The use and dosage of medicinal plants


General information on how to use and dosages of medicinal plants, used by the people.

The people noticed that the action of one and the same plant body to be uneven, and depends on the characteristics of the organism.

At the same time it observed that each plant has its own characteristics of action on various organs or their functions.

Furthermore, the people feel that the operation of the plant is less efficient than in conjunction with several plants taken from the same group of them. This can be explained by the fact that wherever it comes to combating persistent and long-suffering people of mixtures of herbs and not to no avail.

Considers it necessary for diseases associated main ailment (disease complications). It is not only about the different active principles in different plants, but also that the active principles of plants are released to their work or are stimulated by some other plant substances, in fact, is not, perhaps, directly drug.

For complex diseases treatment effect decides not one herbal medicines, and their interaction.

This, of course, be taken into account when studying the effectiveness of folk medicinal plants. The interactions in the body began healing herbs is very complex, but studying them - certainly gratifying task. Medicinal plants used by the people both internally and externally.

Inside administered plants: 1) as the squeezed juice from plants, 2) infusions of plants, and 3) extracts from roots, bark, seeds and fruits with water, wine, vodka, spirits, and 4) a powder from the dried plant parts.

Externally - in the form of baths, enemas, obvorachivany in a sheet soaked in the broth of herbs in the form of lotions, compresses, applying parts of the plant, and paste them to the sore spot, and so on. N.

The dosage of the medicinal plants.

People's experience shows that the most common and can be considered the most suitable and good total dose for oral administration - one tablespoon of "uppers" finely cut up plant or mixture into a glass of boiling water and four tablespoons of a "top" on a liter of boiling water.

Features dosages of individual plants will be given at a presentation of relevant materials. On the basis of the people's practice is to make a few clarifications about how to prepare herbal teas and herbal Napary and exactly when to do teas, and when Napary.

If mixtures containing bark, roots, tubers, seeds, berry, wood and leaves of bearberry, while in most cases is prepared broths, in other cases - Napary. Comfrey root and rose hips broth can not be, and therefore, preparing the mixture to the broth, it is impossible to put these components.

The active substances enclosed in the root of comfrey and vitamins hips destroyed by boiling.

Preparation of broth.

Four tablespoons mixture each spoon uppers, poured into poltoralitrovuyu dishes (preferably clay, rather than the metal - it is important to avoid reaction with the metal) is poured liter of raw water, stirred, covered with a lid and allowed to stand overnight at room temperature to potion gets wet. Do this in the evening.

In the morning the mixture is put on the fire and when the boil - continue to simmer, covered 5 - 7 minutes. Remove from the heat, leave covered with a half an hour, then filtered through a neat cloth and squeeze.

Potion discarded, and the broth, if cooled, heated and hot drink on an empty stomach, drink a glass and drink the rest during the day in four stages, each reception in an hour after a meal. And so do all the time of treatment, preparing the daily fresh broth. When zakisaniya decoction within a day (in the summer) prepare smaller portions of it into two approximately reception.

Napar is prepared in much the same. The only difference is that the potion is poured boiling water and a night floating in the oven (slowly cooling down). Morning heated and so take the same as the broth. It is most common in people and ways of cooking concoctions napar.

Each medicinal plants in most cases, contains particles of the active substance or substances, the amount of which can not yet virtually no increase or decrease. Therefore, use medicinal plants, we make them a microscopic fraction of a substance which has a therapeutic effect.

The doctor dose drug or increases or decreases depending on the nature and severity of the illness or for other reasons. With medicinal plants as their active principles have not learned to select, you can not do.

Therefore, the people are treated in most cases the plants for a long time and experience has shown that the longer treat them, the better. For example, in certain diseases (long-term ulcerative processes in the stomach, running eczema) treated plants for months, making every two months break for 14 days.

The duration of the treatment plants, the more necessary it becomes a specific mode, such as: the movement in the fresh air, stay in a pine forest, baths, sun and so on. The food is recommended not only nourishing as digestible, with the exception of her alcohol and all kinds of spices.

"Harmless" medicinal herbs


"Harmless" medicinal herbs can be dangerous to health

Traditional medicine that has a thousand years of experience, currently enjoys a large and well-deserved popularity. But with regard to herbal treatments, many people have the wrong idea about the safety of medicinal herbs

and inevitable destructiveness drugs produced chemically. In fact, the grass is not harmless, and sometimes may pose a serious danger.

People are quite sure that nature is not able to harm humans.

