Congratulations on Christmas Pope in verse

 Congratulations dad on Christmas


Daddy dear, Merry Christmas,

Happiness to you and good luck in everything

Heart full of empty sincere friendship,

Strong brings a wealth let service

Let all the initiatives succeed,

Bede, sadness not touch you -

You're alone in the world a Pope -

Good and nice and dearest!


Let your soul be filled, Daddy, heat,

These suggestions with a nice Christmas,

Bright greeting I priporoshit,

Dearest, I'll tell you:

That was you papulechka, every day healthy,

To carols generous lot of good words

Wish with joy, peace and good,

To make it fun this Christmas!

Be always smiling, radiant you

To checkered all the plans and dreams.

Happiness and good luck, I wish you, Dad,

On the day of Christ's birth - a good sign.

Congratulations dad poems from daughter


Christmas comes to the house with slow steps,

Lights the stars in the sky above us

Light shining all states that the time has come:

Happiness joy of love, peace and goodness.

Dad, I hasten to you on this day of winter

And I wish that were always there for us.

To advisor you mene, was a good friend,

To the Lord you always, my dad loved,

To grief and misfortune were unable to break down,

That mountain of children can always stand

To focus all our family away heat

It was in the father's house the children joyfully light.

Verses Christmas dad from his son


Christ was born, Daddy, today,

And at this hour of the coveted that I came,

I want to say: you - a special man,

And only you in my life I became wise.

Thank you, Dad, for the care,

For that you laid me Languages,

What I was able to conquer all life ups

And the title of a son deserved.

I wish you good health,

Good luck to all walks of life.

I want to love ever was warmed,

To not want to turn back.

I want all paths of life

You luck held up.

Christ was born to this world

Less was evil, beautiful life.


s taught men to be,

Fight, win love,

Support for children was a family

And true to yourself.

Your family - your strong Grotto:

Here, the enemy, the envious will not pass.

Love and loyalty to live here -

They give us strength.

On the bright holiday of Christmas,

When from heaven waiting for the celebration,

I wish with us beat

Council podsobit good.

For the January snow, frost

Brought to you health, WHO,

That the house only laughter reigned,

So that, you dad, God loved.

Congratulations Dad Child


Today, on the feast of the Nativity,

When a star is burning good,

We would like to say words of love

Anyone who creates a story to us.

Congratulate Pope we hurry,

Words of love to tell him

And a lot of happiness, long

We would like to wish today:

To the festive table

Gathered close-knit family,

To a full bowl was your house,

To live true friends,

That good angel guard

From misery, sadness and separation -

Wish grandfather and dad

All the children, and the wife and grandchildren.

Congratulations on the Christmas poems mom

 Congratulations mom on Christmas


I am a mother and I want to congratulate Christmas

And I wish her long life!

And congratulations to all of its direct

So that in life you do not know the bitter troubles!

Let there be only happiness and joy!

Let it be all like a fairy tale you!

And now we congratulate the whole family -

Presented gifts to all the love!

And let the gift will be very modest

Let the silver will not be of gold in it ...

But it is you, believe me, worth a hundred times -

After all, God blessed age of your way!


Great holiday comes Christmas!

And I look forward to meeting,

To triumph in this holy

You give Christmas speech ...

Beloved mother now dedicate

Fine lines of the great creations!

Thee from the heart, gently congratulations!

Thanks mom for love, patience!

And may the Lord will protect you

From all the tribulations of old age, boredom ...

Let all the bad things go away quickly as possible

Let it be nice forever your hands!


Mamulechku his favorite

I want now to congratulate Merry Christmas!

To say that all love her tight

And congratulations to send the best!

Let it be all like a fairy tale, you have!

Great to not only let down ...

And I wish you passionately love,

To keep you such a long time!

To not know you grief and misery!

To have fun in the house does not end!

That life had many victories!

And that time remained to caress!


Christmas is now just around the corner ...

Soon we will have fun, celebrate ...

And I want to wish a better mom

And at the same time never lose heart!

Let stay the same you are beautiful,

Let only fun in life will you!

Let the weather will be clear only in the house

And let come true dreams come true!

Forgive that rarely come to visit

And for what so you rarely call ...

Just remember, Mother dear, dear!

What I love is stronger than all!


I congratulate Merry Christmas Mom,

Her happiness in the life of my heart I wish,

That you did not know only life troubles!

That was just a lot of victories!

May the God of your hand will warm you!

Let the happiness will be able to find you!

May be you healthy forever!

And let the love is not never leaving!

You want it now embrace more

And I wish from the heart more fun

In order for life to never be weary!

And to me for everything, always forgive!


I want to congratulate Christmas with my mother,

To wish her happiness and warmth!

I congratulate her poems camp,

To her life was measured flowing!

And in these lines tenderly wish

I do not know the grief she never troubles!

I promise you today,

What you will achieve all the victories soon!

Glass in hand ... and I toast to pronounce!

To come to pass whatever you want!

You know, Mom, I love you both!

Let life will fulfill all your dreams!

Topless sunbathing is not recommended


According to the search engine Yahoo, the Internet users are increasingly interested in nudism. Over the past five years, the number of requests for the relevant topic has grown by 700%. This can be seen in Offline: more women sunbathing topless and nudist beaches can not accommodate everyone.

It would seem that the case goes to the fact that soon will be on the beach all do completely without clothes. However, manufacturers are not in a hurry to look for another job; they know swimsuit lived, lives and will live.

It is believed that the history of women's bathing suit - a history of cutting off the excess, according to "Vedomosti". Indeed, once the swimsuit looked like a full garment.

It is terrible to imagine, but in the early XIX century, women were in the water in full gear: long dresses, shoes, stockings, cap.

Change of more than one generation until the ladies finally took off his shoes and began to swim in a tunic with trousers below the knees. And when in the 20s of the last century, women wore suits, fully opening his arms and legs, there was a scandal. On the beaches there were even patrols that measured the length of the bathing suits and imposed a fine on the guilty fashionistas.

But the main changes were ahead. In 1946, two Frenchmen - designer Jacques Em and automotive engineer Louis Rare almost simultaneously created the world's first separate swimsuit.

The first called him "the atom", the second - "bikini". More Rare lucky: it was his invention has become history. Now that the overall sales, and in front of the velvet season, many go shopping. Choosing a swimsuit, you can easily learn the history of fashion in the shops reigns retro style.

Designers remembered 1960: swimsuits adorned peas, red-white and blue-and-red stripes. They offer shorts with ruffles - blumersy (these were back in the Victorian era).

There were also long pants to the ankle of the "bathing" fabric. A designer Kenzo for its collection Gokan Kobo has created a closed beach clothes: jackets and pajama pants type.

There are even special Muslim swimwear, as in past centuries, covering a woman from the ankle to the top. At the same time, going to the beach, tourists should be remembered not just about fashion, but about health.

Apparently, the maximum indoor swimsuit as would be ridiculous he looked, it is the most useful.


"We need to approach the tan wisely, - says head of department of City Clinical Breast Oncology Center Alexei Manikhas.

- If you lie on the beach for 8 hours per day - it's bad for everyone. Even with dark skin. "

Sunbathing in small amounts necessary for an organism, say doctors. But in the sun topless not advise any one person.

Thus, according to official statistics, 80% of St. Petersburg residents suffer from various benign tumors in the mammary glands.

Therefore, doctors do not recommend strongly "northern women" topless sunbathing, reports "Business Petersburg".

"If a woman sunbathing topless, it immediately increases the risk of cancer. And no sunscreen will not help - says Alexey Manikhas.

- So before you give up on the top of a bathing suit, pass a medical examination for mastitis. "
