Ochakov, climate, attractions, leisure facilities in Ochakov


City Ochakov

in a unique location, where the Dnieper and the Bug into the Black sea and the famous cities of Nikolayev and Odessa at all "at hand" (70 and 150 km). Panorama, which can be viewed while in the city, offers a unique view of the deep blue sea.

It is believed that the modern city Ochakov first settlements date back to the Bronze Age. Evidence of the excavations that have been found by archaeologists in the city - a Scythian and Sarmatian burial mounds, or rather their remains, and some settlements of the ancient Slavs. A little later, in the creation of stories and historical monuments bearing the architectural value, and the Turks took part. For one Khan was laid fortress Kara Kerman, which was later renamed Ochakov.Chto only this city is not only experienced and what is not seen.

 Rest in Ochakov
 In times of Suvorov (great general), it was taken by storm. After a siege left a lot of interesting things: ancient fortifications, the old ramparts, turns and more. Climatic conditions and health protsedury.No not only rich history attracts tourists from all CIS countries and unusual climatic conditions, created especially for the pearl of all resorts - the town Ochakov.

Nature gave this city a terrific opportunity to help people of all ages to restore their health with the help of the pure sea air, which has a high content of oxygen, sunlight and salt water. In addition, in the direction of Odessa, the seabed has a unique feature - it is covered with algae (algae folofora- view), which has a high content of iodine. A Dneprobuzhskom and Berezan estuaries and on the Kinburn Spit bottom is covered with another type of algae - eelgrass, which contain precious reserves of bromine. How can they carry the healing properties? Very simple: after falling to the land (the coastal zone) when exposed to sunlight, they dry out and produce at the same time a pair is good for health of iodine and bromine. Therefore, on the beach in Ochakov and soaking up the sun, a man virtually undergoing treatment from a lack of iodine and bromine.

 We should also mention the beach strip with visiting her fine sand and unsurpassed aroma of steppe plants and herbs, which only increase the therapeutic effect of a particular climate zone of Ochakiv. Silica sand contained on the beach, too, therapeutic, it helps with chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, tracheitis and laryngitis, sinusitis and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Where to rest in Ochakov?

Despite the fact that the five-star and even three-star hotels and hotels in Ochakovo, no, he has a large number of spa facilities, including the famous resort "Ochakov" much earlier, and now, too, attracts all the residents of the former Soviet Union. There are pensions, which help treat a variety of diseases of the respiratory and central nervous system, they are known as "Travneva" and "Surf", there are a large number of hostels at Chernomorka, as the locals call the resort area of ​​6-10 km from the city, Currently, the title of which is known as Camp Spit.

In short, the rest in Ochakov, to improve not only health, but also the family budget after endless trips to faraway Turkey or Egypt.

Enjoy your holiday in Ochakov
