals - 1 tablespoon of liqueur to pour into a glass of water.

To normalize the acidity of gastric juice can be using MEDA and butter, taken in equal proportions. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

It is useful to drink before eating carrot juice - 1/4 cup.

In spring, summer and autumn is good in salads plantain leaves, make them drink juice and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 10 minutes before eating.

Recommendations for diseases of the stomach and intestines, pain

Since all the food that enters the body inevitably enters the stomach and lingers there for digestion, then the best way to treat gastric disorders - is the correct diet.

Unfortunately, we were very available uniform set of products. We eat regularly and spontaneously, often than necessary. All this leads to the fact that synchronization is broken in neurovascular and glandular secretory apparatus of the stomach.

An unpleasant and sometimes a metallic taste in the mouth, there is a reverse throw food into the esophagus, and sometimes it is so powerful that the bile into the esophagus (a symptom of "reflex"), and its taste is felt in the mouth.

There are frequent complaints of heaviness in the stomach, food is digested. No appetite. Eating turns into an unpleasant duty, from which a person is trying to hide. There is just a feeling of fear.

In such cases, you must train yourself to split meals and amount of food eaten at one time should be minimized. Cooking should not only tasty, but to comply with at least the elements serving napkin on the table, plates, cups, tea, coffee.

Eat unaccompanied TV and radio, do not read the book. Do not carry on a conversation on politics, economics. You must eat. Understand that all of this is part of a single complex treatment.

For pain, cramps and heaviness in the stomach, loss of appetite, belching and heartburn

Tea made from a mixture of chamomile and yarrow flowers (trees). To prepare the mixture of colors taken in equal proportions. Collect and harvest from June to October. Dessert spoon mixture into a teapot, drink during the day, preferably 20 minutes before eating.

Well relieves pain calamus root. You can cook "airovoe" wine: 100 g of fresh, pre-washed, finely chopped calamus root pour 1 liter of natural white wine. Cover tightly, place in a dark place at room temperature. After 14 days, the wine is ready. Strain. Drink a sip for 30 minutes before and after meals. It is advisable to drink 10-12 sips of wine a day.

For the treatment of diseases of the stomach is useful eucalyptus leaves. 20 g of eucalyptus leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist to cool. Strain. Drink 50 g 6 times a day before meals.

The leaves and berries of barberry long been used to treat disorders of the stomach. On teapot enough 1 tablespoon dried or fresh leaves. Brewed as a tea. Drink throughout the day in between meals. The berries can be used to make juice, syrup, jam, jam.

If the observed high blood pressure and "failures" of the heart, the barberry normalize not only the stomach, but deliver us from the troubles in the cardiovascular system. Have alkaloid berberine in barberry will contribute to this.

Good BASIL (Regan) to increase your appetite, relieve spasms and pain. Avicenna recommended for the treatment young, soft, fragrant, top, violet leaves, calling them the "fragrance worthy of kings." 1-2 teaspoons of dried or fresh basil pour 1 cup boiling water, simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes. Cool. Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

It relieves pain and cramps in the stomach a cup of coffee. Brew coffee must be medium strength. Drink preferably with cream, milk or lemon. Strong coffee does not possess analgesic effect.

Zemsky doctor Stepan Matveyevich Arensky pain in the stomach advised to use Ill (greens). Finely chop dill and brew it as a tea, can be used dry. 1 tablespoon green grind with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and pour 11/2 cups boiling water. Eat 1/2 teaspoon of the mixture for 20-30 minutes before eating.

SM Arensky said that the same curative effect of mint and lemon balm. Dosage is individual. You can chew the leaves and add them to any salad, mint tea brewing.

According to SM Arensky, antispasmodic action the poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts, grains, meal. It is desirable that some of the above have in the house, to prevent acute pain attacks, and prophylactically to use these delicious products.

SM Arensky advised to prepare for stomach "flour" brew: 1 tablespoon (30 grams) of grain flour, pearl barley, crushed corn, beans, peas, lentils. Pour mixture of 15 thin tea glasses of water, simmer on low heat for 3 hours while the left 1/3 of the broth. Add 1 teaspoon of salt. Strain.

Good help the elderly and children, especially when even mother's milk causes spasms, pain, fermentation. Babies take 1 teaspoon, adults - 1 tablespoon several times a day before meals. This broth can be used as an independent food. Take as long until it is noticeable relief.

When atony stomach cramps, loss of appetite, pain in the pit of the stomach, belching, nausea SM Arensky advised ingest 1/2 teaspoon 6-7 times a day the crust of lemon, powdered with sugar or honey.

Perfectly valid crust infused with natural white or red wine. 1 liter of wine, a lemon crust, insist 7 days. Strain. Drink before and after lunch and dinner for 2 tablespoons. Nice and helpful treatment.

Good to treat kidney disease stomach broth Willow. Collect them should be in February, when there are furry "seals". Dry in the oven. Brew 1 tablespoon of the kidneys 1 cup boiling water in a thermos. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.
