Mono-diet in the treatment of diseases, the principle of the power of moderation

If you have, or the development of acute and chronic processes of the body is a mono-diet.

This means that all 7-8, and ulcers, depression all 9-10 times a day for food to eat one dish (such as a baked potato or buckwheat).

If such uniformity is unbearable, you can of these products to cook several different dishes.

For example, if the cheese, then during the day it can be varied: with raisins and walnuts, sour milk or yogurt, garlic and herbs.

If it is a beet, it can be served with horseradish sauce, always with vegetable oil, nuts, raisins, cranberry, berry blanks with fresh cucumbers, carrots, apples.

In the treatment of any disease monodiet must take into account the work of the enzyme system.

Each entity involved in the digestion of food has its enzymatic function. Our body produces about a hundred different enzymes with which there is cleavage and digestion to energy and water.

Each of these enzymes are responsible for the "processing" of certain food groups. So when we eat cucumbers with milk, bread and meat, eggs and potatoes, and the like, in the system of enzymes begins "panic", which resembles the Brownian motion of particles.

I wonder how you would react if you made while reading a book, paint a fence, a new outfit and try to play chess? Randomly mixing products in our body, we are laying the foundations of a malfunction of the digestive tract, general metabolism and even the hormonal system.

Priority day mono-diet, painted at the end of each chapter, must be strictly adhered to because it gives you the opportunity to rest in sequence to different groups of enzymes.

Under this system, each food enzyme is restored by discarding unnecessary, and again running at full capacity.

Any diet, used for obesity, including apple, cheese, meat, lettuce, egg, porridge (English, Hollywood diet for astronauts) will certainly provide for some time, reset the weight, but to destabilize the work of the enzyme system, and since the body during diet takes more acute, such deplorable imbalance.


There should be just enough to cover the costs of energy, while not forgetting about the daily biorhythms - "owl" in the morning to drink a cup of coffee, and the "early bird" breakfast prefer tightly. Perfect to start the day with the "Elixir of Life" - 0, 5 liters of broth of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, parsley, dill).

Do not forget that the food eaten without appetite, less useful. For the appetite - it's a habit and instinct. Since it can not be ignored. However, as with its internal biological clock. For example, if an 8 o'clock in the morning you take alcohol, the liver fall crushing blow.

But if you sit down at the table to 15 hours, you will get the greatest pleasure from food, because at this time of day the senses are sharpened to the limit, especially the sense of smell and taste. When there is? Ideal snacking every two hours and, preferably, every day at the same time, the body automatically to produce adequate digestion components for certain hours.

Particular attention should be given to the first breakfast (described in detail in the chapter devoted to the liver). But why do we just have to have breakfast for the first time in the summer to 7, and in winter to 8 o'clock in the morning?

Imagine the dawn. Remember how suddenly wakes nature: colorful polyphony filled with birds, animated plant life, your dog or cat, waiting, when you wake up, eagerly rushes into the kitchen, looking ahead.

It starts a new day, a new life. Do not listen to those who say that the body has to "earn" their own breakfast. Believe me, it is nothing to you. And once you have it. For the fact that he suffers all bullying is and still manages to run smoothly.

Therefore, have your breakfast at a specified time to throw a night toxic bile, absorbed the negative results of yesterday's food and many other feats.

The culture of eating, the basic rules of supply

Many people recognize themselves in the portrait of a man bursts into the kitchen in a coat who eats his hands straight out of the pan, standing at the open refrigerator.

Do not forget how important the process of preparing the body to receive food.

While you nicely serviruete table included auditory, visual, auditory and other analyzers that help the body to prepare for the adoption of food, develop gastric juice.

In the old days the village was brought to younger children carefully wiped before dinner a large wooden table, not to mention the common prayer, is a kind of meditation. The concept of the "culture of eating", you can probably include the term "psychology of eating," meaning the human environment, the situation in the dining room, her lighting, sounding music.

In pre-revolutionary times, measured way of life contributed to the fact that each secured building strictly observed the clock meals and religiously revered tradition of afternoon family council.

The whole family gathered for a large dining table covered with starched tablecloths and napkins, served with fine china, crystal and shining polished to a high gloss cutlery, and each day of the week corresponds to a specific color of table linen. We dined in the bright, airy dining room with huge windows and coffee with brandy and cigars were served in a dimly lit room, where men passed for after-dinner conversations about politics.

During the meal, as a rule, they were quiet pointless conversation, allowing to eat slowly, carefully chewing. When a new neighbor of the estate were invited to dinner - it was a serious sign of attention and respect.

If we recall that in the same house all seems amazingly delicious, and the other - not really, though expensive products are used, benign and respected the recipes exactly, one is tempted to think: there is a kind of "bioenergy" cooking.

Quality of food depends on the mental attitude hostess, cook it. We know that there are people bioenergetically "suitable" and "unsuitable" to each other.

If you transfer this concept to the food, which is the body's main source for energy, it seems very significant rule described by Alexander Dumas in his novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" - did not have an enemy in the house.

Ministering the meal in all ages, in all the continents it was surrounded by a special atmosphere. At the table must prevail peace and goodwill. In no case should not sort things out.

In the ancient etiquette says that passing the table salt or bread, you must look into each other's eyes. Many noticed that not every person feel comfortable at the table, not all, you can sit at the table, eating and alcohol. Not for nothing among the admirers of the green serpent There is the concept of "light hand". All this also applies to food.

From our grandmothers we heard about people who do not trust cut the bread, because he immediately became callous. In one of the religious sects prohibited the East at bay wise woman to cook food during monthly hormonal update. We also believed that cabbage fermented during the full moon, never get tasty and crunchy.

These and other signs make you think about the great of all phenomena of Nature - the stars, plants, sounds, colors of the rainbow, the human body. As for the plants in the Ukraine has long loved to put on the table, clover, dandelions spring.

And in the imperial palaces and homes of large European nobles it was taken not only to decorate the tables with fresh flowers, but also to give meals to the sound of string orchestra. In Russia, the kings trapeznichat a song and dance of buffoons. These customs were not dictated by the whims of kings, they still carry a deep meaning.

The fact that light classical music relaxes the central nervous system, "liberating" the entire pancreas and enzyme system to work while eating only the digestive organs.

Basic rules of supply

There should be a pleasure, trying not to be distracted, then the food will be better assimilated.

Try not to take yourself additives. Be patient. The feeling of saturation comes a little later. If you ate a little better snack two hours. Well, if this is the carrot, apple, peach, peppers, oranges, oatmeal and even a pasta meal.

Not bad, if the hostess advance planning some meals and inform all members of the family. The person must be mentally prepared for the fact that he would have to have, and the enzymatic system will prepare for this gastrointestinal tract.

For 30 minutes before eating meat or fish, it is desirable to drink a glass of fresh vegetable juice (instead of greasy broth). Then gastric juice is highlighted in the quantities required for the digestion of proteins.

Before and after eating better not to drink. The liquid can come no earlier than 30 minutes after a meal.

And while the disease is desirable to have less and drink more. Try not to overfeed the patient is looked after. You will reduce their chances of a speedy recovery.

And most importantly, during the meal to maintain a good mood. "A merry heart - the best medicine" - said even the wise Solomon III millenium ago.
