The biological stimulants to improve health


Beautiful, natural and beneficial biological stimulants to improve health and well-being.

Apilak - royal jelly - it's a secret allotrofizicheskih glands of worker bees produced to feed the larvae (rapid growth, development). The queen bee is fed this milk all my life and lives of 4-7 years.

Action: tonic, fallout, anti-microbial, immunogenicity, normalizes blood pressure, and condition of vessels, organs function. It contains amino acids - valine, tryptophan, histidine, arginine, methionine; biostimulators; atsetilhomin, cholinesterase, folic acid, biotin, and others.

All are necessary for fat and protein metabolism. It comprises: protein - 40-45%, amino acids - 20%, carbohydrate - 20%, fat - 13-15%. The composition of royal jelly included minerals iron, manganese, zinc, cobalt (promotes hematopoiesis). Royal jelly has a bactericidal action.

Solomon's seal - a pantry of drugs - Solomon's seal.

It is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, diabetes, ulcers, edema, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis, tachycardia, pneumonia, gastro-intestinal diseases.

TOMATO - "Pomme-doro" Italian "golden apple", contains amino acids, proteins, oils, mono polysaccharides, organic acids (citric, malic, succinic, etc.), Extremely useful for powering muscle and heart health and improve well-being.

The tomatoes lots of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, PP, K, and in the stems and leaves - the essential oils. Healers used it in the Urals for the purpose of healing venous ulcers, putting sliced ​​tomatoes to the ulcer surface.

Soya - bean plant biostimulant, food, contains 10 amino acids, sugars, salt, fats, vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, C, K. soy milk with artificial feeding is better tolerated than cow's and goat. Soybean inhibits tumor growth.

GARLIC - not only biostimulator, but also a great antiseptic, anti-sclerotic agent, antihypertensive, anti-tuberculosis, antiholernoe, antigumnoe means, reduces fatigue, improves mood; It makes the heart of the icy fire. Healers have used more than 4 thousand years.

Rosehip is also an excellent biostimulant.

Apples different sorts - it lovely biostimulants. An apple a day - and the doctor does not need to. They are useful for many diseases, but it is primarily a prophylactic agent, the correcting condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wild apple compote particularly useful, it contains vitamins A, B, C, P, PP, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, nickel and others. Useful for human, particularly a child agent.

I advise you to read the book and A.G.Dudchenko V.V.Krivenko "Edible plants - healers." Kiev, "Naukova Dumka", 1988

Improving the well-being of healthy and sick people.

Increases the stability and resistance of the body in severe environmental conditions, as well as improve blood formation and function of the circulatory system, tones the heart muscle of the heart, regulate the vitamin metabolism and improve sleep, the following herbs:

Althaea officinalis, betony drug, periwinkle (grass), walnut (leaf), Melilotus officinalis, nettle, valerian root, lime (flowers), lily (flowers and leaves), mother and stepmother, motherboard (leaves, flowers) , podmalinnik (leaves, flowers), chamomile, rose hips (finely pound).

Increases the overall tone of the body, as if it younger and feel better:

Air (root) apilak, nard, Spruce (pollen), ginseng, devil, chinensis (seeds), lovage, peony (dodging), propolis, pollen, fir (pollen), Marin root, pine (pollen).

If you change the year to increase appetite should be taken in January:

Marshmallow, peppermint cold (sheet), steamed (herb), chamomile (color), yarrow, thyme (color), dill (seed).

If hair fall:

You can wash your hair with a mixture of eggs, honey and hops, and for the freshness of skin is well applied tincture of calendula flowers and cucumber juice.

The use of herbs for various diseases


Bowel disease can be treated:

1. astringent, anti-inflammatory: Air, grenades, knot-grass, green smartweed, St. John's wort, nettle, calendula, viburnum (bark, flowers, fruits), horse sorrel, oak bark, cinquefoil erect, walnut (leaf), plantain, chamomile, stems alder, yarrow.

2. envelops: Marshmallow root, starch, oats, rice, blueberries, cherries.

3. Antibacterial: Air, barberries, St. John's wort, calendula, bloodroot, onions, plantain, mugwort, Agrimony, rowan black, eucalyptus, celandine.

4. Reinforcing the secretory activity of digestive glands: centaury, Cabbage (juice), dandelion (root), plantain, yarrow, trifol.

With an excess of gas, liquid stool should be used - carrots, 10-15% solution of cinnamon, broth oat straw, and cloves, bloodroot, bay leaves, pulp of apricot, yarrow.

