Colleagues, Dear, Happy New Year!
Let this New Year by coming
Only brings happiness and luck,
To have been a wonderful mood!
I wish to live like in the good old fairy tale,
That happiness is always a glowing eyes!
That joy filled all the weekdays!
Let's celebrate soon will!
And let the whole year, we all promise good luck!
Let it be just so and not otherwise!
Let us success beautiful smile!
Let everyone suddenly wakes up rich!
We want to congratulate you, dear colleague,
Happy New Year!
You are for us the Alpha and Omega
All the achievements and victories, the ups and achievements!
Wish we want you to plan all the achievements,
And in the one hundred and successes, personal happiness in life,
Suppose that you shy away from the trouble-storm.
Do not let the soul grows old, and his eyes shine,
Only the good way you let the stars proclaim.
We congratulate you, my friends, with the coming New Year!
It is the sea of happiness and luck will bring passing,
Love will revive the soul, heart cheer hope
Warm spring endow all winter and snow.
We wish you all from the heart, as said,
We wish this year is to live without sorrow and grief.
So, colleagues, Happy New Year
I decided to congratulate you and me.
We worked together for many years,
Like bees close-knit family.
I hope this new year
We all bring good luck.
I want to wish you the heart
Spiritual eternal youth,
Peace and prosperity in the house,
To live in anything without saving.
And let the hearts will rise again
Hope, faith and love!
Humorous poems
He came the long-awaited,
Month coveted pleasures,
New Year just around the corner
That's been running us!
And he shall not care
Only the joy of trouble!
You are my employee,
I wish novelty,
Romance Dates
And achievements wishes!
In general, for the whole year - luck,
That day without mood!
But all we collected from the garden
Old year so carelessly
Rolling away from us
I am glad the people in the winter!
Listen, office people,
In the New Year let all the luck!
Let year temnenky horses
Will open its gates,
And all of us will fly
Warm light, love, biscuit,
Chocolates and cookies
Taste our childhood years.
So quickly assembled,
The stores are updated
And to celebrate New Year
He is coming - no worries!
Hooray! Colleagues Happy New Year
I congratulate you heartily!
Sadly, after work
Always in a hurry to leave us.
Let's forget the holidays
Problems and all negative
And no officials will talk ...
Long live the corporate!