As in Bethlehem one night
Lit star with the birth of the Divine,
So let shine in everyone's heart
Wonderful Christmas light of Christ!
All the people waiting impatiently
Big Miracle with the end of the post,
With great joy, in a good mood
I wish to meet the Christmas holiday!
It ended the night liturgy.
Rejoice, Christians, rejoice!
This is because the Messiah came into the world,
That's because the Saviour was born!
Good News transmitted to all by word of mouth.
With bright holiday! With the birth of Christ!
Beautiful greetings in verse
Sang in the church festive tropar.
All the same awe and joy, as of old
Waiting Orthodox birthday Deity.
With a wonderful holiday of the Nativity of Christ!
On Christmas Eve, the first evening star
Preached before the miraculous birth of Christ.
I wish, waiting for a holiday look,
To celebrate Christmas in a good mood!
With the coming of the Savior in the sinful world
Grievances all enemies pardon.
Transfer the joy of family and friends.
I congratulate all a Merry Christmas!
Author Kusturova Lyudmila
We warm lights candles,
The joy of this day brought -
In this good, bright evening
Jesus Christ was born!
Strong large families
We sat down for an evening table.
On this bright birthday
The Savior Himself came to us!
Let today Evening Star
Gives happiness, the joy of all,
After all, today was marked
Way stars in Bethlehem!
Congratulations on Christmas
Kolyada now in families -
Christmas tree, dinner, celebration,
And in the churches - worship services
The Merry!
On the window frost weave pattern -
Your focus will drive away the cold!
Let the good will love the courtyard
And the shining star of Bethlehem!
Every mother let you man
It will be a good, joyful, healthy,
After all, each other that we age
Happy Christmas!
I want your kind of fruit,
The good home to grow wealth.
On this bright winter day was born
Our Savior Jesus Christ!
Happiness and joy you have won -
After all, the star of Bethlehem twinkles,
This evening learned magicians:
The earthly life of the Savior comes!
I want to wish you good!
You rejoice with Mary,
And light a candle brightly,
Indeed, in our world there was the Messiah!
Author Marina Udaltsova