The collection, storage and potency of medicinal plants


Remember that there are zero days ("0" days). The "0" days, a person has a very low bio-energy, and to work for the treatment of human biofield unsafe for YOURSELF!

Since our biofield is constantly pulsing - it decreases, increases - it can sometimes disappear altogether, or being punched.

All the surrounding living - plants, trees - also have their own bio-field.

The combination of human bio and natural factors (trees, flowers, plants) gives the healer to the patient or his aura, his health, strength and even beauty. Check box is not difficult - hands, vine, frame, swingarm.

In the fall and winter with 22.09 on 22.03 "0" days from the 5th to the 11th of each month, and in the spring and summer from 23.03 at 21.09 "0" days from the 18th to the 23rd of each month.

Many plants are very tender - the power of their actions not exceeding 8-11 months.

This mostly refers to the delicate flowers - rose, lily, lily of the valley flowers, elderberry blossom, Sophora japonica, flowers, hawthorn, cyclamen, acacia, chestnut;

and many blue colors: flax, chicory, cornflower;

as well as flowers and plants, containing life-giving resinous biostimulants and essential oils: the color and the pollen of coniferous plants, flowers siyaty, thyme, lemon balm, hops.

But there are plants whose strength begins to emerge only in the 2nd year - this includes, for example, valerian root.

Turning directly to the treatment of herbs, I want to address you with a request.

Remember, constantly collecting and using of grass, bark, roots - that all this wildlife - the aura of the earth, and we are guests on the ground, its small insects, and before you pick a flower, leaf or dig a root ask health from nature, wood, meadows and , care and taking the gifts of nature, be sure to thank. You will very quickly feel the power plants.

But before we move on to the recipes green pharmacy - a few words about the collection and storage of herbs:

1. Do not collect from the road, near industrial enterprises, outbuildings (piggeries, cowsheds);

2. During rain, thunderstorms in the afternoon (from 12 to 14) - it is impossible to collect;

3. It is best to collect the flowers from 8 to 9 am till 11.00;

4. The leaves and especially the bark and roots - in 16-18 hours - closer to sunset.

Dry all the plants in the draft, without direct solar radiation, a layer of 2-3 centimeters.

Store best in gray paper in holstyanyh pouches label (date), a paper or wooden crates, but not plastic, not in plastic bags, can be in a glass container with a paper liner before the cover or with a glass lid, in the dark.

Tips for treatment of medicinal herbs


Human health and the world around him - air, water, soil, flora - are impossible without harmony and unity. Health nature around us - we are healthy, humanity has violated the basic law of the unity of man and nature - and rebound and get hundreds of illnesses, especially psychosomatic nature.

Remember, everything is interconnected - is infinite and eternal. Man in the most ancient times in its history acquainted with the properties of roots, herbs, leaves, trees, gradually taking away this or that, helps with those or other illnesses.

Unfortunately, very little of the ancient recipes of "green medicine" came to us. And the complexities of the herbal medicine is severe environmental conditions of our planet ... After another 100 or even 50 years ago in the soil, water, air, there was no pesticides or herbicides or radionuclides or heavy metals ...

Plants are currently experiencing as well as persons, the true stress, disasters. In plant cells, in response to the modern poisons produced the strongest antidotes, sometimes very dangerous to humans.

Know and remember the nature of the plants - it means learning how to use a healing plant life just when travushka, root, flower, bark - have the desired effect. It is no accident that disrupt weed recommended only at 11 am or 17 pm, and the other at night or at dawn.

It is now scientifically proven that our ancestors did not know about the diurnal cycle, unaware of the solar and lunar influences were able to accurately determine that, for example, leaves dope to collect should be only in the morning, but the leaves of Digitalis purpurea - only in the afternoon ( 16-17 hours).

From the soil, the water content in plants depends on treatment started, I'm not talking about the correctness of their collection, drying, storage, and application deadlines.

Thus, in all known therapeutic camomile its main effective start - chamazulene - may not be, and consequently, there is no therapeutic effect.

Hips collected early, not mature, rough-dried will not bring benefits. But fern flower can only be obtained on the night of Midsummer, and then, knowing the mass protects a person from a different evil prayers.

Brew grass.

For a long time it was considered a real talent, the ability to collect, harvest, press and brew a variety of herbs, to prepare infusions. It really is a science based on knowledge of the human organism, native wildlife, plants, their characteristics depending on the season, on the ability to prepare decoctions, tinctures.

To this must be added long-term experience, knowledge of herbs, often passed down from generation to generation. This can write and write.

But our task is limited by how everyone can learn at home for their needs and their families, to prepare infusions and decoctions of herbs, berries, roots, bark, leaves, which accumulate in the healing properties bestowed by nature.

Remember some tips.

Do not use herbs that have lain for several years.

Do not connect in the same boat, alone just a lot of grass. Do not boil them in aluminum, copper, tin containers.

It is best to insist in porcelain, glassware.

Do not cook once a large amount of broth. Calculate how much it will be necessary throughout the day. The next day the new brew.

When preparing the infusion, pour boiling water over herbs and let stand in a bowl tightly closed no more than a few hours. You do not need grass to soak in water for 2-3 days.

When the brew grass, boil it for a long time. Better to let it brew after a brief boiling before cooling. Strain.

Do not drink very cold infusions. Warm, they produce a greater effect.

How to give children the grass.

Brew herbs for children should be the same as for adults. Many people wonder whether to give all children the grass. Necessary. This is much better, more useful and more effective than any pill.

For infants, when they have a stomach ache, it is useful to prepare and give a teaspoon several times a day decoction of chamomile, can make him klizmochku.

With a strong cough should give the broth a little grass mother and stepmother, lime blossom and raspberries.

When excessive irritability, poor sleep - an infusion of mint leaves and roots of strawberry, black currant leaves.

All children are very useful, especially in autumn, winter and spring, drink the infusion of rose hips.

When internal organs are sick, the children should be given as the same herb decoctions of them as adults in these diseases, only much smaller portions - tea and dessert spoons.

Nerve disease, systematic headaches perfectly cured in children baths from the needles, hay dust, nut leaves.

What is characteristic of herbal medicine?

1. Slow action.

2. Soft action.

3. Long-acting.

4. The results are rather late, ie the treatment of major chronic diseases, here are a few rules:

1) no more than 2-3 kinds of herbs (for beginners to be treated);

2) do not expect the effect of 2-3 hours or days, but rather in 2-3 weeks.

The strength of the Earth.

You are very tired. It seems vitality you have not left at all. And here came the quiet side of the river, stood barefoot on the grass, breathed fresh air, lifted her face to the sun, heard a splash of water.

After a few minutes or half an hour you are surprised to notice that the rest that in his veins like fresh blood flowing, and the body nalilos manpower. Location?

From the Earth, from the air, sun, water, grass. Even a short communication with them is beneficial. And if every day to give 15-30 minutes recovery through nature, in other words - hardening? Only the benefits of this will be.

Walking barefoot on the ground, swim in the river, to spend more time in the fresh air, not to abandon the sun - is the source from which to derive the health, vitality and youth charged.
