Vіtannya s rock novim 2015 zhartіvlivі vіrshі

 Vіtannya novim s 2013 rock


You vіtaєm in kazkovu Qiu myt

W Novim rock, Happiness i, i world.

High dzvіnochkom your vote dzvenit.

Zavzhdi dwellers, mov dumplings s sire

In smetantsі, bathed in slavі vie,

I have pennies in obіymah Cohanim.

Share vіrna bula i laskavo,

Happiness - vіchne and friendship - nadіyna.

Neskіnchenny fіnansіv potіk,

Sky clear lagіdnu bluish tint.

Hai also Tsey zmієnazvany Year

Buda spravdі dolenosnim for you.


You vіtaєm Novim s rock!

And the following to our Kroc

Pobazhannya Happiness Yea.

High Zozulya nakuє

You shte rokіv hundred Kohannya,

Viznannya i protsvіtannya.

Share vіrno high pilnuє,

Everywhere you uspіh daruє,

Druziv vіrnih, Sontsya Svitlo,

Zdіysnennya vsogo on svіtі.

High Tsey Year daruє you

Velich Mriy, dumok i planіv, i fun couple gramіv

For healthy "I th radіst us.


Dіd Claus i Novi Year

Pospіshayut in your house.

Happiness, radostі i Mriy

Vzhe for you to carry bagato.

Mi bazhaєm in Perche Well myt

Priruchiti їh nadіyno,

Groshі postіyno will be high,

Usmіh on the lips Breen

Nastrіy Garnier dwellers Trimai

Mіtsno your hands inveterate,

Druziv heat Bhagat,

PLN Reebok Povny becoming,

OAO All zbuvalis Bazhannya dwellers,

Bu s Cohanim Koch

Schobi Year Tsey CCB schaslivim,

W Warm sideways th winter beer.

Zhartіvlivі privіtannya vіrshі


Novi Year spіshit at the hut

Srіbnim snіgom on porіg.

Hai also brought bagato

Happiness th radostі to nіg!

High fun you live,

Hai does not bude grief th slіz.

Bajan you od vsogo insertions,

Dwellers Dіd Claus to hati vlіz.

Dwellers pіdkinuv pid Yalinka

All chogo bazhaєtsya,

High susіd kovtaє Slinky,

Serdce posmіhaєtsya!


Novi Year zustrіti Garneau

I schiro Bajan usіm you.

High Bude not piously Marne

Shlіt Bazhannya zіrkam vie!

High Lord Bountiful s sky

You zavzhdi oberіgaє,

All daruє scho you require,

His affection posilaє.


Tobi grant in novorіchnu nich

Not quiet sleep - svoє Kohannya!

In Vechir Tsey mіlyoni svіch -

Tse pochuttіv moїh Movchan.

You love, i do not Probach

Sobі sogodnі Samoth.

You zustrіv - spіymav luck

Bo moїm sertsі - tіlki ti ...


Kolorovі vognі hvilini rahuyut,

In Qiu nich novorіchnu zdіysnyatsya OAO All Mrii!

Pokey shte Morozenko on vіknah painted -

Permit potsіluyu zasnіzhenі vії ...

Let him into your nastupnіm rotsі

Lish Happiness th radіst zustrіchaє.

Nekhay Happiness on kozhnіm krotsі,

A sertsі amour zapalaє.

Nekhay tvoї dnі will povnі Kohannya,

Let him not zіtretsya stezhina Zhittya.

Let him bude i spodіvannya Happiness,

Schodnya - lish novі i novі vіdchuttya.

Poems New Year 2015 wishes to friends

 Friends New Year


Let the magic of a wonderful New Year's Eve

You will be able to give a fairy tale,

In which will live his entire life,

Where will be loved and will love!


Let swirl in the sky, the snow whirls,

Stop trying year

As a high-spirited horse he umchitsya Well,

Without prejudice to the course of life.

It does not matter that in the past

We meet sadness trouble.

I congratulate the upcoming!

Let there be a lot of good in it!


That run, his teaching the course,

Hustler arrows, one after another.

Coming to us the New Year!

Happiness, let him bring it yourself!

And let suddenly piled up,

As sometimes snow drifts,

Infinitely let knocked and knocked

You head on money, success!

Bright will let life interesting

As garlands colored lights!

And the image of the eternal love pretty

Will you and the days and nights!


Year is already knocking at the door,

Snow swirls, trail covered with snow.

Happy New Year to all of you congratulations,

And I wish to feel the heat!

No, not the heat of a burning fireplace,

Do not fire at the pine trees in the woods.

I wish you the passion in the hearts of loved ones -

All blizzards and snow out of spite!

Poetry wishes to friends


New Year! New Year!

What we will bring a holiday?

Clinking champagne glasses,

The joy of friends and relatives.

All that was - that was gone,

And that would be - a nice moment!

I wish you today,

In this holiday vain,

Feel the breath of a fairy tale,

After rushing for a dream!


Santa Claus on reindeer,

All gifts will bring a bunch.

Well, I wish you active,

With a roar and the noise, Celebrate New Year!


Let Santa Claus will bring you

With top-filled sled,

Where will happiness, home, comfort,

Favorite all around you!

Where will only kindness

And the light shining smiles

Open all the gates for you

And a magic fish pond!


Let the new year will not bring harm to you,

And only the wisdom, will and power, beauty!

For all the efforts you are sure to get the award,

And be able to overcome any height!


In the magical celebration of childhood,

Lights, gifts, trees, tangerines, snow

All women - gifts and coquetry,

Men - strong forces and have no debts!

Happy New Year 2015 in poetry

 Happy New Year


In this New Year's holiday

I would like to wish you,

To the happiness of each year

You will not easily let go,

For life seemed a fairy tale,

All ideas were embodied,

Life was, that in bright colors

And in general, dreams come true!


Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

Just want to wish,

Staying be fun,

Do not lose heart!

Rip, be careless,

Happiness joy, warmth,

To love as infinite,

The house has been a haven of good!


In anticipation of the holiday,

Which is your favorite childhood,

I hasten to wish you

With all my heart,

To bring this new year,

All that is wanted,

And all the friends on your request,

Good answer with a smile!

Harmony, love and warmth,

Forget all the hardships and sorrows,

I wish that the New Year was celebrated

You are only in an atmosphere of kindness!

Christmas greetings in verse


With the new year, with the new year

Believe in miracles! Happiness here

And all will come to pass, of course!

On the ground, miracles do not count!

We heartily congratulate

This holiday came,

And, of course, we wish,

For the year was happy!


Happy New Year

We congratulate each other!

Let the stars shine in the sky

Or angry wicked blizzard.

"Happy New Year! "-

Under the feet of snow sings,

And swinging tree branch,

And there comes a new year!

Happy New Year

Congratulations to all today!

Let us wait for the year to come

Happiness, joy and success!


New helmet Congratulations

From the heart and from the heart!

New Year - a holiday favorite,

It is in the mystery of a magic door.

Again, we believe in a good story,

The magic of this joyful night

And the road to the accomplishment of all plans

We seem lighter, shorter.

Let celebrate all that is conceived,

Embody the dreams and desires,

Let help you in our good

New Year's wishes.


New Year's Eve present to let you

The sea of ​​joy, happiness, love,

A dream come true, the embodiment of dreams,

And spring bubbling in the blood,

And the heady smell of flowering meadows,

And the autumn sun transparency

And whirling blizzards, snow and shine,

And ambiguity twinkling stars.
