Dec. 25 Christmas holiday in the western Christians
Quiet walks on our streets
Referring everywhere everyone and everything,
Making the world a little more beautiful,
Comes to us, Catholics, Christmas again!
Let the harmony in the heart shimmers
Let the beauty of the world is illuminated,
Let every evil and sorrow forgets
Let our world thrives big!
Catholic Christmas
To us from heaven came again,
We expect miracles!
And for the little princesses,
And for the Knights - boys
For all, all children in the country
Santa Claus let bears
Laughter, emotions swirl
Let the dream come true
And we become happier!
Christmas carols filled the country
And in this colorful celebration waiting for all the magic,
Let it all come true, what we dreamed of,
Let the world is filled with a part of the beauty,
Let the holiday gifts Santa will bring
And it may not be the family sorrows and troubles!
Smile kiddies Santa Claus
And touch their huge hand,
And give them the joy of the long-awaited,
And a gift, a whole mysterious.
Now it's Christmas
All Catholics Now I wish,
To welcome in the shower is not extinguished,
A warmed all around and always!
Congratulations on Catholic Christmas
In the holy night light the lights,
Along the tree with your family!
All people know that for them
He was born, my Savior!
And under the glow of the stars,
The ringing of bells frost
Will you and I together,
Christ with Mary and Father!
All Merry Christmas - flying from heaven!
King was born in Bethlehem!
And everyone in the night rose,
So it will be again, so was the old days!
In the barn, the straw, the Savior was born,
And the world is suddenly changed forever!
Shepherds came with their gifts
To honor Jesus as we are with you!
Congratulations to all of the Holy Night,
In a wonderful Christmas holiday!
Invisible angel kisses us,
During the hymns of pure words!
Already signed gifts
Lit candle, and the table is set,
Shine streets and parks,
And the house is open to all guests!
Angels came down from heaven here,
For Christmas we all had fun!
And the Holy Child in yaselkah lies,
And the entire universe much he squeaks!
We'll go right with the gifts to Bethlehem!
The world came the Saviour - enough for all the happiness!
This Christmas - the main day of the year,
Again a year with gifts come!