Christmas Icon of the Theotokos Troparion

 Christmas Icon of the Theotokos Troparion

The Christian feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary Christmas celebration on 21 September. Pskov icon of XVI-XVII centuries, Troparion, Kontakion holiday (Tone 4), magnification, zadostoynik (Tone 8)

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
Pskov icon of XVI-XVII centuries

 Christmas Icon of the Blessed Virgin

Troparion of the Feast of the Virgin Christmas

Thy Nativity, Hail Mary,
joy to build the entire universe:
You shone forth from Bo Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,
and destroying the oath hath given the blessing,
and abolishing the death of gifts to us eternal life.

Nativity of the Theotokos Kontakion (Tone 4)

Joachim and Anna reproach bezchadstva
Adam and Eve by aphids smertnyya svobodistasya, Pure,
Christmas holidays in Thy.
That ye people, and celebrate thy
izbavlshesya guilt of sins,
vnegda call T:
barrenness and bringeth forth the Virgin Pitatelnitsu Life ours.

Glorification of the Virgin (Tone 4)

We magnify Thee,
Most Holy Virgin,
and honor thy saints parents
Glorious and glorify Thy Nativity.

Zadostoynik Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tone 8)

Magnified, O my soul,
glorious Christmas the Mother of God.
Alien to the Mother of virginity,
and strangely virgins childbirth:
to Thee, Mother of God, wallpaper is ustroishasya.
But thee, all the families of the earth, continually magnify.


 Christmas Icon of the Blessed Virgin

Akathist Assumption of the Virgin kontakion

 Akathist Assumption of the Virgin kontakion

Kontakion 1

Chosen from all sorts of Our Lady and the Queen, rising from earth to heaven, singing reverent of Thy most honorable Rabbi Assumption bring thy Virgin. You, like a propertied victory over death, from all our ills deadly freedom, so call to Thee: Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption us leaving.

Akathist Assumption of the Virgin kontakion, tropar. Ikos Magnification Zadostoynik

Ikos 1

Angel predstatel sent byst reschi Virgin to Her premundane vozshestvie and Priit presentation to Her Son, Her and God, light of Her shining and standing, such zovy: Rejoice, Mother preradovannaya Tsarev; Hail, Queen of Heaven, Mother of God and the Lord of heaven and earth. Rejoice, preferences prevelichestvom Coming for You and Your Son of God; Rejoice, exalted to the notice of Your Son departure. Rejoice, all sorts God chosen; Hail, holy repository of the Word of God. Hail prorocheskago prophetically execution; Rejoice, the apostle most honorable crowning. Hail prelate priest of kindness and decoration; Hail, ruler of the fertilizer and power. Rejoice, God-enlightened monks to the construction of the mountain kingdom; Rejoice, hath opened the doors of paradise to the Christian race, ever thee blazheschemu. Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption us leaving.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the face of the Apostles, from the end of the all-powerful wave of land in the most honorable oblatseh appears to thy Immaculate. Assumption, svyaschennonachalnitsy: Dionysius - heaven tainnik, Hierotheos wonderful and Timothy Bogolepnoyu with the honor of the priesthood were singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Reasonable whole creation, the oldest angel chinonachaliya priidosha with his King, Who in Its Life-Giving rutse soul Matera their acceptance; Warm the faith Peter with tears Her many to utter, zovy: Hail to premundane, Mother Creator of the world, rising; Hail to prenebesnym, voluminous heaven vzemlyuschayasya. Hail chetverochastnoe elements sanctify Your ascent; Rejoice, rejoice in Christ Thy Heavenly prehozhdeniem. Rejoice in Jerusalem Gornji wonderful acceptance; Rejoice in nerukotvorennyya preradostno thou who didst enter temples. Hail, Queen of Cherubim and Seraphim; Hail Archangel Lady. Hail, true refuge and deliverance; Rejoice, help thy heritage and protected. Rejoice, for the world to God Hodataitse hristianstem; Rejoice, giver of blessings every All-Blessed. Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption us leaving.

