Herbal or sensible eating


Herbs - herbal or sensible eating?

Let food be your medicine ... Our ancestors ate everything they could find in their environment. Those plants that currently we call herbs, have long made up the diet of man.

Only in the last 100 years there has been the rejection of traditional food. Herbs are no longer form part of the diet for many reasons.

Industrial agricultural production have been selected plant, easy to grow and breeding for growing and giving the greatest profit. At the same time there was a failure on many medicinal herbs.

Furthermore, the technology of industrial production of food opted for simplicity, as a result, for example, bread stopped adding such medicinal herbs like nettles.

In fact, those plants we call herbs - is the source of many vital nutrients. Many of these people can not get any other way, except from medicinal herbs.

The growing number of many different diseases in the last 100 years is associated with the fact that people are deliberately denied himself to eat herbs, translating them into the category of funds that are used only for treatment.

At the same time, everyone understands that the grass - it is not a means to an ambulance. This is the way the body's natural healing and prevention of a variety of diseases. Herbs simply can not be compared to the potency of chemicals.

The effects of most herbal medicine soft, gradual but more stable and long lasting.

The return to the traditional use of medicinal herbs in the diet in the modern world is quite difficult.

The easiest way to use all of the beneficial properties of herbs - to take them in the form of special supplements. Of course you can do to collect or grow herbs or use the ones that are sold in pharmacies.

Just it takes a lot of time and effort: herbs need time to collect, dry and store properly. You decide.

The main thing to remember is that herbs - it's great for years to come.

Natalia Rozina

Here are a few examples of how you can use herbs in your daily diet:


Calendula, nettle, birch leaves, knotweed, angelica, Rhodiola rosea, thyme, dandelion.


Nard, marjoram, lemon balm, chamomile, nettle, yarrow, cow parsnip, quinoa, dandelion.

Porridge, mashed

Burdock, mother and stepmother, dead-nettle.


St. John's wort, hyssop, sage, lemon balm.


Hawthorn, buckthorn, dandelion.

Herbs & Plants


Apply herbs to improvement of patients people began in ancient times. Now well established that the ancient Sumerians in the III millennium BC knew and successfully used more than twenty thousand plants for the good of the human body.

At least this time it dates back to the first archaeologists found the Sumerian tablet with inscriptions, have kept fifteen recipes of various medicines. Knowledge of the Sumerians in the field and then took over and expanded the Babylonians.

By the way, they first noticed that the sunlight adversely affects medical properties of plants, herbs and began to dry in the shade, and some kinds of grasses and at all collected at night thus to save up necessary for exile of illnesses of substance.

Further development herbal medicine (so treatment by grasses is called) has received in China, Tibet, India and Egypt while, at last, Ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates (460-370 BCE), this knowledge is not systematized.

It was he, the founder of our modern medicine, believed that "medicine - is an art to imitate the healing effects of nature", as the medicinal herbs enclosed in a concentrated form all the necessary living organism.

In fact, plants contain active substances that affect the living organism using components, which include alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, essential oils and other ingredients. Depending on the quantity and quality of components, and there is an influence of herbal extracts on the body and, ultimately, on the disease outcome.

Despite the perception in people opinion about the absolute harmlessness decoctions and infusions of vegetable origin, it is necessary to recall that the main purpose of the healer is still in the fact that "all the infection in man died, but the man was still alive at the same time, and even unhurt." Only by "murder contagion" win so-called naturopathic drugs and medicines based on herbal extracts - partly they even are dangerous.

Sometimes strange to observe, how circumspect buyers leave drugstores, and no decision to buy medicine, but rashly rush to all heavy herbs on the advice of colleagues or neighbors.

It is in vain because to apply phytotherapeutic means follows nevertheless with great caution, do not overdo it, carefully follow dosage. There are, however, some absolutely harmless ways by means of folk remedies to win illnesses. That is, within reasonable limits, of course. It is possible after all and water to drink to unconsciousness.

So if you, for example, has a painful cough, it is not necessarily a matter of urgency to break out of the cozy embrace of slippers and, choking in an attack, run to the nearest drugstore behind saving medicine or tablets just recommended by the next advertising from the TV screen. You can quickly and without much hassle to build itself a medicine from make-shifts. And a tasty medicine!

So, the recipe the first. It used ordinary garlic which always is in each house, as well as natural butter, in those same packs that are sold in a wide range in all supermarkets of any city.

A couple of peeled cloves of garlic in the frog will grind and mix thoroughly with a couple of tablespoons of butter. Spread this mix on a piece of bread and eat it. You can do without bread. Or simply add the mixture into the bowl of mashed potatoes.

Better, of course, apply at night to not to think about how you smell for associates. Although there is virtually no odor. After several receptions the fit of coughing will weaken and at all will come to naught.

Another recipe that can be safely consumed at any time, and, in the most populous place. This will require a little mineral water and soda. Mix the water with soda and to drink - strong cough will abate even. By the way, in very difficult situations and it helps without soda water adopted literally in grammes, "on the tip of a knife." But to get involved in this way is not advised, as pure soda "doping" harmful to the stomach and liver.

There is also a very "male" way to bring down high blood pressure by a relatively strong tincture chokeberry. Large ripe berries of Aronia (1 glass) to fall asleep sugar in a proportion of 2: 1 and squeeze the juice, then pour the vodka (0, 5 l) and to insist within days. It is enough to take one tablespoon of tincture during a hypertension attack as pressure will go down literally in a few minutes.

Or ancient and extremely effective way fast (the truth, short) sobering up dead drunk.

Simply enough strongly and quickly-quickly rub his ears - and he will regain consciousness from dreams and for some time will return to reality. It is curious that many after similar returning to a life remember these moments - as it "appeared" and then again "fell" into oblivion. In the morning, strangely enough, tell about it: "And suddenly I look - I sit on the floor while you stand there and say," ...

In Russia doctors-herbalists named healers. He lives in the people an ancient legend about the pupil of the healer, went to the forest with the task to find there at least one "unnecessary" blade of grass. Long-long searched for a true disciple of weedy grass in huge wood, but has returned to the teacher with empty hands - for it is impossible, he said, to find in the world of any useless, trifling plant which would not bring on closer examination advantage to man.

Everything created by God, created to serve the human race. There are many popular recipes that will help bring the body back to normal, to snatch him from the "friendly" embrace all kinds of ailments. Yet, of course, as you would not personally impressed a particular vending way back to normal life without medical intervention, you must comply with the measure.

There is a limit at any national medicine, as though it did not touted relatives, friends or acquaintances, which "has helped." Practitioners also do not eat their bread for nothing, and modern science has achieved in the branches of incredible successes incomparable with arisen once naturopathy and herbal medicine.

Philippine healers who supposedly magically penetrate into the body of the patient without a knife and other pricking and cutting tools, too long time popularized. People brought down to them from all over the world - to be treated "with all", until finally, it became clear that it's just a scam. Sometimes very deliberate sleight of hand.

Sometimes the unconscious, subconscious rather scam - if he healer since childhood lives in the remote settlement and treats, basically, local villagers. So in cases of progressing illnesses it is better to address to qualified personnel. So reliable.
