Congratulations on Easter prose Christ is Risen!

 Easter, Easter greetings in prose

New Orthodox and short greetings of Easter in prose on the day of the great feast of the Church


With a great and Happy Easter!

There comes one of the brightest holidays for Orthodox people - Easter!

On this day people sincerely believe in Jesus. Faith in this day becomes a symbol of repentance and the enlightenment of the soul. We congratulate you on Easter!

Let this day light in your eyes shows a good heart, pure mind and soul crystal.

Let the true faith will fill a lifetime special meaning, aimed at the creation of only good and deliberate cases. A sincere desire to become better, to improve your body and soul, encouraged by the Lord. Let It stores and keeps you on the difficult and full of dangers of life.

Those who struggle with disabilities, the language of evil and disease, will be rewarded for their efforts. On this day, all that relates to light omens come true!

Let the world become kinder! People will open their hearts and will give a piece of kindness to his neighbor. And may the souls of the heat at the same time pour sunlight and eclipse all around bad weather and bad intentions.

Faith saves and protects people, so let this Easter holiday awareness come to you!

And let you all would be well - at heart will not anger, jealousy and hatred in my heart - Black hidden corners in the mind - dark and crazy thoughts!

With great and you Happy Easter! Christ is risen!

Congratulations prose


On the day of the Resurrection let the Lord give you joy in your souls! Let your souls leave the bitterness, and they are filled with a great love for all neighbors!

Fine Happy Easter and customs of this happy day - Easter greeting, procession, Easter cakes, painted eggs. But the most beautiful testament this joyous day - to love your neighbor. So let us be loving their neighbors! Christ is Risen!


On the day when the bell ringing is flying to the skies, in bright holiday of Christ's resurrection, we congratulate you! Rejoice in the celebration of freedom from lies and violence, discord and hatred, for this day Jesus Christ taught to live in peace and harmony.


May God give you the day of Holy Easter only the very best, joyful, tasty, good, peaceful! The Lord commanded - love your neighbor! So we rejoice and fill our souls Christian love for all people! Let the divine light gives you hope and love!


This day Happy Easter Christ let give you true happiness and peace. Let your soul will rejoice and be glad, because God loves you. Christ is Risen! Peace to you, love and hope in this joyous day!

Easter greetings poems sms

 Congratulations on Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, on Easter 2011 Easter greetings poems sms


Lighter is not present in the world of the day,

Beautiful and desirable is not present,

Today and streams ring,

And the birds, heralds of the dawn,


With the Resurrection of Christ

I congratulate you!

And in this day of spring

I sincerely wish

You happiness,

Love the beautiful, bright,

To always come true

A good sign!


On the table cakes,

Painted eggs

Easter candle flame -

Eat, break your fast!

Today, we are celebrating

Resurrection of Christ,

Then came the holidays,

Warm spring!

Congratulations to all friends

On this bright day,

Let the life will become happier,

Good luck to you all!


Pascha - the feast of feasts!

And the mood of the day, this is perfect!

Lord all the churches celebrate!

Each other in honor of the holiday wish happiness!


Hasten to inform

Christ is risen!

He is alive as ever!

He will administer wonders,

Give us happiness and hope!

He is above death, above evil,

He won in a bloody dispute

It is so much tenderness, warmth

Wanting to us, and pain and sorrow

Help us to overcome,

It will help us to rise from his knees,

And for that we must continue

Trying to be human.

That's why old and young,

The rich, the poor and needy,

Exclaim joyfully rush to:

Christ is risen! To the glory of God!

Author Eleni Kerr

Health, good luck and success in everything

That faith and the house was filled with light!

Beautiful Easter greetings in verse

 Congratulations with Easter poems, sms greetings Happy Easter, new short poems

Easter greetings in verse on a holiday


Bells, sun light from heaven,

After all, today Easter - Christ is risen!

This day you will let April

Only joy, happiness - no worries!


Today Easters

And I have friends, I would like to wish you

Love and faith, kindness, patience

Kohl in the heart of God, we can not lose heart!


Bright day of Christ's resurrection

He came to us, rejoicing and ringing

The heart is filled with joy

I hasten to congratulate you, my friends!


Happy Easter congratulations, I wish all of you good!

Who looks in guests - Cahors treat you!


Jubilant birds, murmuring streams

Christ is risen, hear you!

As the Easter, spring has come

Soul solemn and bright!

I hasten to congratulate you and all the best!

Christ is Risen! May it be so!


Fire flaming candles

Everywhere the smell of cakes:

Today, sent from heaven,

The Son of God - Jesus is risen!

And this warm nice day

I want to congratulate you:

Let us sing together,

Let us give thanks to God!


Malevolent glances, gloating smile,

Traitor Christ did not notice the error,

Glorified thought maybe pennies

I wanted to get behind the curse of the soul,

Watched crosses slaughtered at Calvary,

Spit it on the mountain, and the people of God ...

Crucified an innocent victim and blood

With hands dripping red pain.

Judas did not think that a miracle occurred,

What the world will happily happiness to pray -

Our Risen Jesus, he is immortal now,

With love and tenderness looks at us.

For us, he suffered for us, he suffered,

He has not had time to do while

And we are commanded to remove evil from the hearts,

Open to each other, so that father and son,

To my mother and daughter, that all people of the earth

Happy to be in this life could.