Kontakion 3 Assumption of the Virgin

The power of the Most High will delight from India Thomas, for some of God's purpose is not priluchshusya his most honorable Assumption of the Virgin, and predpostavi zhivopriemnomu Her coffin, Who, Prestavlshuyusya pressed to see, consider the ascension into heaven with body and believed, thereunto cried: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a meditation student, like a God in looking baa he did not attain to the Activity of Our Lady together with the other, having been pleased about Immortal Her Assumption, And this Cried unto her: Hail, vospriemlemaya the ground dlanma thy Son; Hail to the OVER vozshedshaya Savoury His glory .  Hail, accompanied by all the angels in the Horn chinonachaly; Hail podemlemaya Cherubim in heaven, and Celestial .  Rejoice in the Heavenly vrateh from the old forces Majestic pesnmi heave offerings; Rejoice, heavenly citizens from all others and blazhimaya .  Rejoice, heaven on earth, to the mountain village of sublime; Hail, Throne of the Lord ascended from earth to Heaven .  Hail and strong intercession of our intercession; Rejoice, for the salvation of sinners Surety .  Hail the Queen of Christian and Bose, the hope of the kingdom of Heaven; Hail, Mother of the stomach and the Lord, we hope the life eternal .  Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption is not leaving us .

Kontakion 4 Assumption

Storm into having thoughts Affony nothing wrong and God-bearing Our Lady of the Apostles most honorable Reverend Body worn to the grave, to the refutation rushed; quite suddenly as one, when with dazzling ochiyu rutse otyate to his bedside Sticky visyaste, faith ispovedashe Mother of God, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

On hearing tainnitsy and Samovydets words of the angel, singing OVER pesnmi at the burial of the body Bogopriyatnago the Mother of God, tribute and honor Wishing charitable, potschashasya according to Petit, saying: Rejoice, gospel priemshaya of thy after the mountain kingdom; Rejoice, by Gabriel blagovestivshago priemshaya radostnago Wravien paradise. Rejoice, O most honorable Cherubic lot of light; Rejoice, glorious nature serafimskoe glad. Rejoice, by patriarchs prefigured; Rejoice, for from the prophets of foreshadowing. Rejoice, cruel audacity Affonievu soon celebrate; Rejoice, healing tomuzhde filed. Hail to proselytize Affonievo unbelief; Hail, true confession of priemshaya. Rejoice, exalts to heaven love and faith to Thee haves; Rejoice, saving faith, thy name calling. Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption us leaving.

Kontakion 5 Assumption of the Virgin

Bogotechnyya stars Apostoli saints in the heavenly places razseyannii sake of the Gospel, to the admiration of things were made oblatseh, the breadth of the air, to the burial of the Mother of the Lord, and yuzhe penmi pesnmi provozhdayusche with immateriality vzyvahu: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Bogovidtsy beheld their Lord, in the hands of the Mother of his soul priemsha and Lord Togo razumevshe, potschashasya svyaschennosloviya pesnmi blagoslovne Yoo sung: Hail the Queen, above all Tsarstvuyuschago wore; Rejoice, and she hands him Synovnima worn. Rejoice in Christ skiptre king's right hand; Rejoice in the hands of the branch dove November. Rejoice, the rod of Aaron, prozyabshy immortality; Rejoice, flower of unfading, blossoming immortality. Hail Bogoottsa David's harp Bogodohnovennaya; Hail Prophecy vozstavshaya his word, psaltery and harp prekrasnyya. Rejoice, ark animated relics of the Lord; Rejoice in the rest of the Lord resurrected our stomach. Rejoice, tabernacle, by covering cherub; Hail, holy of holies, by the Seraphim glagolemaya. Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption us leaving.

Kontakion 6

Preacher of God-bearing Apostoli, on departure to premundane the Mother of God in general village obychnyya meal of the former and the proposal of the bread in the name of the Lord up were quite suddenly over the Virgin Queen, who came to the light-carrying angels zryahu and peace to those of the Son, and God has filed On hearing, vozglasisha thereunto : Alleluia.

Ikos 6

We shone the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God by Thy most pure womb, the will and understanding through the apostles preaching peace, and enlighten you, O Mother of God, the nature and kind of in glory. Wherefore we all ye praises to thee, crying to Thee: Rejoice, Prisnoblazhennaya of all births for ever; Rejoice, the tender and merciful person. Rejoice, student choir of promise was fulfilled; Hail prisescheniem Thy Thy Son of God and the world to the doorstep. Hail, holy vsezhelatelnoe sweet vision; Rejoice, Reverend Mothers and Virgins Saints vseveselyaschee rejoicing. Rejoice, heavenly transient abode of the righteous; Rejoice, visiting all of beings in the divine glory. Rejoice, beginning of mankind's salvation; Rejoice, fulfillment of all the good wishes. Rejoice, for Bose, the King of kings, the Virgin Queen; Rejoice, for the Lord of lords, our Vladytse, Lady and Mistress. Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption us leaving.

