You vіtaєm in kazkovu Qiu myt
W Novim rock, Happiness i, i world.
High dzvіnochkom your vote dzvenit.
Zavzhdi dwellers, mov dumplings s sire
In smetantsі, bathed in slavі vie,
I have pennies in obіymah Cohanim.
Share vіrna bula i laskavo,
Happiness - vіchne and friendship - nadіyna.
Neskіnchenny fіnansіv potіk,
Sky clear lagіdnu bluish tint.
Hai also Tsey zmієnazvany Year
Buda spravdі dolenosnim for you.
You vіtaєm Novim s rock!
And the following to our Kroc
Pobazhannya Happiness Yea.
High Zozulya nakuє
You shte rokіv hundred Kohannya,
Viznannya i protsvіtannya.
Share vіrno high pilnuє,
Everywhere you uspіh daruє,
Druziv vіrnih, Sontsya Svitlo,
Zdіysnennya vsogo on svіtі.
High Tsey Year daruє you
Velich Mriy, dumok i planіv,
i fun couple gramіv
For healthy "I th radіst us.
Dіd Claus i Novi Year
Pospіshayut in your house.
Happiness, radostі i Mriy
Vzhe for you to carry bagato.
Mi bazhaєm in Perche Well myt
Priruchiti їh nadіyno,
Groshі postіyno will be high,
Usmіh on the lips Breen
Nastrіy Garnier dwellers Trimai
Mіtsno your hands inveterate,
Druziv heat Bhagat,
PLN Reebok Povny becoming,
OAO All zbuvalis Bazhannya dwellers,
Bu s Cohanim Koch
Schobi Year Tsey CCB schaslivim,
W Warm sideways th winter beer.
Zhartіvlivі privіtannya vіrshі
Novi Year spіshit at the hut
Srіbnim snіgom on porіg.
Hai also brought bagato
Happiness th radostі to nіg!
High fun you live,
Hai does not bude grief th slіz.
Bajan you od vsogo insertions,
Dwellers Dіd Claus to hati vlіz.
Dwellers pіdkinuv pid Yalinka
All chogo bazhaєtsya,
High susіd kovtaє Slinky,
Serdce posmіhaєtsya!
Novi Year zustrіti Garneau
I schiro Bajan usіm you.
High Bude not piously Marne
Shlіt Bazhannya zіrkam vie!
High Lord Bountiful s sky
You zavzhdi oberіgaє,
All daruє scho you require,
His affection posilaє.
Tobi grant in novorіchnu nich
Not quiet sleep - svoє Kohannya!
In Vechir Tsey mіlyoni svіch -
Tse pochuttіv moїh Movchan.
You love, i do not Probach
Sobі sogodnі Samoth.
You zustrіv - spіymav luck
Bo moїm sertsі - tіlki ti ...
Kolorovі vognі hvilini rahuyut,
In Qiu nich novorіchnu zdіysnyatsya OAO All Mrii!
Pokey shte Morozenko on vіknah painted -
Permit potsіluyu zasnіzhenі vії ...
Let him into your nastupnіm rotsі
Lish Happiness th radіst zustrіchaє.
Nekhay Happiness on kozhnіm krotsі,
A sertsі amour zapalaє.
Nekhay tvoї dnі will povnі Kohannya,
Let him not zіtretsya stezhina Zhittya.
Let him bude i spodіvannya Happiness,
Schodnya - lish novі i novі vіdchuttya.