Texts lyrics to Easter, to the church Christian holiday,
Easter Songs
Easter joyfully meet
Word V. Kuzmenkova
Verse 1:
Easter joyfully meet
And sing, "Christ is risen! "
We all respond in unison:
"He is truly risen! "
He is risen! He is risen!
He is truly risen!
He is risen! He is risen!
He is truly risen!
Verse 2:
Everywhere joy and hugs.
Brother, sister: "Christ is risen! "
Hell is destroyed, there is no curse,
He is truly risen.
He is risen! He is risen!
He is truly risen!
He is risen! He is risen!
He is truly risen!
Easter song
According to K. Fofanova
Music I. Koshminoy
Verse 1:
Under chant prayers Easter
And the ringing of bells.
We were flying from distant spring,
From midday edges.
The verdant attire
Mleyut dark forests,
The sky shines like the sea,
Sea exactly heaven.
Verse 2:
Pines in green velvet,
And fragrant resin
In scaly columns
Amber flowed.
In the garden we have today
I noticed the sly
We exchanged Easter greetings lily
With White-winged moth.
Easter great saint that day has come,
Verse 1:
Great saint that day has come.
Risen Christ, Son of God!
The glory shone forth from the tomb.
Christ the Lord - our eternal light.
Christ is risen, Christ is Risen!
Verse 2:
For the Wives went early in the morning
And the body in the grave was never found.
Heavenly Angel opened the door for them.
Christ is risen, Christ is Risen!
Verse 3:
As the angels in heaven
All rejoice in the land
And everywhere heard from heaven:
Christ is risen, Christ is Risen!
* After each line of the chorus is performed:
Risen Christ, Son of God!
Easter song,
According to I. Rutenina
Settled in the nests of birds,
The snow had melted like a candle.
It smells sweet spirit of the air,
Golden cake.
Rain dripped sunny
In this day of holy miracles,
And I am kissing, mom
He says: "Christ is risen! "
Truly He is risen!
Easter Songs
Word V. Gorodetsky
Music against. Igor Lepishinskogo
Verse 1:
The sun floated due the morning of the earth,
Sepulchre quietly went to the tomb,
Grief gray cloud enveloped them.
Someone at the entrance of heavy stone will move them?
Verse 2:
Flavors held in trembling hands.
The sun comes up in the slow light.
The sun illuminates the dark, low input.
Stone is not! Rolled away the stone. The angel is waiting.
Verse 3:
White angel on the tomb of God stood,
Bearers frightened said:
Do not search for Jesus: for he is risen.
He is in heaven and come down from the sky again.
Verse 4:
Silent horror, sweet thrill and delight
Bulletin of the miracle of the hearts of two women pulling them out.
Kissed tissue idle veil.
The sun came up. In the sky, the light, the eternal ringing.