Treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Table of contents
Treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
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Peptic ulcer

Any generalized diet for the treatment of ulcers, the author does not dare to be, because we believe that peptic ulcer occurs each individually.

The disease depends on many factors: the time of year, nature of work, family relationships, body and even the mode of transport, which is constantly in the patient.

But the recommendations provided below, you can choose the most affordable and easily manageable.

During exacerbation of ulcer or bleeding there a proven way to treat raw eggs Proteins: daily in the morning on an empty stomach for 1, 5 hours before eating you must drink 2 protein on their drain the yolks. Before going to bed, repeat the procedure. Continue for a week. A week later, subject to an appropriate diet (to exclude from the diet of spicy, salty, sour, smoked, spicy, fried, alcohol, nicotine) ulcer stop worrying. And most importantly - do not be nervous.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity using potato juice described earlier - a good preventive remedy for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

Treat ulcers and fresh cabbage juice containing vitamin U, taking it to 1/4 cup for 20-30 minutes before a meal, gradually bringing the amount of juice to 1 cup. The course of treatment - 1, 5-2 months.

Well heals niche nut milk, made from hazelnuts and walnuts 10 g of nuts pound, add 100 g of boiling water, filter and add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. Take 1 dessert spoon 5-6 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

Tighten the ulcer using laktobakterioterapii proposed by Professor MA Samson daily at night to drink 1 cup of fresh yogurt, mixed with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Treatment is carried out for 1, 5-2 months.

The ancient treatment of the acute phase of ulcer disease. Raw Buckwheat go through and lightly fry, 3-4 tablespoons of cereal evening steamed 10th tablespoons of boiling water (preferably in a thermos). Eat on the first or second breakfast. The course of treatment 1 week to 1, 5 months, depending on the patient's condition and compliance with the diet.

You can make a tincture of green or dried top branches blackberry bushes, plucked with leaves. 10 grams of leaves in 2 cups of boiling water to brew in the evening in a thermos. Medicinal properties of infusions will grow, if it add a little thin cherry tree roots, making their way to the surface of the soil, leaves and dried plums. Drink 1/4 cup 4-5 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

The aggravation of ulcers and gastritis effectively removes the rose oil, if it is to take 1 teaspoon 5-6 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

There are several ways of preparing pink oil:

1) into a bottle of olive oil put a red rose petals and place in the sun. When the petals turn white, they are replaced by fresh ones. So repeat 7 times;

2) The red rose petals are crushed and pour water. Then pour the olive oil in a proportion of water and oil is 1: 1. Put on a small fire and boiled until until the water evaporates.

Remaining on the treatment of ulcers rose oil can be used for burrowing into the inflamed ear, mouth rinse for toothache, for the lubrication of wounds and rashes, for compresses on the place of fracture. Rose oil is taken orally 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day before meals for getting rid of fecal stones. Mixed with egg white rose oil is a unique treatment for burns caused by fire.

Treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer flax seed goes back centuries. Boil in water to form a liquid jelly and drink 1/2 cup 5-8 times a day regardless of the meal. Pain goes away after 2-3 hours. It is advisable to drink jelly 2-4 days to avoid repeated painful attacks.

The treatment will be effective if in 1/2 cup jelly from flax seed add 5-7 drops of alcohol solution of propolis (50 g of alcohol, and 5 g of propolis). Infuse 14 days in a dark warm place. During the day, several times to shake. Filtered, pour into a bottle of dark glass. Store in a dark place.

It can be used for the treatment and infusion broth kidneys and young green leaves of birch. Green buds (1 pound) 1 pound = 453, 6 g dry in the sun for 2-4 days, then put down the bottle, pour the alcohol (4 pounds), close the paper tube and put on 2 months on a sunny windowsill. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth.

It turns out the essence. Take 1-2 teaspoons to 1/3 cup of water 30 minutes before meals several times a day. A tablespoon of dried buds and leaves, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist to cool. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating.

NOT RECOMMENDED decoction and infusion of birch buds in functional renal insufficiency and during pregnancy.

An excellent means of treating ulcers with low acidity, especially if heavy bleeding or occult blood in the stool is the wild rose. 30 berries in 1 cup boiling water to brew for the night. During the day, drink sips. The course of treatment - to stop bleeding.

Seafood, particularly seaweed, due to the presence in them of bromine remove inhibition and excitation processes, establishing nervous regulation of the stomach and duodenum. Better use of dry seaweed, seasoning it all the dishes.

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Compatible foods, vegetables and protein foods

About the compatibility of basic foodstuffs

The most compatible with each other fruits, vegetables, honey.

Although the sour and sweet fruit is best not to drink together.

Vegetarian dishes, seasoned with vegetable oil, only reinforces their therapeutic properties.

Nothing can combine only melon, as a kind of "orderly". It must have as a separate dish, so as not to cause strong putrefaction in the intestines.

Beans, peas, beans, lentils combined only with herbs and vegetable oil.

Eggs can be there with herbs, vegetables. It is better to eat after 14 hours and reduce the number of summer diet. It is not necessary to combine them with butter, because they make the body an excessive portion of cholesterol.

MEAT goes well with green and red vegetables. It does not hold the meat with dough: dumplings, pies, pasties.

Incompatible different protein foods: meat - milk, - eggs, meat - cheese, meat - nuts.

Protein foods (meat of all kinds, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, nuts) and starch (bread, flour products, cereals, potatoes) should be consumed at different times of the day. Even the birds peck grains and catch insects at different times of the day.

FRESH MILK not combined with anything and generally poorly absorbed adult organism. It is useful only for children and the elderly.

SUGAR poorly with protein and starchy foods, because it does not require digestion in the stomach and once absorbed in the intestine. And the use of sugar to protein or carbohydrate diet leads to fermentation and delay it in the stomach, and, as a consequence - acid regurgitation, heartburn.

Under normal circumstances, it is better not to use the SOL as the need for it arises only when the adrenal exhaustion.

Plant food lovers should know that vegetables are best cook in small amount of water.

The main thing - do not connect in the same meal as the fruits that grow on trees, those that grow in the beds. An exception is the lemon, it can be added to any vegetable dishes.

Each product carries its energy supply. And if a bad mood, it is better to take a shower, listen to soft music with joy and begin cooking in order not to waste energy from food. Otherwise, instead of live vitamins and other essential substances our body weight will receive lifeless.

And, perhaps, we should still prepare the dishes that are like family members.

Because if the mother makes the child is that it is easier and easier to prepare, and not what he likes, then to 15-16 years it can have a chronic gastro and cholangitis.

Food cravings are not formed capricious character and the kind of genetic memory.

Next you will find a lot of diets, advice, recommendations.

Choose the most suitable for you and follow them constantly to produce the effect, remembering the ancient oriental proverb: "Gold is at the bottom of patience."

For those interested in this issue in more detail, we recommend to turn to Shelton research on the subject.