Reinforcement: pomegranate, oak bark, serpentine, walnut, plantain.

Gastritis can be taken:

Aloe, watch trehlist. (Relieves nausea at zero and low acidity), oregano, centaury, plantain, mugwort, yarrow, dandelion (leaf), the miracle root, harvested before flowering in the spring.

In France they are preparing a special salad in Japan who consume a salad of dandelion, considered to be long-lived.

Particular attention is occupied by plants, improves the condition of the liver (primary cancer):

1. Stimulating choleresis: immortelle, birch buds, Voloshka, grapes, St. John's wort, calendula, lyanka, mint, juniper, oats, dandelion (root), tansy, radish, knotweed, yarrow, thyme, wild rose, celandine, series, strawberries, dill.

2. Anti-inflammatory: birch buds, St. John's, centaury, cabbage, cranberry, calendula, nettle, carrot, parsley (decoction of seeds), chamomile, yarrow, dill.

When lung disease:

Expectorants: Marshmallow drug, ordinary quince, anise, acacia, Burda Ivy, nard, marjoram, wild ginger, mullein, mother and stepmother, couch grass, pine forest, creeping thyme, violet tricolor, black radish.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, which include:

hypertension and systolic hypertension, hypotension, ischemic heart disease, congenital and acquired heart disease, cardiomyopathy and cardio, cardiopsychoneurosis, nervous disorders and heart rhythm and conduction disturbances, heart failure;

individual cardiac symptoms (dyspnea with labored breath, pain in the heart squeezing, stabbing, cutting, throbbing, pressing, etc .;

palpitations and irregular, rapid heart rate, slowed heart rate, involuntary sigh;

cyanosis of the face, lips, nose, swelling of the ankles and legs legs, rigid, perceived throbbing blood vessels in the body, etc.).

One can apply any of the following plants:

Marshmallow, immortelle, hawthorn, periwinkle, barberry, rosemary, valerian, cantaloupe, dried, buckwheat, Adonis spring (Adonis spring), nard, zheltushnik, St. John's wort, willow, viburnum, wild ginger, strawberry, lavender, lime, onion, carrot, mother -and-stepmother, raspberries, mistletoe, Motherwort, tarragon, parsley, black nightshade, fir, black chokeberry, dry flowers marsh, Ononis spinosa, bagnovy thyme, fennel, horsetail.

I do not include the formulation, it can be found in reference books on herbal medicine, for example, "The modern herbal medicine", Sofia, 1988, T.A.Aseeva, Ts.A.Naydakova, "Food plants in Tibetan medicine." Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1991

Diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and bladder.

Can be used as a diuretic, and mace kamnevyvodyaschee: immortelle sand, birch, forest strawberries, nettle, corn silk, walnut leaf, peppermint, madder red, wheat grass, knotweed, bearberry, yarrow, sorrel, beans.

In diabetes

I recommend to use valerian, blackberries, buckwheat seed, flowers chestnut bilobate nettle, dandelion, chamomile, licorice, knotweed, thyme, leaf mulberry leaf beans.

When oncological diseases

Apply: AIR, astragalus, wild rosemary, immortelle, valerian, knotweed, serpentine pungent, onion, carrot, sedum, millet, wheat, soft, Parsley, knotweed, Chaga, garlic, Celandine, horseradish, sage, saffron, sorrel, barley .

For those interested, I recommend reading the book and K.P.Balitskogo A.L.Vorontsova "Herbs and Cancer," Kiev, "Naukova Dumka", 1982.

The healing power of nature.

Interesting tempering, medicinal recipes from calluses, cracks in the skin, the soles of the feet.

"Mokrostupy - sandals"

Fresh dandelion leaves, mother and stepmother, plantain, alder, grass violets - to invest in shoes with natural insole. Walk the whole day.

Effect - resolve old and new corn warned, reduces fatigue, prevents swelling of the legs, diaper rash, cracked, but the main action - on the reflex zones of the foot (sole) associated with the centers of the brain, larynx and nasopharynx.

Thus there is a green tonic massage.

Health cushion.

Hypertension in the pillow to put pounded: birch leaf, thyme, Motherwort, mint, rue, lemon balm (preferably collected from 21.05 at 21.06).

People with low pressure (hypotension) - take a piece of birch, add root Elecampane, radiograms pink seed coriander - finely pound, sewn in separate small bags to put under the pillow.