Therefore, if another bubble with a new drug usually viewed them suspiciously in search of possible contraindications or side effects, to all sorts of herbal drugs, they always treat a child with an open mind.

But it is not always like that trust is justified and safely.

It is not only the fact that many toxic medicinal plants. Most of us are familiar herbs have contraindications and less severe side effects than powders and tablets.

After all, despite its plant origin, chemicals that contain herbs, absolutely identical to many chemicals produced in laboratories.

But the general stereotype of our consciousness is such that hardly anyone dares to drink an unknown liquid from a test tube, but the infusion of unfamiliar herbs on the advice of a neighbor did not bother us.

And while we do not even think that many medicinal plants due to the mechanism of its effects on the body can complicate the course of the disease and complications to a completely different group of bodies.

And we would never suspect quite harmless at first glance, valerian, which we made to calm the nerves of even the babies, in violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

It should be noted that many of the herbs, such as rosemary, lily, celandine, fern, datura, henbane, and others are simply toxic.

Herbs can not only treat, but also increase the pressure to kill the liver and kidneys, cause gastritis, hemolytic anemia (red blood cells break down), reduce the number of platelets present and many other surprises.

Therefore, their dosage should be treated with special attention and care.

Medicinal herbs and plants, property, influence


One of the basic principles of herbal medicine says that in the formulation of the collection a must-have in mind and include in the fitosbora various herbs to the properties of medicinal plants.

restorative property (ginseng, devil's, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, Rhaponticum, and others.)

immunostimulatory effects (Echinacea, Astragalus, ginseng, licorice, red clover, goldenseal, dandelion, garlic, milk thistle, St. John's wort, celandine, nard.);

the effect of sedative (valerian, Leonurus, mint, hops, passionflower);

specific effects (anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, reparants);

antibacterial value (echinacea, chamomile, yarrow, etc.).

We also need: vitamin fees (rose, currant, aronia); "Cleaners" (a laxative, diuretic, choleretic) and symptomatic agents.

The nature of the plants and their parts can be divided into inflammatory, vegetable antibiotics.

These are plants that contain in the first place, volatile - depressing and even destroy pathogenic flora: onions (all kinds), garlic, leaf of mulberry, blackberry leaves, leaf fig (fig), nut leaves, coriander, thyme garden, germ shoots of pine, spruce, cedar, fir, celandine, eucalyptus blue, color, and young birch leaves, mother and stepmother.

Herbal antiseptics: Labrador tea, birch, St. John's wort, calendula, onion, juniper, mint, chamomile, plantain, pine (buds, pine needles), arborvitae, thyme, black radish, celandine, garlic, sage, eucalyptus.

Antiallergen: sweet flag, Boudreau ivy, birch (juice, leaf), chamomile, licorice, series.

Biostimulyators: Air, nard, golden root, burdock root, lemon, Leuzea. Expectorants: Air, anise, betony (lek.), Nard (root), mullein (color), onions, mother and stepmother, lungwort, black radish, licorice, thyme.

Antipyretics: Birch, black elderberries, cornflower field, cranberry, raspberry (leaf, berry), rose petals (the light. Tone), chamomile, horsetail, licorice, series, chicory.

Properties of medicinal plants and herbs

Lower gastric secretion: willow-herb, Cudweed, Chaga, wild raspberry leaves, rose, salad, potato juice, fresh cabbage.

Stimulates the secretion of stomach: plantain, wormwood, marjoram, peppermint, chamomile, burdock root, cranberry, gooseberry.

Inhibit the secretion of pancreatic enzymes: clover, timothy, boiled potatoes.

Slizeobrazovanie increase in stomach: a decoction of flax seed, oat broth.

Stop the bleeding: shepherd's purse, burnet, stinging nettles.

Have reparative activity: aloe, birch sap, calendula, St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow, clover, buckthorn, celery.

Has a laxative effect: aloe, anise fruit, rhubarb, chamomile, senna, buckthorn bark, senna.

Have a fixating effect: the fruits of blueberry, wild cherry, alder cones, bark pomegranate, sweet flag rhizome (powder), knotweed, tansy.

Assign flatulence (carminative): Fruits of caraway, anise, fennel seeds.

Stimulates the formation of bile (choleretic): immortelle, corn silk, tansy, elfwort, dandelion, yarrow.

Cut the gall bladder (holagoga): flowers of cornflower, lemon balm, rose, immortelle, hawthorn, dandelion root, lavender.