Kontakion 7 Assumption of the Virgin

Although all the faith in the temple vhoditi Your holy Mother of God, ever spasaeshi and glorify thee from all evils and troubles svobozhdaeshi; thus managing and pious lyudem, prisnoblazhaschim Thee, grant victory to soprotivnyya and all petitions for the salvation of us submit, about this you praying and singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New display creature yavlsya us of the Creator Lord Thee, Mother of God .  You akin INDUSTRY us to Him haves honestly revere Thy most honorable Assumption, receive chintzy You cry: Rejoice, Mother of God, chosen from the earth; Rejoice, heavenly and earthly prevyshshaya .  Rejoice, Cherubim and Seraphim Mount prevozshedshaya; Rejoice, the face of student cloud to share the burial Tee sovokuplshaya .  Rejoice, for the burial of Thomas Thy power of God predpostavivshaya fair; Rejoice, for through him are sure to Heaven Your exile been stained with the flesh .  Rejoice, beauty adorned with all virtues; Rejoice, red more than the sons of men His sons soprichtennaya .  Rejoice, for Phoenix, the resurrected flesh blossoming; Rejoice, heavenly cedar in Lebanon, Multiply .  Rejoice, tree of the stomach, planted in the paradise prevyshnyago; Hail kovchezhe sublime thought of the flood in the mountainous smertnago .  Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption is not leaving us .

Kontakion 8

OVER the leading country in Thee, Chosen, like a sun, Lady, inside prenebesnyh nedomyslimyh ineffable beauty and kindness, sweetly to the Son, and God dlanma Its contents, and vozshedshuyu preradostno preklonshuyusya Life-Giving His right hand, about this continually cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All former grief to Heaven is taken, and the earth is not leaving, O Mother of God, hands Synovnima wearable in unsetting vnide, in the aforesaid degrees vsesvetyaschy and beautiful Jerusalem Vishny, Cherubim obstoima with all the heavenly hosts, idezhe hear singing this: Rejoice, Eyazhe Blessed Soul Vyshny vsesvetlom dwell in Zion; Hail Eyazhe and imperishable body tamozhde with famed soul kupno .  Rejoice, thou who didst enter into the feast degree Samago Almighty; Hail, which is taken in the beautiful paradise of the Most High planter .  Hail, hail to prenesennaya based on Stone vsesvetyashih; Rejoice, introduced into the fence, obstoimuyu warriors forces OVER .  Hail prevyshshe Heaven in the beauty of God is taken; Rejoice, above all immaterial minds venerable .  Rejoice, bringing her son, and faithful prayer to God; Rejoice, and itself continually at the Throne of thy Son, and God praying for all .  Hail Predstatelnitse to God, save the world; Rejoice, Mediatrix, old Christian from God bestowed .  Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption is not leaving us .

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature praises Thee, Mother of God, all ye chelovechestii same rhodium Mother Thee God of glory and honor thy most honorable Assumption, Queen: You bo sake of earthly heaven copulating, according singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetiystva Bogoveschanngh prophetic utterance is now visible on You come true, Mother of God, truly God made flesh Thou hast borne us. Wherefore the sacrament of words of God veruyusche, cry out: Rejoice, law and the prophets glavizno perfect; Hail, star of Jacob, Balaam prorokovannaya. Hail, King of Great bed, broadcasts Solomon; Rejoice, Fleece, watered Jesus formed Gideon. Rejoice, burning bush, zakonopolozhnikom predzrimaya; Hail, holy Goro, the husband desires discretion. Rejoice, heavenly Ladder, Jacob foreseeable; Rejoice, impassable doors, Ezekiel predzrimaya. Rejoice, the sun village of Christ, the psalmist sight; Rejoice, the mystery, diverse prophets pronarechennoe. Rejoice, prophets verb all foretold of thee, which brought an end; Rejoice, the Most High, all looking for the salvation of the world committed. Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption us leaving.

Kontakion 10

Save the world, Who of all the Lord of the zemnago Thee kind electe to Mother himself and us for the former man has ascended, otnyuduzhe Snead, to the heavens from the earth, and you with him raising to to stay in the glory of the eternal and sotsarstvovaniyu with him, is not fully propertied , Wherefore, as God hears from all: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Wall art the faithful, Hail Mary and the intercession all unto thee, for heaven and earth Creator of thee flesh proshed, Pure, body and spirit in Heaven thee Preseli, to the nearest intercession of all the men ihzhe priglashati teach: Hail, hail the King of Great hill of heaven; Rejoice, walls and cover not kryyuschiysya from our pritekaniya. Rejoice, faithful to the enemies posobstvuyuschaya; Hail invasion agaryanskaya win. Rejoice, pious real saving faith; Rejoice, heresy regiments ruin. Rejoice, joy and sheer umirenie world; Rejoice, trampled vsegubitelnago hell. Rejoice, militants in the flesh chaste wedding fair; Rejoice, honorable glorification of martyrdom. Rejoice, venerable hard Hodataitse the blessed repose; Rejoice, giver monk blagoskorbyaschim vechnago joy. Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption us leaving.

