Medicinal properties of berries

 Useful berries

The healing properties of berries and benefit to the organism can not be overemphasized! In the entire history of mankind, people gradually discovered new useful qualities of the gifts of nature, using the berries to treat all kinds of diseases, and the ancient healers used the berries to relieve symptoms of colds and fever, stops bleeding and relieve pain, saved from scurvy.

It's now the researchers examined all the useful properties of berries, and then the doctors relied on their intuition and experience, through trial and error picking berries for treatments that are more effective in certain diseases. Nature gave us a great opportunity to replenish your body with vitamins and trace elements in a natural way, without resorting to synthetic substitutes. Red, white and black currants, Aronia and red rowan, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, pomegranate, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, wild rose hips - they are traditionally called berries and are a real treasure trove of useful components, used to treat almost all diseases. Even if the person in front of the goal of treatment is not necessary, when the use of these useful products it can make up for missing nutrients and strengthen their immune system.

Sea buckthorn is deservedly called the "queen" of berries because of its medicinal qualities .  Its useful properties buckthorn gives millions of people throughout the ages .  In ancient times, using it struggled with scurvy, and many other diseases .  The sea buckthorn bush helpful everything .  The fruit and bark of the branches contain serotonin, which is important for the normalization of the nervous system, in the leaves, in large quantities, contain tannins, volatile, minerals, vitamin C .  From fruits of sea buckthorn oil is produced, which is a unique multivitamin preparations, has antibacterial properties .  It is used in inflammatory processes in the throat (laryngitis, sore throat) and upper respiratory tract, adding oil in a solution for inhalation, and fruit juice with honey - a wonderful remedy for cough .  Sea buckthorn oil also heals the damaged mucous membranes and wounds, it is used for burns, frostbite, bedsores, eczema .  In medical practice, the unique healing properties of sea buckthorn was appreciated by doctors, and it is widely used in various areas of medicine - gynecology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology .  100 g .  buckthorn berries contain: fats (2, 3 g . ), Carbohydrates (10, 3 g . ), Proteins (1, 0 g . ), Vitamins C, E, B1, B2, F, carotene, rutin, trace elements (iron, boron, manganese, silver, copper, silicon, etc. . ) Malic acid, tartaric acid, oxalic acid, folic acid, fatty acids (oleic and linoleic) .  Essential healing properties of sea buckthorn is also used in folk medicine .

Another wonderful and therapeutic berry - currants. The large number and a good mix of vitamins does currants indispensable for the treatment of colds, atherosclerosis, anemia, kidney disease, disorders in metabolic processes. It is also widely used as a preventive measure, it contributes to whet the appetite, stimulates the excretion of bile, inhibits fermentation in the intestines, improves the blood, diuretic, diaphoretic and astringent properties. 100 g currant contains: carbohydrates (presented mainly as glucose - 1, 2-2, 7 g, and the fructose - 5, 4-6, 2g.), Proteins (0, 2-0, 9 g .). Currant contains iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, vitamins - PP, B1, B2, C, and vitamin A. The greatest amount of ascorbic acid is in black currants. It, too, the presence of vitamin K and R

Gooseberry is a diuretic, choleretic and laxative properties. It is recommended for people who have kidney disease, liver and bladder. These berries (and squeezed the juice from them) are particularly useful in anemia, used for normalization of the intestine, contribute to the removal radionukliidov and salts of heavy metals from the human body. A mixture of gooseberry juice with honey is very useful for frequent hemorrhages, and skin rashes. 100 g gooseberries comprise: carbohydrates (2, 1 g), proteins (9 7 g), potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B, B1, PP, C, provitamin A, folic acid.

Clover and nettle medicinal properties, treatment of diseases

 Natural healers clover and nettle, recipes and tips

Plants - the foundation of life. For the person they are with oxygen, medicine, food. They help with health problems without causing harm to the as chemistry and tablets.

For the treatment and prevention of various diseases of plants indispensable.

Clover, flowers and leaves

It is very useful for our health clover. It belongs to the legume family. In the food and use the leaves and flowers.

