It is dedicated to the description and justification of the methods of diets offered by the author and tested in practice.
Treatment of patients using this technique has given excellent results.
Even a country doctor in a similar way treated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, tuberculosis, depression and much more with what they encountered in their practice.
The technique is based on the following principles:
Power without bread, sugar, salt, butter (for the period of treatment is acceptable to add some salt only first courses);
7-8 of meals;
Mono-diet, which includes the reception during the day one type of product, such as all-day cereal, vegetables, first course.
Applying medicated diet by this method can not only treat the liver or stomach, but also to restore the broken relationship between systems and organs.
And because the human body - a complex biochemical laboratory, then these connections and clear communication are necessary in order to extend the life of each unit of the laboratory.
During monodiets is unloaded and the restoration of the body at both the macro and micro levels. This makes it possible not only to treat or heal any process, but also enter the body in a phase stable operation.
If a healthy person will develop the habit to 7 one-time food intake, even different products in one day, it will biochemically justified, because at every meal discarded bile, there is its update in the gall bladder, produces gastric juice normal acidity, all of its components in proportion to the balance.
In this way the power is used for each receive a small amount of food and the person does not have time very hungry for two hours, and the volume of the stomach is reduced and satiety needs less food. Man does not experience a feeling of heaviness after eating because the stomach allocated amount of juice in a position to revise eaten.
And most importantly - in the use of food 7-8 times a day in small portions we get rid of these unpleasant phenomena such as belching, heartburn, a bitter, metallic taste in the mouth. Begins work fine intestinal motility - the ability of the motor, giving the body a chance to form a stool for 24 hours and promptly bring them out of the body.
This important function is activated and performed in full only when the 7-8-mi meals a day. Having learned and adopting this way of power, significantly improves mood, it becomes more joyful perception of the world.
Not everyone knows about that part of the state of depression of spirit, "black" thoughts, explosive emotion, unmotivated tears and depression can be caused by a dysfunction of the liver, intestines, or poor performance of the adrenal glands. Suddenly it begins to seem that you are not wanted, you no longer love and forgotten.
This disease, which is not yet making itself felt pain syndromes, colors your life in gray and black tones. The book describes some of the symptoms, allowing to judge the small deviations in the work of various bodies.
Surprisingly, with some regularity, we are poisoning your body with environmentally dirty water, food, animal fat, the daily consumption of meat, alcohol, cigarettes, without delving into it, what a tremendous job doing all the cleaning system to eliminate the consequences of such "pleasure". Then suddenly we wonder what is the source of the disease.
But the liver, kidneys, heart, intestines can also "tired" and "strike" if their overwork. If you notice in your body signs of any disease or "receiving" a definite diagnosis is not necessary to come to the panic that paralyzes the will and dulls the mind.
Is it not better the energy that goes into it, to feel sorry for yourself, use a real help for the weakening of the body. After a certain mental attitude influences the course of the disease and, ultimately, its cure.
Only recently has the literature on what energy has enormous power of thought, the impact on our lives has a so-called mental sphere. History provides many examples of how faith in victory helped the soldiers to win hopeless battle.
Try to imagine any images that are dear to your heart, and often emerge by themselves. Not renounces them - they help to cope with the disease. After the analogy with nature that surrounds us, we can see that the diseased animals often leave the herd in search of medicinal plants.
When a person is sick, he wants to be alone, it irritates the familiar surroundings, inhibits food of animal origin.
The chemical composition of many plant foods and their effects on the human body, we found that many of them are able to help us heal, if you use them in the right combination, and prepared in a certain way.