Kontakion 11

Singing every song is inspired by God does not prevail on us to praise vsechestnago Assumption thy Vsehvalnaya Lady, the Queen Mother of God, but diligently you bring, Thou Mother of the King of all, our supplication, with the Celestial Chinmoy singing to the One God worthy of glorifying Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Light receiving svescha istinnago Light that exists on earth we yavlshisya souls prosveschaeshi and that thought upon thy honorable Repose nastavlyaeshi to mind the divine, we may sing Tee chintzy: Rejoice, inextinguishable fire neveschestvennago svesche; Rejoice, dawn unsetting Light nevechernyago .  Rejoice, Luneau, the Sun of righteousness oblistavaemaya; Rejoice, Grace, luminous in the dark .  Hail svetilniche, candle stand on the OVER delivered; Hail istochniche life from the grave in light plagued .  Hail Mother of Light umnago, pious soul prosveschayuschago; Hail, Mother of God, embittered soul uteshayuschago .  Rejoice, hope in Thee abdomen end blameless-giving; Rejoice, treasure of God and his servant on the Court of Thy Son at His right hand builded; .  Rejoice, O most blessed, for through thee esmy Blessed are we, Who Thee assistant imams; Rejoice, Blessed from generation to generation, for the Lord is with thee, and thou hast us .  Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption is not leaving us .

Kontakion 12

Grace vysokoprestolnyya glory in heaven bestowed upon the Virgin Mary, the venerable graying at the right hand of the Son of God and Her seeing MINING minds podyasha Yu thrones and powers, principalities and powers okruzhisha, pripadosha scary Cherubim, Seraphim and dominion, with the Archangels and Angels crying Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Reverend Your Assumption, all ye praise to prenebesnym vozsshestvie Yours, O Mother of God the Queen .  You sanctify, glorify and save all, love of singing to you: Rejoice, clear land-Pure feet Your feet; Rejoice, sanctified air ascent to heaven thy .  Rejoice, heavenly circle on vozstupivshaya; Rejoice, all ineffable goodness seer .  Rejoice in the glory prisedyaschaya throne of thy Son, and God; Hail to the Son, and God the eternal kingdom .  Rejoice, beauty is in the right hand of the Lord adorning Blajan Thee all the heavenly; Hail to Thee delighted Hoping all earthly .  Rejoice, clothed with the sun shining grace and glory of the whole universe; Rejoice, and promising to sohranyati spasati all calling Thee in the Middle Kingdom .  Hail from Christian birth and revered Mother of God Mother of God called; Rejoice, from the east to the west of the sun gloriously, and all pious Orthodox glorified .  Rejoice, rejoiced in thine Assumption is not leaving us .

Kontakion 13

About Vsepetaya Mati immortal King of heaven and earth, Christ our God, living and death, the current offerings of the honorable Thy Assumption us priemshi in this life and in the death repose our from every misfortune, misery and pain to get rid of the heavenly kingdom of us, Queen , vouchsafe about you cry: Alleluia.

(This Kontakion is read three times, followed by Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1)

Troparion of the Dormition

Troparion, Tone 1

On Christmas hast preserved virginity, in the repose of the world has left art Thou, O Mother of God, hast reposed to the stomach, Mati exist, Whether stomach and your prayers izbavlyaeshi from death our souls.

Kontakion, Tone 2

In the prayers of the Mother of God incessantly and predstatelstvom irrevocable trust coffin and killing not uderzhasta: yakozhe bo mother's belly to belly reposed in the womb Vselivyysya prisnodevstvennuyu.


We magnify you, O Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, and praise the Glorious Assumption of yours.

Zadostoynik, Tone 1

Angeli, the Assumption of the Most Pure had seen udivishsya, kako Virgin ascends from earth to heaven. Overcome the nature charters in thee, O Virgin pure, virgin, bo Christmas and abdomen predobruchaet death; at Christmas and on the death of the Virgin alive spasaeshi ever, Mother of God, your inheritance.