Flowers clover harvest (dried) for the winter. Of these, soups, salads and tea. Young flowers can also ferment, like cabbage.

Medicinal properties

Clover normalizes fat metabolism, prevents the increase of cholesterol, protects the body from oxygen starvation.

It helps in case of poisoning, improves immunity, promotes healing of wounds, reduces blood clotting. Flowers clover contain phytoestrogens, required women to produce milk.

Flowers clover useful for pain after childbirth, prevention of menopause, uterine bleeding, cystitis, anemia, asthma, and many other problems.

Clover leaves help with diathesis in children, kidney disease, cold.

External used a decoction of fresh or dried leaves and use it as a lotion for the night.

Here are some dishes from the clover:

1) Fresh cream mixed with fresh or dried clover heads, add cumin or fennel seeds. Spread on rye bread. This is useful in diabetes, thrombophlebitis.

2) finely chopped, add the mashed leaves of clover and sorrel, add the onion and season with sour cream.

Urtica dioca

Another useful plant for the body is the nettle. On nutritional value, it is close to the leguminous plants. The inflorescence is a nettle brew as tea.

Medicinal properties

For therapeutic purposes, nettle is used as a styptic. It also has strong anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, diuretic.

Stinging nettle is used in diseases of the liver, kidneys, tuberculosis, anemia and several other diseases.

Externally used for hair loss, premature gray hair, heavy belyah, cervical erosion, rheumatism.

From the leaves of nettle can get green paint for culinary purposes, from the roots - yellow.

Nettle leaves and shoots seasoned soups and salads. It is also possible to pickle and ferment like a cabbage. For cooking nettles should be scalded with boiling water and boil in salted water for two or three minutes.

Stinging nettle, unlike clover, increases blood clotting, so it is used for bleeding.

A dish of nettle are not intended to prevent bleeding, you can add a head of red or white clover for balance.

Clover and nettle medicinal properties, treatment of diseases

 Natural healers clover and nettle, recipes and tips

Plants - the foundation of life. For the person they are with oxygen, medicine, food. They help with health problems without causing harm to the as chemistry and tablets.

For the treatment and prevention of various diseases of plants indispensable.

Clover, flowers and leaves

It is very useful for our health clover. It belongs to the legume family. In the food and use the leaves and flowers.

Flowers clover harvest (dried) for the winter. Of these, soups, salads and tea. Young flowers can also ferment, like cabbage.

Medicinal properties

Clover normalizes fat metabolism, prevents the increase of cholesterol, protects the body from oxygen starvation.

It helps in case of poisoning, improves immunity, promotes healing of wounds, reduces blood clotting. Flowers clover contain phytoestrogens, required women to produce milk.

Flowers clover useful for pain after childbirth, prevention of menopause, uterine bleeding, cystitis, anemia, asthma, and many other problems.

Clover leaves help with diathesis in children, kidney disease, cold.

External used a decoction of fresh or dried leaves and use it as a lotion for the night.

Here are some dishes from the clover:

1) Fresh cream mixed with fresh or dried clover heads, add cumin or fennel seeds. Spread on rye bread. This is useful in diabetes, thrombophlebitis.

2) finely chopped, add the mashed leaves of clover and sorrel, add the onion and season with sour cream.

Urtica dioca

Another useful plant for the body is the nettle. On nutritional value, it is close to the leguminous plants. The inflorescence is a nettle brew as tea.

Medicinal properties

For therapeutic purposes, nettle is used as a styptic. It also has strong anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, diuretic.

Stinging nettle is used in diseases of the liver, kidneys, tuberculosis, anemia and several other diseases.

Externally used for hair loss, premature gray hair, heavy belyah, cervical erosion, rheumatism.

From the leaves of nettle can get green paint for culinary purposes, from the roots - yellow.

Nettle leaves and shoots seasoned soups and salads. It is also possible to pickle and ferment like a cabbage. For cooking nettles should be scalded with boiling water and boil in salted water for two or three minutes.

Stinging nettle, unlike clover, increases blood clotting, so it is used for bleeding.

A dish of nettle are not intended to prevent bleeding, you can add a head of red or white clover for balance.
