St. Nicholas Day 2014 date, history and traditions of the holiday

 St. Nicolas day

On this day celebrate St. Nicholas. Just this day still bears the name of the International Day of helping the poor and the people it is called St. Nicholas Day. The history and tradition of the festival, you will learn in this article.

St. Nicholas Day 2014 Date Number when mark

Christians celebrate St. Nicholas Day on Dec. 19, 2014 (or 6 December, on the Gregorian calendar). Read this day died about 345, Archbishop Nicholas was famous for his kindness and compassion.

Catholic St. Nicholas Day in 2014 mark December 6 in Greece, too, the holiday is celebrated on December 6th.

History of the favorite holiday of children

He was the only beloved son of a wealthy family, his parents died early. Nicholas lived in the town of Mira, located in Asia Minor, in its south-eastern part. About him many legends.

One of them speaks of the poor girl. One poor man wanted to send their daughters to make fornication, as they could not get married without a dowry. Nicholas decided to help. Three nights in a row Nikolai sisters threw out the window a piece of gold.

So the girls appeared dowry. A lot of good deeds done in secret youth - bringing the medicine to patients, gave the children toys and belongings. Being rich, the man secretly helped the poor.

Then he tracked down yet learned who brings everything to the poor citizens, and the people appointed Bishop Nicholas. When Nicholas was dead, heal the sick came to his grave. Children receive gifts from him for many centuries and still.

St. Nicholas Day

The people called this day Nikolin day. Recalls in this day of St. Nicholas, he is credited with the tradition of giving gifts. It is believed that the custom to bestow children founded St. Nicholas, it is he started bringing gifts to children and hide them in certain places.

The Orthodox opened obedient and polite children to put a gift under the pillow. And Catholic St. Nicholas hands out gifts, it is sometimes called Santa Claus. He puts the gifts in large socks for gifts that the children are left beside the bed.

Traditions Feast day of St. Nicholas

On this day charity events for orphans. Doing it youth and youth organizations. St. Nicholas Day is called the International Day for the poor. On this day, Christians are allowed relief of Advent. You can eat fish.

In Russia, Nikolina Day celebrated a few days "nikolschinu." We noted a purse, with beer and home brew. Fun takes at least 3-4 days. It invited all the next of kin and neighbors.

Refusing celebration was not accepted, it was believed for contempt should be noted along with all the St. Nicholas Day. At the table were solved community affairs, disputants tried on, discussing the news. Young people at this time walking, doing fun.

With Nikolin day began to woo the young. Prepared for seating, which will be held at Christmas time. To pay off the house for gatherings, preparing firewood, clothes. And even began to do the Christmas mummers mask.

It is believed that Nicholas - saint of the day goes on snow-covered fields, down from the heavenly fields. In one day, the entire Earth bypasses Russian. Banishing all the dark spirits. There is also a symbol at this day - this Nikolaichik, honey gingerbread.

Before the feast of Saint Nicholas bakes cookies, like the moon or stars. He is assisted in this his assistants - Angels. Have fun in this day and for adults and children.

Congratulations on the day Peter and Fevronia in verse

 congratulations Peter and Fevronia

Poems congratulations Peter and Fevronia


I congratulate you, my dear,

With family holiday, love and fidelity.

I wish my Sizokrylov,

Only good fortune you immensely.

I want the life of a symphony

It fills your house to the full.

And Murom Peter and Fevronia,

She lived in happiness with her husband forever.

I want to laugh and children friendly

The house was and is a symbol of love,

The symbol of eternal marital fidelity,

The symbol of a strong, good family.


Happy St. Peter and Fevronia

I congratulate you, my friend!

This festival was born in July

It gives an impetus for a year, a circle.

I'll wish this day

His family comfort only cherish.

Wishing to avoid burned

Two stars, cast light on the night.

Let the "loyalty", "love" and "family"

Three lovely, kind words.

The vector will be for you,

What is the basis of happiness.


Happy St. Peter and Fevronia

You congratulations, my dear!

This holiday, give thanks to the harmony

The family strong, fun, happy.

This holiday, ties to family

To glorify the whole world, for the whole family,

To remember, know - just right

And the lovers live in happiness.

Let the warm, good word

It helps you on the road.

And albeit dawn and a new day

You bring joy everywhere.

Couples from friends, relatives


Love and faithfulness lives

Suppose that in your home for many years

Let your senses thrive,

The family does not know the tears and misery.

We wish you happiness, prosperity,

Care and hearts heat

Fill let no residue

Great happiness in the year.

A Friend


This holiday is not a saint,

This holiday magic and pure

Let love be with you always

The head only bright thoughts.

Feelings gentle heart live

And let the warm hearth warm

Do not let them die,

A family illuminate your way.

On the day Peter and Fevronia friend in verse


There is not a sense of ... more

Love - this is the true meaning of our.

Love - a separate art,

Love life is founded.

And this day, he is the light,

I want to congratulate you,

To love you is not tired

And let them keep you faithful.

Let angel wings touch,

Protecting your hearth,

By forcing the heart to wake up again,

Let there be happiness! - The only way

From friends


This day - a true celebration of love,

Let it always be with you.

This loyalty to day family holiday,

Let the house is quiet.

We wish to save your family

These feelings for many years,

We wish you a happy life,

The house is only a good "weather."

Congratulations on the cover in the prose of the holiday

 Congratulations on the Shroud in prose

Beautiful congratulations and wishes of the original prose


I congratulate you on this great saint holiday, with a cover! May God cover will always be with you! Let His hand covers you from all sorrow and sadness and gives protection,

hope, faith and love! I wish you God's blessings, and many years of happy life in love!


I congratulate you on this wonderful day, the Holy Protection of the holiday! I wish you from my heart good and holiness inherent in our Holy Mother of God!

I wish you to fulfill the holy, the good and acceptable will of God, which is prepared for each of us, and which performed the Holy Mother of God!

I wish you happiness and love!


I heartily congratulate you on this momentous day, which is the feast of the Protection-! On this day Virgin Mary appeared two men and prayed for all the people in tears.

I wish you to God's favor and protection saves you from tears of grief and give you only tears of joy, hope and love!


I congratulate you warmly to the holiday of the Holy Veil! This day was the Holy Mother of God, showing compassion for the people who showed us the Son. Let this day bring you great compassion and love for people, and God reward you for the created good deeds! I wish you health from God and long years of happy life under His protection!

Congratulations prose


Lovely light holiday we elevate. When a miracle happens on the ground, lit the divine name - for it is quickly becoming known throughout the world. God created man in his own image and likeness.

Everyone can perform miracles, and simple family becomes a guiding light.

The feast of the Protection wish each other the inexhaustible light of faith and miracles.


Happy holiday, with Holy Virgin ! Let the vision of high Wonders helps to go through life and to overcome difficulties. Joint support and understanding of life in the present day and the vision to help in the most desperate moments. So let each of these miracles will be available. Create your destiny - a human right, and it is carried out at the divine support.

On this holiday, we wish each other love and faith and prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, reminded once that grace dwells within us.


Since ancient times, mankind has tried to hold on to the true values. Myths help in this. And when there was a religion - the idea of ​​love and faith received each. On this holiday, we wish each other love and forgiveness.

It is always possible to be above circumstances.

On the feast of the Protection and let the grace covers our weekdays and holidays!
