Prevention and treatment of diseases of the gallbladder

Gallbladder disease

The gall bladder is a kind of store bile, the body needs to process an unexpected quantity and quality of food.

And since we rarely listen to the needs of our body and constantly "raping" his greasy, fried, heavy foods, then forced to work the emergency supply of bile into the frenetic, unusual for him, the rhythm. Because of these failures bile, which must flow freely - thickens.

Gallbladder mucosa ceases to resemble a thin suede and becomes like a parched, cracked earth pitted. Such a surface - fertile ground for the formation of sand and stones. In this case, the gallbladder is transformed from a depot backup of bile in the pouch, filled not with precious stones.

The power to change the configuration of the gall bladder sags, changing its normal position, putting pressure on the pancreas and causes prolonged unexplained pain in the stomach, intestines and even the spine. The resulting rocks, sand impede the normal renewal of bile, changing the mechanism of its action.

For the prevention and treatment of these processes use our recommendations.

Applying hot water bottle on the right side before going to bed 3 days a week.

2-3 times a week to sit quietly, tucked under her right foot in 10-15 minutes.

From an old recipe.

Every morning for 3 days to eat on an empty stomach 1 lemon peeled, milled in a meat grinder, add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. This recipe is used, even at high acidity and gastric ulcer.

Be collected in the ratio 2: 1: 1 - MINT, everlasting, daisy. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture at 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Simmer on very low heat for 30 minutes. Strain, drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

The course of treatment with olive oil will accelerate the fragmentation of stones in the gallbladder.

Every day before going to bed to drink 1 tablespoon oil and the juice immediately 0, 5 lemon. The course of treatment - 7-9 days. During treatment stick vegetable diet. Eliminate alcohol, smoking, coffee, eggs, foods that cause flatulence - bloating.

Over 3 days on an empty stomach to drink a mixture of: one egg yolk rub with 1 teaspoon of sugar, the same amount of lemon juice and brandy; gradually enter into the mix 1/2 cup of olive oil. Drink sips throughout the 30 minutes. Then lie on your right side on a heating pad, about 1 hour. Stones go smoothly with the feces.

With the advent of the first ground cucumbers, even when there is an old carrots and beets, cook a drink 1 tablespoon of beet juice, 2 tablespoons carrot juice, 2 tablespoons cucumber juice. Ideal to cook and drink this drink 20-30 minutes before each meal, but if this is not possible, then at least 2 times a day.

Please note that if the beet juice and cucumber retains its properties in one day when stored in the refrigerator, then carrot juice loses its therapeutic effect after 7 minutes after cooking. The treatment is carried out three times in three weeks, with an interval of one week.

After the first week break has kept pace with baby carrots. The course is repeated again for three weeks. And after a week's break - with the emergence of young beet - the last three weeks of treatment. By the way, cucumbers must be processed only in a purified form, and should refrain from the mask onto the face of the cucumber peelings.

If the pebbles and sand bred not only in the gall bladder, and kidney and bladder, it helps fine pomegranate juice. Take 2 tablespoons of juice for 20 minutes before meals 5-6 times a day. The treatment course - 10-14 days. You can take a break and repeat.

In autumn, the season of MELON 1 day per week you can devote to it. It is advisable to use the sort of "Farmer". Melons from Central Asia do not have a curative effect. During the day 6-8 times to eat 50-100 grams of melon. On this day you can not eat anything else.

Has the effect of crushing and removing stones leaves and berries cranberries. Recipe for cranberry water given in the section of gastric diseases, which deals with gastritis with low acidity.

In the presence of excesses and constrictions in the gallbladder can drink an infusion of arnica flowers: 10 grams of flowers pour 1 cup boiling water and infuse overnight, wrapped warmly. First time required to drink until 7 o'clock in the morning 1 tablespoon. Then during the day drink 5-6 times. Adults - 1 tablespoon, children - 1 teaspoon for 10-15 minutes before eating. Incredibly, this herb is useful for the cores.

Prepare the leaves, young twigs and berries of barberry. Use can be dry and fresh raw materials. Brewed as a tea: pour over boiling water kettle, fill it in 1 tablespoon of raw pour 2 cups boiling water. Let it brew for 5-8 minutes, strain and drink warm or at room temperature 20-30 minutes after meals 5-7 times a day.

The berries of barberry (10-15 pieces) in the evening pour 1/2 cup of boiling water and leave until morning. It is desirable to 7 in the morning to drink water and eat berries. It is an effective means to establish the work of the gallbladder.

Blind intubation dyubazh cleansing the liver and bile ducts

Permeability and natural form of the bile ducts can be restored even before they begin serious diseases of the liver and gall bladder. There are several simple ways to "blind" sounding at home.

Blind intubation dyubazh - cleansing of the liver and bile ducts

The main principles of the "blind" probing, regardless of the means used in this case are as follows:

1) it must be carried out after a night's sleep, not getting up! In order to avoid an acute desire to rise in the morning, you need the night before, since the second half of the day, drastically limit your fluid intake, reducing it to a minimum;

2) all movements should be smooth turns and cautious;

3) It is very important to relax the nervous system, mentally immerse yourself in the most pleasant dreams or memories. This procedure is not worth doing at all, if there was a family on the eve of the scandal or other stressful situations.

We offer a choice of means and methods of sensing dyubazha are preferred over sorbitol and xylitol, which all used to.

Boil 1 cup milk, mixed with 0, 5 liters of yogurt, add 1 cup of cottage cheese whey, which was made the day before.

Lie on your right side on a heating pad for 45 minutes - 1 hour. Before going on a hot water bottle to drink 2 / 3-1 cup made mixture. After 10 minutes, again drink 2 / 3-1 glass mixture and, after 5-7 minutes drink 2 / 3-1 glass mixture. After lying still for 40 minutes - and finished sounding. On this day, there is only cheese, cooked the day before.

3 egg yolks mixed with 30 g of powdered sugar by 30 grams of cognac, beat with a mixer and drink on an empty stomach. All the time be in motion. Only drink tea with crackers. In the evening, prepare a light rice soup. The procedure is done 1 time per week, for four weeks, and during the year - 3-4.

Drink on an empty stomach 1 glass of mineral water, heated to 35C. Snap to the right upper quadrant a warm heating pad. Doing exercises for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes again to drink 1 cup of heated mineral water and any choleretic herbs or collection, or 2 tablets shpy. Then lie down on a warm heating pad for 30-40 minutes.

Do not get out of bed, eat one dessert spoon of honey, if you are not allergic, and drink 1/2 cup of warm water. Slowly turning around, lie down on your right side and once again eat one dessert spoon of honey, washed down with 1/2 cup of hot water. After 10-12 minutes, drink 1 / 2-1 cup of hot water. Lying on a warm heating pad 50 minutes or 1 hour.

A few tips on how to eliminate bad breath and to help organize the work of the liver.

Decoction of periwinkle. 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse and drink as tea during the day.

Crust of lemon with sugar. Crust Lemon twist in a meat grinder, add 1 dessert spoon of sugar. Take on the tip of a teaspoon in 10-15 minutes after each meal.

The herb thyme. Brew 1 tablespoon of herbs to 11/2 cups boiling water, to drink instead of tea in between meals.

Flowers and leaves of strawberry. In the winter to prepare the flowers and leaves of wild strawberry. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture to 1/2 cup of boiling water, to drink a few sips in between meals 7-8 times a day. If it is possible, in the season of strawberries to eat more fruit.

Several times a day between meals eaten 1 tablespoon of honey. It is desirable to make it 5-6 times per day.
