Beautiful congratulations mother poems

 Poems for Mother's Day

Mamulechka! Native krasotulya!
I miss you a hundred days a year.
You call - and the hour I bullet
To you come il come by foot.

Today Congratulations Receive
Happy Mother's Day. Mommy! Be healthy!
I remember that I have your bird, Zaya,
But efforts have Zainka yours.

How you used to WHO work!
Leverets husband cleaning house - the family!
Painted with care all the notes.
How do you cope, my darling?

May God grant you the nicest neighbors
Attentive and good doctors!
But you hold on! You - the main lady there,
And at the same time, we support and shelter!


I do not want him in my life was the site of the reasons

What is allowed to grow wrinkles

I want to contemplate your smiling eyes

He is dearer to me than all praise, rewards.

Health, Mother, you!

Live the joy of all and I

You're all in care today

Until everyone has business ... And not laziness ...

You're like a thread between us

We love you, adore


Thank you for everything.


I love you, Mommy dear

How are you dear friend,

You're like an angel in the flesh,

You're my guardian in my life and the way.

You're trying to straw podstelit

For each match problem

Though adult feel like a long time

I'm still under the mother's wing.

Your wards - unlimited

Emotional outbursts - net

You are my support anytime, anywhere

You gave me happiness.


Mom can be the life of any

Houses - caring and groovy

The work - it is - a business woman,

And in a relationship with my dad ... both of the children.

His mom ... Well, how not to love?

She granted me the opportunity to live

Accompanied by life on the road

Walking next to me, a little behind.

Its precepts - that the Old Testament

Any question it will answer there

She scolded and understand and forgive

It is like a balm for the tired souls.

And the wisdom of the glow of her lovely eyes

I save me in this life time

I silently, quietly with her tea popyu

And easy to go on in the heart.

Live, my mother a long time on this Earth

The immense love and care, warmth

It is important, when there is in the world

The sacred thread, where a mother and children.

Author Anna Klimanova

Do not forget to congratulate their mothers with the holiday, happiness and health to them

Mother's Day 2014 in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, history and traditions of the celebration

 Mothers day

Beautiful spring holiday Mother's Day (Day of mothers) widely celebrated around the world, and each country has its own national traditions.

In this article you can find out when and how to celebrate the holiday Mother's Day in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, the date, the number, the traditions of his celebration in England, the USA, Mexico, Australia, Canada, Austria, Finland, in the Turkish town of Afyon - Bashmakchi, as well as the history of the origin of the holiday.

The origins of the holiday Mother's Day

The history of the festival goes back to antiquity when the Romans and Greeks in the end of May, organized a three-day holiday celebration of Gaia - the mother of all gods.

In England, the mother's day (Mom's Sunday) was proclaimed King Henry III in 1600 and celebrating its third Sunday in March. On this day, the hired workers were given the day off, so they can visit their mothers. Children give moms a special cake with 12 marzipan balls that symbolize the zodiac. In response to a gift mom bless their children. Women relaxing in the day, and all the housework carried out by men, they are also preparing a gala dinner that day.

In May 1907 a young teacher Ann Jarvis of Grafton West Virginia United States organized a ceremony in memory of his departed mother two years ago. The following year, it was joined hundreds of other women with their children.

Anne wrote in letters to a number of organizations, which proposes to dedicate one day a year to mothers. Virginia began to celebrate Mother's Day in 1910, later it began to celebrate in all US states and 23 other countries, including Ukraine, Mexico, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Australia, India.

Mother's Day 2014 Russia , Ukraine, the date, the date when notice

Every year on the second Sunday of May in many European countries, USA, China, Japan and Canada has one of the good and bright holiday - Mother's Day, in 2014, this date falls on the 11th of May.

In Ukraine, too, celebrate Mother's Day on May 11. Thirty other countries celebrate this day in a different time, for example, in Belarus, the date of October 14th.

In Russia celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday of November in 2014, this will be the date of November 30th.

But we can say that Mother's Day - an everlasting holiday, for each person there is no one more important and more expensive than his mother, the one that gave him life. Each image is stored in the heart of the best mum in the world, the one who loves and forgives, that, kind and gentle is no one in the world.

That is why this festival - the most touching of all the holidays of the year. Children greet their beloved mothers and thank you for affection, care and love.

Holiday traditions in different countries

In Mexico, for all mothers organize a dinner party after the Catholic Mass in honor of mothers. In the United States and Australia decided that day to attach to clothing carnation flower, if the mother is still alive - attach the color pink, and white attach those with mom died.

In Canada, on Mother's Day mothers accepted to do different surprises, exempt from any work around the house. The whole family gets up early mother prepares her favorite foods and feeds her breakfast in bed, when she wakes up. The only thing that allowed my mother to do the day - to open the door the messenger who brings her another gift or a luxurious bouquet of flowers.

In Austria, also celebrate Mother's Day. The tradition of celebrating this festival very similar to the March 8 in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. Children give mothers the little bunches of spring flowers and gifts made in advance, hand made in schools. Bakers bake special cakes, and the restaurant serves for moms.

Honored mother Finland receive the Order of the White Rose from the President of the state in the Mother's Day. In recent years, this award is given to, and the mothers who brought up orphans. On this day in Finland raised the national flag of this day - the day off.

In his praise of mothers in the Turkish town of Afyon - Bashmakchi where celebrate Mother's Day every Friday, 52 times a year. Children, listing the days of the week, even named after Mother's Day on Thursday, then Saturday.

The tradition of the festival goes to the time when young women, getting married, leaving the families of their parents, but every Friday be sure to visit their mothers. And today for the men decided to take back his wife to her mother, who is preparing his daughter's favorite dishes and warms to her tea. And for the son-mother-in-law is preparing a special cake with cheese and spinach, which is called "mother-handkerchief."

Holiday tradition is very strong in this city so far, do not work on Fridays firms and market, on the contrary, working longer than usual, so that women can buy everything you need. Residents of this city believe that the celebration of Mother's Day every week brings families and strengthens links families and generations.
