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Recommendations of non-traditional methods of treatment of constipation
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One of the oldest means of treating constipation is the potato. Because of washed thoroughly cook raw tuber juice. Do not prepare for future use. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day - on an empty stomach, in the afternoon and before bedtime.
You can cook this way: 1 kg of potatoes a good wash, mince and squeeze the juice. Boil it until it becomes sticky, add 50 g of honey and boil again until thick mass. Allow to cool. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day: in the morning before meal and in the evening at bedtime.
St. John's wort is used fresh or dried: 1 tablespoon of raw pour 1 cup boiling water. Brewed as a tea. Drink 1/4 cup 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
Tasty and useful means of constipation can be sweet pepper with vegetable oil. Take 3-4 times daily 1 tablespoon finely chopped pepper fasting during the day and at night.
You can cook the juice from the peppers and carrots, taken in equal amounts. Take on an empty stomach. Very useful for the treatment of colon.
Well relaxes the bowels sweet, especially white, plum. Do not miss the opportunity to heal it in the summer.
Many make harvesting the winter sea-buckthorn. Do not discard the seeds, even if none of your family members does not bother reporting the illness. Wash and dry them. Store in a paper bag. I think in the future they will be useful.
For the treatment of a coffee grinder to grind them and eat 1 tablespoon of flour produced during the day (a little before each meal). Buckthorn seeds can be brewed as a tea (1 tablespoon to 1 cup of boiling water). Drink in the form of heat.
Undeservedly forgotten we have flowers and berries turn. Collect and dry them. Zemsky doctors recommended a pinch of dried or fresh flowers boiled water and insist to cool. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes after eating. You will feel the results after 2-4 days of treatment.
German doctor Kneipp appointed use flowers, leaves and elderberry as an excellent laxative. 1 tablespoon of raw materials to 11/2 cups of boiling water. Insist to cool and drink during the day.
He proposed, and the following recipe: 1 tablespoon of elderberry flowers, 1 aloe leaf, 1 teaspoon fennel fruit or green evening pour 2 cups boiling water. Infuse 10-12 hours. Strain and drink for two consecutive days for 1 glass. Bowel movement occurs within 12-30 hours. It usually abundant, painless, without relaxation of the intestine.
We recommend to cook the jam from the berries of black elder. Rinse well with berries, to drain water. Cook with 1 cup of water in 3-4 hours, until the berries are not welded. Wipe the mixture through a sieve or colander, add sugar at the rate of 1: 1. Diabetics can eat this jam, but without sugar. Take 1/2 teaspoon 5-6 times a day 15-20 minutes after ingestion.
Delicate and beautiful flowers DAISY are also an effective remedy. 1 tablespoon dried or 2 tablespoons of fresh flowers pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist to cool. Strain and drink a little after 30 minutes after a meal.
White turnip is not only excellent taste, but also healing properties. Grate 100g turnip, squeeze the juice, add the 50 g of honey. Drink at once, preferably on an empty stomach, to 6.30-6.40 am. After 15-20 minutes, the complete liberation of the intestine occurs. To achieve the daily functioning of the intestines, necessary to cure for a period of a week.
Former Ukrainian recipe: for the month in salt water to keep cucumbers. Then, drain the brine and refrigerate. Drink a dessert spoon after 20-30 minutes after each meal. Cucumbers throw.
Spring for the treatment of constipation can use radish. Tops wash well, to drain the water and finely chop. 1 tablespoon tops pour cup boiling water, 10-15 minutes to wrap a tea towel. Drink tea instead of 20 minutes after a meal during the day.
An excellent laxative properties have ripe rowan berries. Of these, make juice or eat daily after meals for 10-15 pieces. For children and the elderly in winter and spring harvest rowanberry syrup: 2 kg of berries to prepare the juice. Boil in three steps from 1 kg of sugar, each time bringing to the boil and allowing to cool. Take 1 teaspoon 4-5 times daily after meals. When the work of the intestine will be restored, take 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day 20 minutes after eating.
One of the most pleasant is the treatment of rhubarb. In spring and autumn it is added to vegetable and fruit salads, boiled out of him jelly and jam, cooked casseroles, pie fillings and Pancakes, harvest juice.
To establish the bowels helps crumbly buckwheat. In the absence of the desired result the next day cook light buckwheat soup, season with his onions and carrots.
Delicious and affordable prescription treatment of constipation proposed SM Arensky. This salad of fresh apples, sauerkraut and finely chopped white bread, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Eat empty stomach. Salad is very useful in the presence of hemorrhoids.