Icon of the Holy Virgin Shroud

 Icon of the Holy Virgin Shroud

Prayer and Intercession of the Theotokos icons, church celebrations October 14th.

Magnification in the Orthodox holiday of the Holy Virgin

We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and honor thy covering honest, Thee bo form St. Andrew on vozduse for us Christ praying.

Troparion, Tone 4

Dnes missus lyudie light celebrate, osenyaemi Thine, O Mother of God, coming, and to thy Immaculate vzirayusche way, sweetly verbs: cover us honest Your cover and deliver us from all evil, praying thy Son, Christ our God, save our souls.


 Icon of the Holy Shroud Bogoroditsy1

Icon of "Intercession of the Holy Virgin." Novgorod, the northern province. Start of the 16th century.


 Icon of the Holy Shroud Bogoroditsy2

Icon of "Intercession of the Holy Virgin" of Conception Church of the Intercession Monastery in Suzdal last quarter of the 15th century.


 Icon of the Holy Shroud Bogoroditsy3

Image icon Intercession of the Theotokos


 Icon of the Holy Shroud Bogoroditsy4

Protection of the Mother of God. 4 Okolo1399


 Icon of the Holy Virgin Shroud

Icon of the Holy Virgin Shroud


 Icon of the Holy Virgin Shroud

Icon Intercession of the Theotokos. 16th century. Moscow, The State Tretyakov Gallery.


 Icon of the Holy Virgin Shroud

Image Icon "Intercession of the Theotokos."

Congratulations on the Birth of the Virgin in 2014

 Congratulations on the Birth of the Virgin


Holy Mother of God was born!

Glorify this holiday with all my heart!

On this day, there is hope

In humility, faith and peace!

Congratulations to the Christians today

And I sincerely wish you,

For the grace of the Lord always

Just follow on the heels!

Let a gentle universal love

Your heart is always rife!

And Mary straight to the head

Faith gave you sometimes!


Jubilant Christians Feast

Mary Most Holy was born!

And now a great light around

This news spread dashing!

Let faith you embraced!

Let Mary protects you age!

Let him that is poor will be rich,

Kohl you baptized in the church of a man!

Heat you feeling delight!

Patience, humility in my heart!

Let faith would be the best reward

And bless you with no end!


On the Birth of the Virgin

Congratulations from the heart now!

Let everything in life happens and fold

I wish for you today!

Be true to the faith in a moment of remorse!

Be persistent failure per hour!

Let not ever despair

In no soul, no heart you!

Offered prayers beautiful

To Mary Most Pure Now!

Let every day be a truly clear,

If faith in the soul you have!


The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Let prayers heard everywhere!

Suppose that today you will be rewarded handsomely

If you pray sincerely, honestly! ..

Let love fill the hearts! ..

Let the soul finds humility! ..

Let the small sins are forgiven

This feast of Mary Birthday!

Congratulations from the heart of a huge

All those who believe in the One God! ..

I wish you plenty of new!

Heaven pure, clear, peaceful!

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Virgin


Now bowed the head light

And in prayer solemsya frantic ...

The Virgin Mary's birthday

Christians pray sincerely! ..

I wish that, together with prayer service

All praise to the skies to render! ..

Be always just true faith,

To God be with you in my heart to stay!

Suppose now complete humility

There will be human souls sanctified!

Present yourselves to God, as a modest,

And clean heart in repentance!

Worship of the Holy Virgin

And Christ and the Father, Praise him!

And you will be rewarded more handsomely!

It will be the heart full of grace!

Congratulations peanut Saviour in verse

 Walnut saved

The third (Walnut) Spas


Priesthood Lord, and with it, our people ...

Orekhov saved has arrived, and with it the fall ...

Today we praise Jesus,

And we ask for prayers from the heart,

That gave us the grace and humility,

That gave Mercy and faith ...

Bestowed consolation to the bereaved

And I forgave his Merya measure ...

Priesthood Lord, and with it our destiny ...

Orekhov saved has arrived, and with it the fall ...

We all spend a whole day in prayer -

We ask God's blessing!


The Saviour nut, grain

Let me congratulate you ...

Let it be always plenty of bread;

And loving the Lord in faith,

Prayer Give grace

Repent of their deeds all ...

So that, for the sake of our Lord,

Going by the Orthodox!


Autumn festival grace

We brought a new crop ...

And there comes a fragrant

Autumn mowing our bread!

Let Christ rejoice nutty,

Let the glory of God and of Christ ...

Lude Orthodox celebration!

Around such beauty!

Suppose God gives us all humility,

Pure faith, grace ...

That we may salvation

His prayer to render!


I am the Saviour Orekhov generous

I heartily congratulate you!

Be calm today, humble

And pray, praising love!

Unearthly grace condescends

Those who believe their heart!

Only the best comes in a moment

If the thoughts are pure!

I wish prosperity and happiness,

Let your table will always generous,

Let the side of inclement weather will be held

Do not leave a trace of misery!


Spas nutty tasty and nice -

This holiday brings humility!

Today, any Orthodox

With gratitude goes to church!

On this day, I wish you health,

Grace let you descend!

Let the heart be filled with love

And good luck, of course, will come!


A beautiful day, perfect weather ...

For the Orthodox come Orekhov saved!

Rejoices, nature abounds

To harvest bestow all of us!

May God give believers a miracle,

Let the reward of humility all around!

Let today be happy

And let the miracle happen in the life of a sudden!

I wish in life is only inspiration,

Let waiting everywhere you success!

Let there be a lot of luck and patience

And life is accompanied by laughter!
