Happy sailor I congratulate
You, my dear morjachok,
And frankly I sincerely wish
Loving Madly, tender, hot!
Let the life of the water element,
Crazy its greatness
Let excites the heart of the power of the oceans
And Morflot be your calling!
Let life be all
Love, health, happiness and family
Just promise me you'll remember that
Here on the coast, there are those who are waiting for you!
* * *
Sailor! How much power in this word!
What emotion is in us!
A man passing in naval uniform
Touches of girls without diverting the eye!
Today we congratulate sailors
With their bright holiday - the Day of sailor!
And do not hide admiration, desire
every wish for yourself!
Let submit themselves to water depths
Let the beauty of the sea stirs the blood
Let sadness for no reason
Only happiness and joy will always be!
* * *
Today unusual day for you.
Today is your holiday - the Day of sailor!
And I want to congratulate you personally,
Life to be as deep river!
May the joy, happiness and fun
Always read in your eyes.
And let there be no sadness or doubt,
And insulting words spoken in our hearts.
You conqueror of all maritime spaces,
You are a brave and courageous man.
You do not like unnecessary talk,
You guy does! So be it forever!
* * *
You're a sailor and it shows!
I congratulate you!
And let many little jealous,
What kind of man I've got!
You're the king of the seas and the lord of the waters,
You conquer the water expanses.
And let there be no room for worries,
Not to sorrow nor sadness, strife.
Let life be smooth water.
So be calm and feelings of deep sea.
Let a smile lit his eyes.
Let happy life will be forever!