Humorous congratulations Aunt new year poems

 Congratulations Aunt New Year


Congratulate Aunt New Year

Today, the heart hurry,

Let this holiday unmatched,

Gifts presents, vanity,

With so pleasant at the time,

And warms us with its warmth.

Circulation of all those moments

Let warms you all year.

Soul shines let happiness

Fire a sincere love,

Let the heart knows the bitterness

And eternal goodness burning.

Friends let joy be,

Heat will warm conversations.

Let the light will all weekdays,

In the light of the soul shines with happiness.


May the New Year, aunt,

You once again inspire ups

And in a blaze of fairy garlands

Harden wonder forever.

Let the holiday joy and light

Executing that wholeheartedly,

Will go into your house with a kind of fairy tale -

Sincere tenderness and affection.

Let this be the weekend

Beautiful decoration of everyday life,

That warmed the soul of those moments

In the year throughout.


Aunt, Happy New Year,

And I wish you a fairy tale around.

This festival is an occasion to be special,

So let miracles come into your home.

I wish happiness and prosperity,

And good health always.

Tomorrow will be better than it is,

In the New Year is the only way!

Will happiness, joy and gladness,

It will be a fairy tale that we all are waiting for.

Will compliments, admiration,

Miracle, kindness to each house.


Even in extreme cold

For you, snowdrops are blooming,

And there will be a fabulous dream

Similar to the spring meadow.

We wish happiness to our aunt.

Let light a Christmas tree lights,

And in the power of great love

You'll meet the New Year!

Fun dizzy

And it will take in the magical land.

You will serve the service of Father Christmas -

Life will turn into a happy paradise!


Behold, the fairy-tale days

And on New Year's dreams come true.

We wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the holiday bright forever be remembered.

Native aunt congratulate heartily.

Leave for the past sorrows and doubts.

Sing songs, fun, must dance,

And the house will come good luck and fortune.

Let the Christmas tree lights gleams

Fulfill your cherished dreams.

Wizard of forgotten tales Arrive

With him will bring untold treasures.


Let illumined the night lights,

There will come a happy New Year,

And drawn by horses,

The wagon will bring happiness.

From this colorful carts

Will meet Santa Claus.

And the path snowy, slippery

Gift bag will bring!

We wish you, dear aunt,

You health and good.

And that is the native,

Always in our family it was.

Let it be in the life of prosperity,

Love immense ocean.

Only it is worth the effort,

You'll get plenty fountain!

Happy New 2015 husband

 New Year's greetings to her husband


To congratulate her husband on New Year

I do not take the beautiful words!

May be you rich as the nature!

And so beautiful as of wondrous dreams!

Let the whole year just lucky you!

Let everything comes easily in this year!

Suppose that you'll be personally!

Let luck waiting just ahead!

I wish you lots of gifts!

You want a chance anew!

Live entire year furiously and bright!

Let there be more good news!


Beloved husband I want to congratulate

In such a magical holiday wish

To force its full you can send,

To the best of his life receive!

You a Happy New Year and a new hope

I want to congratulate with a smile, loving!

Suppose that tomorrow will not be the same as before,

Let better tomorrow waiting for you!

Let the new year as a new page

Begin all that you have planned!

I wish in the hands of just a bird-bird,

To fulfill your expectations!


I am a husband Happy New Year!

Let marvelous dance of snowflakes

Today the window again circling,

To them, we were able to admire!

May this year bring you joy!

Let them remove all your fatigue!

Let brings only happiness and luck

And a lot of kindness you to boot!

Let you become a beautiful and comely

At exactly like Superman!

Let the New Year gift to delight

And from love we will definitely be hot!


Outside, the snow whirling, flying,

And cold air hit in the face ...

Husband New Year congratulations

And always want to be a fighter!

Let your dreams come true!

May you all year around luck!

I wish I understand the problems

And let the success you will soon find!

Let it be so, as you so desire!

Let it be all that you dream of!

Let the meaning of life will know this year

And you will manage to reach the heights!


Congratulating now husband a Happy New Year

And wished that this year

You are now met his parish

And you just knew in advance!

Let this year driven by you, of course!

Let it be so, as soon as you dreamed!

So be sure infinite happiness!

Let you manage to accumulate capital!

Let the snow clears dirty pages!

Let the bad old year will!

Let the only bright thoughts string

You can help move forward!


Beloved husband I now feast

I congratulate want light feelings not concealing ...

Let the New Year in the bright appearance

Will open the secrets of your life!

Let it be everything as you outlined earlier!

Let it be more beautiful victories!

On a life go only joyful march!

Let the grief will not be sad and troubles!

Always smile! I am happy beyond measure!

Let this year you will find happiness!

And remember that you love me certainly,

So, you have a lot better awaits!

Happy New Year favorite poems

 Happy New Year favorite

Poems favorite in New Year's Eve


Under a New Year's chiming clock,

I will tell you how much I love you.

And I wish you a sea of ​​happiness,

Good luck to you next year in the New.

I want all you dream to perform,

From joy shone to the eye,

To forever with you next we stayed,

Do not never parted.


You're my all beautiful in the world.

You are my joy, what kind of dream.

With you my dear I want to 200 years,

Tightly embracing the New Year meet.

Let blizzard Winter love us forever circling,

Let us life drifts nametet happiness,

Let everything that your soul desires,

Santa Claus will present the new year.


Slovlyu snowflake I palms,

And sincerely wish make.

That you've always been happy with me,

I did not know in life rowing sorrows.

So that even in the most severe frost,

You with me, it was just warm.

To you I was always a need.

After all - you are destiny and you are my happiness.

I congratulate you on the New Year,

I wish you happiness and good sea.

I know that in our life does not happen,

You do not stop loving you I never.


Fireworks light the night sky bright,

Clock strikes twelve,

Santa Claus will distribute the gifts,

And once again light up the joy of your sight,

What I will be extremely happy.

Sounds subside holiday

Silent compliments,

Will come in the life of the important points.

Love hearts connect,

Dreams come true, our embody.

From troubles to save, warm without fire.

Be happy! Remember, next to me!


Poems sound and compliments

Today is a holiday, the New Year.

You, my dear, I congratulate

And protecting from worries!

That all came to pass good

And life flowed measured,

My love filled

Your soul is confused.

Suppose that grants wishes,

Descend from heaven dreams.

Light from happiness,

Be full of charm,

Harmony and Beauty!


Let Now the lights light up

On the green beauty - the Christmas tree.

New Year has already come,

Usher of fireworks.

Congratulations, my dear, you

And I wish love, creativity,

Let blossom flowers in winter.

They'll give you a sign of recognition!

I wish you good luck in business.

It is always in a good mood,

Exotic year will bring

Happiness at home in his career - luck!
