Riddles about Easter for children to holiday in verse

 Mysteries of Easter

Kids for the Easter holidays


We were once again in a hurry spring,

It will be fun again.

And it brings with it Celebration …



How together in the courtyard

Ringing birds.

Look - on the table

Red ....



What will decorate this holiday

Special joy?

... The smell of sweet bread.

(Kulich Christ).


Bright day looking in the window.

Glad like a fairy tale.

And the land of the sun caresses.

There was ....



Angels trumpeting the miracle

From the ground up to the sky.

Rejoice, rejoice, people,

Know Christ ...



Late at night, in the silence

Shut all the doors,

Gathered students

At a secret ...



He said: "I do not believe,

And I can not believe,

Here I see - and believe. "

As its name ...


Mysteries of Easter poems


How terrible to betray himself and God.

How terrible to lose the right path.

He made a mistake and lost, did not believe in miracles.

He - a disciple of Jesus name ...



And he said to them: "Do not be afraid,

He is risen, he is not here. "

Cry-wife mironostsy.

Who gave them such an answer?



And ringing the bell:

"Easter, Easter came to us! "

With the joy of spring Christ ...



He came to us a feast of the best,

I loved the most and the most melodious,

Celebrate the people, all together!

Christ is Risen, and it's not a fairy tale!

That's the long-awaited ...



And here is a miracle!

Christ is Risen

(Truly He is risen)


They are different

Blue, green, red,

In nature, often found,

What are they called? ...



It was very, very glad your enemy,

Wherefore Issus-Christ evil ...

(Pontius Pilate)

Riddles about Easter for a holiday


We are all together,

The meaning of a well-known and understandable,

And praise the Lord, I,

Word of the good ...



I am a loyal, faithful servant,

Not to say the truth,

Help me, dear friend, do not leave!

Truth or ...



Christ was very quiet,

But the guards dark at night,

He threw him into prison,

And dressed in ...



Why all Russia

Joy and fun ??

And people all over the earth,

Celebrates ..

(Resurrection of Christ)


Angel told us:

"What Jesus is Risen"

And it all takes us to the ...



By the tomb early in the morning,

Gains apostles,

They were Peter and ..


Easter Gifts that give to the Easter holidays

 Gifts for Easter

In this article, we will focus on what is possible to please their loved ones in the most solemn celebration for the Orthodox - Easter, what gifts, souvenirs can be done, and even with his own hands.

So what is a gift for Easter will best personify this great celebration? Surely this question will surprise many, as the majority formed the traditional view of Easter gifts - colored eggs yes cakes.

So it is, but then it can already be considered not a gift, but a peculiar form of greeting in the day by sharing eggs with applied patterns. Therefore, in this case it is better to use your imagination.

So, in the first place in the ranking of gifts Easter still remain decorative Easter eggs. They can give an original painting by wrapping raw eggs lace and its subsequent cooking with onion skins.

It is also possible to hot cooked egg to put the image of wax candles, then put it in a dyeing solution. Decorative egg can also be build using as starting material a foam or wood. It can be applied to the colorful drawings decorate using beads, sequins and ribbons.

In addition, you can use a hook and tie the egg, and then embroider the pattern on it. And the impression could say Easter eggs, which will be decorated with colored paper for quilling technique.

Very interesting is the idea of ​​using eggs as an empty shell, which must be filled with any grains to ensure its stability, and will need to seal the hole. Then, on the eggshell can be applied to any pattern of colored paper with glue or use beading thread.

There is another quite interesting option present for Easter - decorated eggs by the method of papier-mache. In this case, you need to buy a balloon, PVA glue and colored paper, cut into small pieces.

Pieces of paper to be glued on the ball. Once the glue is dry, you need to release the ball from the air, then will the egg. But what to do with it - it's up to you.

Relevant gifts will also be a variety of supports for the eggs and cakes made with his own hands by Easter. The creation of such gnezdyshek help wreaths and baskets with a nice weave.

For example, you can build a beautiful nest by using baskets and hand finished from Laka. For this to be woven into a wreath bark to consolidate. Then bast laid in the basket, already decorated with flowers made of paper, ribbons, birds.

In order to make the nest especially for cakes, you will need to cut the base of the foam or chipboard. Then apply it with glue corrugated paper and then wrap around the bast and embellish any decorative gadgets.

Incidentally, in the process of preparation for Easter gifts can involve kids that will be an excellent assistant in weaving charming Easter wreath with his own hands. Thus, we take three equal-sized wire and weave them into a braid. Then we attach to the base of a variety of decorations to your taste.

In conclusion I would like to note that this divine celebration also symbolize the rabbits, chickens, chicks, which can also be used as a gift for Easter. For example, associated with their hands warmer teapot in the form of chicken or sewn from fabric figurines of rabbits.

We decorate the house for Easter, preparing for church holidays

 We decorate the house for Easter

Easter recognized the great triumph of the Catholics and the Orthodox. It carries a set of traditions, but most of its roots are such traditions as the preparation of cakes, decorating eggs, as well as his "nest" home for Easter.

Home decoration process begins with the so-called Holy Week. Before Maundy Thursday in a house fully restoring order, washed the curtains, carpets and clean the dishes, wash the windows. At the end of the general cleaning of the house begin to decorate Easter different attributes.

Many holiday decorations can be built with their own hands, and some purchased in stores. Hand jewelry can become decorative egg from beads, fabric or paper. The original idea will be the next Easter to make a nest of straw in the center of which lay eggs and beautiful figure in the form of birds.

Nest can be decorated with feathers, flowers and ribbons. Also, eggs can be used to decorate the Easter tree, as well as bouquets and wreaths. Easter tree usually converted from the tape, the testicles, the shell formed of crosslinked different animal figures.

This bright and friendly holiday is to update the curtains on a bright, light, airy. On the eve of Easter, the curtains can be decorated by a beautiful garland of twigs and green Easter eggs. Window panes can be izrisoval colorful drawings on the theme of Easter.

Window sills can be filled baskets, which will show off the traditional Easter daffodils and eggs and sewn from animal tissue. In addition, the sill can be extended jacks with decorative eggs and birds. The door can also tap into decorating her Easter decorative wreath of dry twigs, decorated with green, feathers, flowers and eggs.

The table can also be made attractive and colorful, it organized a festive serving. It is advisable to purchase a new and elegant tablecloth, lace colored napkins. Place on the table the figures of various animals, which perfectly embody this holiday.

Cutlery can be cut out of napkins to embellish with flowers, rabbits and chickens. Mandatory attribute dinner table must have a vase full of daffodils and tulips. You can also put on the table with pots of sprouting of seeds.

At the core of the table will look great basket, the bottom of which neatly lined twigs, and on top of these beautiful eggs. If you decide to lay eggs on a decorative dish, then sprinkle the bottom of lentils or beans. And most importantly - Easter cakes. The biggest cake put on a plate, overlaid it with eggs.

In fact, it is very important to make an effort to organize all of the above pre-holiday tradition to decorate the house for Easter. Thus you will fill your house clean, bright, cheerful atmosphere.

And most importantly, your household thus appears beautiful and festive mood, with the result that the house will be filled with joy and gladness.
