Holy Week poetry greetings, wishes

 Holy Week


Week meditations, week soul.

Think about eternity, do not rush to judge.

Think how much suffering Christ,

For the sinners who lived here then I moved.

Take a little from the heavy load,

Who meekly trotted Jesus

Believe me you heart and with all your soul,

What he is always there and always with you.

Let faith in the soul is unshakeable,

Love you, the light of hope and peace!

Holy Week lyrics


This week is imbued with bitterness.

Always it is sad and dark.

Whether morning, in the afternoon there, il Terrible midnight -

Every moment she is sad.

We reported on the Lord's agony -

In every moment and every sound.

To remind all people of

As we are guilty before Christ,

As we owe our salvation,

Before the holy absolution of sins.

Try to go with him this way,

And try to look a little deeper

The soul to her. Ponder the eternal,

Grow in the heart holy hope

Frankly, from the heart, soul, pray -

It becomes clear miloyu life.

Way to the ideal would be closer ...

Just think - you'll be up ...

Congratulations and wishes


There comes Holy Week,

It is Holy Week!

And Christians to repent,

There will be fasting and praying.

To each of the temptations and sins

His soul could be cleansed.

Let remember all brothers and sisters,

The torment of Jesus Christ,

Feel in the heart of salvation -

The award of the Holy Father.

And this Divine feast

Take our congratulations.

Let faith fill your day,

I wish you health and patience!


During Easter week, our thoughts

On the different spiritual gifts.

We wish you all the pure thoughts

And the joy, the light in your homes!

Do not be disturbed by desire,

Leave it for the other days.

And in the holy prayers of repentance,

Give peace in the hearts of loved ones.


Middle forgive all wrongs,

Filled with faith in God, our lives.

As in Holy Week -

We have to clean your soul,

Live humility, hope and love

We wish you health, patience and effort,

To the angel from heaven only joy

Always and everywhere in your home brings.


To us is Holy Week,

It completes the post himself.

In prayer the soul to be cleansed,

Blessing pure sky,

May the joy of bright earth

At Easter, every home will come.

God bless you, protecting,

From the various ills of life!

Scenario Easter holiday in kindergarten Easter rasteryashi


Cheerful scenario of the Easter holiday in kindergarten, poems, greeting children, scenes, puzzles and children's games. In carrying out the festival in the form of fairy tales are involved: kindergarten children, leading, Easter bunnies, Angelok.

The script for "Easter rasteryashi"


Spring comes, and with it comes to our house very bright and favorite holiday - Easter of Christ. On this day all the faithful people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Everywhere heard bells ringing, glorifying the Saviour.

Hostess muffins bake cakes, make cheese Easter, paint eggs, and then go to church, what would they sanctify.

Children read poems:

1. Throughout a loud laugh,

Birds chirping loudly

That holiday has come

For each child.

2. Smell Butter Kalach

At our doorstep.

Cottage cheese Easter treating,

I try a little.

3. I'll take a brush and gouache

And I bother to fame,

Painted eggs in different colors,

What would Easter shone.

4.Chudesny day, the soul shines

And the heart of God's praises.

Ringing in the distance the spring forest

And the song is: "Christ is risen!"

All Children: Truly He is risen!

Scenes in kindergarten:

Suddenly a cry. On the meadow sit two Easter bunnies and wipe tears with a handkerchief.


What happened, cute rabbits, why are you crying? Today, such a beautiful day. The sun is shining, birds are singing all around are celebrating a great event - the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter bunnies:

When we pushed for a holiday here,

We have a great misfortune happened.

Mother sent us to you in kindergarten,

That with Easter congratulate the guys.

Easter eggs in a way lost

Perhaps their evil wolf stole.


Cute bunnies, so do not be sad. Today is not an easy day, but magical. I believe that your basket will be found. And now our guys you cheer and sing the Easter song.

(The song).


Well, rabbits, mood lifted a little bit?


Yes, you have here a lot of fun. Oh, we forgot, our mom gave you a letter.

(Stretch leading envelope.)

Leading reads:

"Dear children! I congratulate you on the occasion of Easter. Herself to come to you in kindergarten can not, very busy. I have conceived to please the guests and bake Easter cakes. But here's the rub: the recipe is written so clumsy letters, I can not make out what kind of products I need. Can you help? "

The script puzzles for children on Easter theme:

1.Krepky round bubble

The color is white, the yolk inside.

Chickens are his,

Tell us the name. (Egg).

2. I live in sea water,

Not me - to be trouble!

Each chef respects

And the taste adds. (Sol.)

3. Any drink kittens

Yes, the small guys. (Milk).

4. Because I bake cheesecake

And pancakes and crepes.

In cakes, pies and buns

Put me have. (Flour).

5.On on a branch ripe,

The fruit is beautiful and tanned.

Love squirrels gnaw it,

Hiding in the winter in the hollow. (Walnut).

6. grapes dried,

On the sun put.

It is the heat weary

And in what has become? (Raisins).


Well done boys. Now-a-mother-rabbit exactly please his guests Easter cake. (Referring to the rabbits.) Keep your recipe.


That's thanks to you guys, my mother will be very happy. Tell me, do you know how to paint Easter eggs? Yes? And here we are now, and check it.

The game "Paint the egg"

In the middle of the room endure two easel with attached white paper eggs. Each child is given by colored pencils. Children take turns running up and draw any element.


Oh, how great you turned out. Only here we are again felt sad because we lost in the woods with a basket of Easter eggs. Oh, the trouble!

The script in the children's holiday magic music sounds. Angel appears.


Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Exults sea, the sun, the forest!

Runs spring brook

And loudly sings a song:

Christ is truly risen!


Rabbits, you know what today is?

Rabbits: Today, the feast of Easter.


Correctly. During this day there are real miracles.

(Picks up the fabric, and underneath basket of lost eggs.)

Rabbits: A miracle happened! She found it!

(Rabbits distribute eggs to children.)


Easter - the most cheerful holiday.

The best and more!

The long-awaited and desired,

The kindest and home!
