Privіtannya novim s fate in 2015 at vіrshah

 s rock novim


Vіnshuєmo vsіh schiro Novim s rock!

Before Happiness nablizhaytes s cutaneous Kroc!

Hi you zhittєvі ominayut thunderstorms,

Lachey hi od radostі nabіgayut slozi.

Let him have all tsomu rotsі vdaєtsya,

Nekhay Schodnya you Sonechko smієtsya.


W Novim fate of vіtaєmo

You od schiroї dushі.

The I that for you skladaєmo

Hoch prostenkі, that vіrshі.

Full Year nathnennya zichimo,

Happiness, radostі, Health Protection!

High usmіhayutsya you zori,

Serdce Povny lyubov'yu.

Hai zhittі truncated skladaєtsya

You for the good of the good i.

Dim your STATCOM Povny let them,

Nache waters of the Dnipro.

A іsche of you bazhaєmo

Th in the world zlagodі sіm'ї,

Dwellers Schodnya spіvalo Serce in you,

Yak vesnyanі solov'ї.


In yasny Vechir, yak people will strіchati

Novi Year, Malyatam of I, i have grown in Cuzco vіriti not grіh,

From i zichimo of schiro schobi novorіchna nich

You zvela іz your Happiness i deprived vіch-on-vіch.

High of the Year sinіy Ptah vіschuє good at vashіy hatі,

Boule dwellers in nіy OAO All zdorovі, veselі i, i bagatі,

Zdіysnilos all omrіyane dwellers, the people Mrii novі,

Dwellers zhilosya you without klopotіv, leash at zlagodі lyubovі minutes.

Author Larissa Zaporozhchenko

Privіtannya have vіrshah


I s your Novim rock vіtayu

Vid schirogo Serdce svogo

Naykraschogo vsogo Bazhan

Bulo dwellers truncated hoo!

Great th spravzhnesenkim Happiness

Stick th glibokoy amour

Dwellers card for kicking mastі

Q zavzhdi CCB great catch

Ribka dwellers caught krupnenka

Dwellers klovy mental attitude

At the table Svyatkovyy bіlenka

Gorіlochka s a bore!


Mi vіtaєm Novim s rock!

That bazhaєm dwellers zmіya

Not zhalnula Ig mounts

Nashogo dobrodіya

High minayut negarazdi

Vschuhne crisis is the second pіde

I do not gіrshe car "Mazda"

In the garage until you Seide

High usi you polyublyayut I

shanuyut, i plekayut

Happiness th radіst uves hour

Not vіdhodyat high od you!

Privіtannya s novim rock 2015


Novorichni that Rizdvlyani

You vіtannya nadsilayu

Happiness, radisti, Health Protection

That DOBROBUT Bazhan

Dwellers have Vashiy hati zavzhdi

Bulo zatishno that peacefully

Ditochki boule veseli

That occasion attention

Plenty dwellers CCB hlib minutes to hliba

Ryasno bore sadiba

Borsch, Varenichki, sour cream

Mister - Faina Pani

Dwellers truncated Bulo you

By ґatunku - vischy class!


I Bajan in Novіm rotsі dosyagnuti usogo,

scho Bajan before!

That s the first dwellers of sіchnya Gruden

You Happiness dermal day!

Author Konstantin Popov

Cheerful greetings happy new year friend in verse

 New Year's greetings to a friend


Taking a short, my friend,

Happy New Year.

Let adversity and bad weather,

Party to bypass your house.

Let the true hope,

In life, only happiness awaits.

Let happy and successful

Will this new year.


I want to congratulate you,

Happy New Year. And I wish,

To be happy and successful.

You still can. I am what I know.

Suppose you come to the Snow Maiden,

That night, but with the gift.

That it was the winter chill,

Do you like summer, it's hot.


Hey, buddy, Happy New Year!

There is no time to yawn.

Raise more stack,

We will celebrate the holiday.

Here's to you and I together,

For health, for the success.

Put forth, that in his career,

There was no more noise.

Let us give you Santa,

Many more amicable years.

After another reliable in the world,

I, I know not.


Let's pour,

Yes see not yawn.

Most Desire Put forth your.

To Father gave,

All requests soul.

That life is like a fairy tale,

It was good. Let the New Year,

It will bring you a lot,

Success, luck and Happiness road.

Let come true All your wishes.

And I wish - hot love!

