Congratulations sms with the day of the Navy short poems

 Congratulations to seamen in verse


Navy - our pride and strength!

All the best in the army have!

You stand guard over Russia,

And for that you praise and honor!


Who is in the sky, in the water -

We congratulate all,

After all, now - not an ordinary day,

A celebration of the Navy!


Admirals! We congratulate you!

And proud of you Motherland!

And today we wish all yungam

Quickly becoming admirals!


We congratulate the people

Who lost the peace,

And in the heavens and on the water

Serving his native land!


I heartily congratulate the heroes

Who praise and honor!

Who chose his fate

Naval fleet nice!

Congratulations to SMS


Cadet! The fate you choose!

After service - it does not work,

When to take the oath of allegiance



Stars from the sky, they do not suffice,

Do not boast uniform, modest.

Just protect the honor of the motherland,

Quiet loyalty this strong!


A vivid flag from the platform - do not wave,

Songs do not tear his throat loudly,

Bending caper - not dance.

Just serve. And it live!

Author Inga Arteeva


C during the day naval fleet

I congratulate you, my friends!

I wish you happiness large,

Just what you can and can not be!

(But like ...)

SMS Happy Navy


Congratulations, my sailor!

You are not "off the stove breakpoint"

The brave and beautiful,

Be thou happy!


Day naval fleet -

The holiday very special!

Good luck large

And happy to have you!

Short poems


On the day of the Navy

I congratulate you, my friend!

You carry hard service,

But I'm your lifeline!

You always bail out!

Do not ever forget!


The Navy Day

I send SMSes are not lazy!

I congratulate you

Each and everyone!

Let not the silent cockpit Your laughter!

Author Olga Kulemina

Congratulations on the day the sailors of the Baltic Fleet Baltic Fleet

 On the day of the Baltic Fleet

The sailors and officers of the Baltic Fleet


Anyone who is aware of the Baltic Fleet

We want to wish today

Respect and love in the work,

To have someone on the ground to wait.

Wind blowing let passing,

Happiness fills the sails,

Bad weather - only momentary,

Only the sun - give heaven!


Congratulations sailors

Glorious Baltic sons.

We wish you good luck

And the coins in the bargain

Anchors on the visor

Let bring you success,

Thin cutlass at his hip -

Will love fate


I congratulate sailor

On the day of the Baltic Fleet

Sometimes, even if service is not easy

Do not complain about the work

You're not afraid of anything

No storm or high tide or low tide

Let me wish one

That your life was happy.

Let the sea worship you

Let the waves will be supportive

Let the sun smiles in the life

And let the house is full cup.


Day today festive and important

Sailors walking across the country.

Baltic Fleet - the bold and brave.

We feel we are well protection.

We wish you all my heart we

That water has been gracious to you,

To the sun the sea.

And now Houses have always been waiting for love!


In severe cold waters

Severe men honor

Sailor in the daily hikes

The boundaries of the country cares

Cold water - not the field

Here you can not put a bar

Guarding the Baltic Sea

Homeland his sons

And the spirit of strong men

Baltic fate live

And only on the roads and in the feast

The men barely rested

Leave ships at berth

Let the holiday hurry to every home

Pass longing and sadness

For friendly family table


Baltic sailors, today is your day

Seven feet under the keel you

Let them never be marked shadow

In light of your destiny

Let neither wind nor snow nor heat

Smiles will not erase your

Let Homeland most proud of you

Let the glory of the heroes find


Sailors of the Baltic, do not be sad

Family values ​​you

As a guiding star to come -

Date with home party

Today, rush home quickly

After a festive table laid

Raise their glasses home with you

Fun rattles everywhere!

And tomorrow let off again

Cold expanse furrow

About the house native will never forget,

Borders powers storing

Congratulations on the day of the Navy in prose

 Congratulations prose sailors

Original congratulations Navy prose, humorous merry wishes men, sailors, sailor favorite guy in your own words, the text Happy Navy.


Let the wind passing brings you endless sea of ​​success and happiness, passing on the way all the underwater reefs.

In the naval celebration find yourself Mermaid taste and rejoice as this relies sailor.


The hot July denёk let me congratulate you with the holiday neptunovskim. You passed the baptism of fire and water, you defended the right of our great country to become independent and prosperous.

You - the pride, the standard, you is subject to sea, any danger dare you look in the face. Let this holiday bring in July our home warm and cozy. On the day of the Navy!


The hot blazing sun ... ... bottomless azure sky blue circle ... Not ... Not a breath of fresh breath of air ... You know this firsthand. And in the calm and the storm you were there, protecting sea borders of our country. You are fully grown, matured, became a real man.

I am glad that you are mine. My sailor ...

Congratulations on the day of the Navy in prose


I want to be a breeze, so dishevel your hair.

I want to become a siren of the sea, to call in the distance you know.

I want Huge wave cover your body with his.

I want to give you everything that can give you my love. I congratulate you on the Day of the Navy! Your little mermaid.


My feelings for you as a surf - dipped you in serenity. My anger is like the depths of the sea - attracts and frightens recklessly. You know me as the sea space, you take any shaft when I get angry.

You - my light, my lighthouse in the world ill.

You - bestrashny sailor, and I - your captain.


You towered over all his mannerisms, gait, his firm, strong will and steadfastness of his.

You proudly wear the title of his honor and it gives you.

You - my neptunovskim man, your eyes burn with fire.

You are gentle, like surf, and threatens a wave of the sea on the reefs in the sea breaking, turning everything into a foam circle.

I just dream to be with you next, so you called me "his mermaid." Happy Navy!