Comic funny poems for the New Year


Christmas tree in the new year, I will not put,

And I did not prepare a festive meal.

Why should I fuss and concern these

If this New Year greetings to my friend.

He and I sing, Elka admire,

And the offer - I will settle here permanently.

Well I will live for a year at another,

And then here comes my friend.

But by itself, and I will give to a friend is not enough.

Congratulations to you, I wrote stubbornly.

I stayed two nights and did not eat any of the crumbs

To give you today for these lines.

Happy New Year, dear friend!

Let the whole planet,

In every corner of the Earth

Firs you shine!


Happy New Year congratulations

I am sending my friend, I tell you!

Every day let Wonderful Moments

It resounds in the soul and destiny!

Make a you every wish,

And the snake all perform in a year.

And let all the bad remembrance

Dragon will carry yourselves!


Tree branches stretched,

decorated them with silver snow

And a wonderful New Year's Day

I came to congratulate you.

I wish you from the heart,

I wish you from the heart,

The sun to you, my dear friend,

light on the way of life!

Dreams that all performed,

circling and dancing to day.

And to make you smile:

your friends and family!

Happy New Year 2015 in prose

 Happy New Year in prose

The original words Happy New 2015 colleagues, boss, New Year's wishes in prose partners, clients. Congratulate head of his own words and the prize in your pocket


Happy New Year, dear Head!

Dear Head! Happy New Year! We wish you happiness, health, patience, luck. Let there be an abundance have happiness, love and good luck, and anxiety, and trouble ever let go.

How much we love New Year's holidays as well prepared for them: but, unfortunately, they pass quickly, leaving in our memory the most pleasant and warm memories.

We wish you, dear boss, to make the holiday in your soul never passed. Let the heart rejoices always disappears kindness, justice, and at the same time, the severity of May there always be with you. Go confidently in his life path, where your faithful companion, certainly, will have good luck.

Opening the champagne in a magical New Year's Eve, to guess the most secret desires. And we have just for them all to come true (and even more). Take a chance! Nothing ventured, nothing gained in the New Year's Eve (just kidding).

Let all your life will be like New Year's Eve, the same fabulous, fun, warm, childlike, funny, full of exciting adventures with family, and loyal friends.

Aim for a new, unknown, to something beautiful and mysterious. You - a talented director and a man with "a capital".

Stay in this (is) always!

Best regards staff of the company "X"!


Happy New Year 2015, dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues! Approaching the end of the old year, and with it we finish all of their business workers: to finish reporting, calculated with customers, suppliers. To start the New Year with new ideas, abilities and desires.

On the eve of this holiday, I wish you good health, patience, luck, happiness and great love. Do not be discouraged and do not be discouraged. Remember the phrase: "The new year will come to us, and what to bring." Do not feel sorry, if something did not have time to do or not do right. God always gives people a chance (and not one) to fix something or change.

Be open to the world. Do not be shy! Use your potential, do not be ashamed to express their comments and suggestions. New Year's Eve let come true desires nothing less than the will of bubbles in champagne and cloves in Mandarin. Weep with joy and laugh at the failures.

Sincerely, head of the company "X"!

Congratulations prose in their own words


Happy New Year, dear customers!

Dear customers! Constant, and those who are going to get them! We want you to say a big thank you for that trust us and cooperate. One with our slogan "the customer is always right." Forgive me if something was wrong. We - fix.

Happy New Year 2015! Be healthy, wealthy, confident. Do not be discouraged! Believe that the new year will be better, colorful, successful and a new stage in life where there is no offense, troubles and worries. Let the light of this magical, festive night will give you hope for the best, trust in yourself and others, love for all and sanctifies every day of your life.

We wish you luck in the New Year's Eve January and let the white fluffy snow snowflakes congratulate you for us. Do not forget that we love you and cherish! Our success - your success!

Sincerely, the company "X"!

Text greetings


Happy New Year, Venerable Partners

Dear our partners! Thank you for your productive and joint activities. Your trust in us means a lot. In our success we can safely blame only you. We have true friends, unforgettable moments of happiness. Be healthy, full of strength and energy.

Let the New Year bring ardor 2015, ideas, plans, and we are pleased to help you implement them in life. Grow and multiply the many talents that you have, of course. Implement your no simple mission and fill every moment of life with sincerity.

We are honored to cooperate with you in the future.

Good luck.

Sincerely, the company "X"!
