Exaltation of the Holy Cross in 2014, history, traditions, value
Nativity of the Virgin festival ends and there comes another equally important Orthodox Christian religious festival in September - Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
Exaltation of the Holy Cross in 2014
the date, the date when notice
One of the twelve great church celebrations, symbolizing the victory of Christianity over cultures and civilizations, is celebrated on September 27, 2014.
How could grow the roots of the Exaltation of the Cross? It is believed that from the events associated with the reign of Emperor Constantine, although there are significant suspicions of his more ancient origin.
Holiday History
Whatever it was, the legend tells how Constantine, who not only was the first Roman emperor to stop persecution of Christians, but also made Christianity the state religion, he sent the queen Helen, his mother, to Palestine in search of the Cross. But no one had found the cross of the Lord the queen in the cave, but three.
And she learned the true cross of Christ on his miraculous force when touching it, according to one version, healing the sick woman, and on the other, raise the dead. In honor of this event in Jerusalem, erected a magnificent temple of the Resurrection, which includes and Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre.
Cross was brought to Constantine, but was soon abducted by the Persians, where only fourteen years later it returned the Emperor Heraclius.
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, traditions
When acquiring and glorification of the Cross, Bishop Makarios raised up or raise it in turn to all sides of the world, to all the participants can see the relic. Hence its name holiday. Hence the traditional ritual: the priest drew a cross to the four corners of the earth five times, chanting "Lord have mercy."
Then the worshipers coming to the Cross and kissed him, followed by the anointing with holy oil and the singing of the prayer: "We worship Thy Cross, O Master, and Thy holy Resurrection we glorify."
The value of traditions
Sign of the Cross for every believer as natural as breathing. We are drawn by hand to his forehead at the sight of the church, cross sanctify their business and carry it to the body. Phillips signs of our day begins and ends with them as a symbol of Christ's victory overshadowed our loved ones and protect them trust God.
We draw strength from him in prayer, but do you remember that on the Cross, our Lord met the greatest test of suffering and pain, was for us the crucifixion of flour? Forever reminding should serve us to the cross of Christ, that with reverence and awe, remembering the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we observe the feast of the post.
On this day, our faith in the Lord should serve as proof that His death, in essence defeat, was indeed a triumph and victory. We look to the cross and crucified for us see the Savior, who took care of all, what we should be punished, and decorate flowers and greenery Cross as a sign that through the torture and death of Christ given us eternal life.
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2014, History and Traditions
This holiday, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, as a day of joy in the world, the Church established in the IV century, and it opens the list of the twelve major feasts of the church year.
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin is also called second-Pure.
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2014
the date, the date when notice
September 21 all the local Orthodox Churches who hold the Julian calendar, solemnly celebrate Christmas day, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The new church year
From that day it opened a new church year - after a birth so long expected a little girl who would later become the Mother of God, begins the story of the New Testament. The girl, called Maria, was born to elderly pious parents - Joachim and Anna.
Holiday History
The elderly wife Anna and Joachim from the Galilean town of Nazareth has long regretted and cried that they had no children. In one of the major holidays Joachim brought gifts to the Lord God in the temple of Jerusalem, but the priest refused to take them from the childless husband.
In those days, the best blessing of God was considered to be children, and childlessness - God's punishment. Grieving and crying, Joachim went into the desert, trying to beg God for forgiveness.
At the same time his wife, Anna heard that the high priest did not accept gifts from her husband, she cried bitterly and went into the garden to hide from prying eyes. On the laurel tree, under which it stopped squeaking chicks in the nest. "Even the birds happen to have children, and only my husband and I do not have any comfort in old age" - sorry, Anna.
Suddenly, an angel appeared to her and told the Lord knows that soon she will give birth to a daughter who bless their parents and all the nations of the earth to bring salvation to all men. The girl's name is Maria.
The angel also appeared and Joachim and said that God heard his prayer - Anna shall conceive and bear a girl who becomes a joy for the whole world. Surprised and comforted Joachim, thanks to God, hurried back to Jerusalem. Near the church, he met Anna and told her about the marvelous sign. Anna and her husband also shared its vision.
After praying to God, the couple returned to their home. Nine months later, Anna gave birth to a daughter, pure and blessed, which, as the angel said, named Mary. In memory of this event, the Church established the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.
A couple of Joachim and Anna Church calls Bogottsami as their daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, brought into the world Jesus Christ.
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin traditions
Pure is the second holiday - a consolation for all the childless couples. His celebration of the time usually coincides with the end of major agricultural field work. Therefore, on September 21 and honor the Virgin thanks for the harvest.
Also on this day to thank the Virgin as the patroness of family and motherhood. In honor of this great holiday sanctified many monasteries and temples, and worshipers in the second day of the Blessed celebrating the feast as the temple where the main altar of the church was consecrated on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
Assumption of St. Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary
August 7 Orthodox Christians celebrated the Assumption of St. Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary. Righteous Anna was the daughter of the priest Matthan, and her husband, St. Joachim was the origin of King David. According to legend, this was supposed to be kind of Messiah.
Righteous Joachim and Anna
The couple lived in Nazareth of Galilee. They were very devout and continually sacrificed at the temple for the poor. The family had no children and very affected by it. According to Jewish tradition, the absence of children was considered the Lord's punishment and misfortune.
In one of the holidays, when the couple carried their usual annual sacrifice to the temple, the high priest decided that they did not have the right to sacrifice, since they bear the punishment of the Lord.
Unhappy Joachim was shocked by this. He looked at the documents and saw that all the men in the family had offspring, but he was childless. He is so angry that they return home, and went to the desert and 40 days without food prayed to God that he sent his offspring and mourned for his dishonor.
Anna righteous mother of the Virgin Mary the Virgin
Meanwhile, Anne also never ceased to pray and felt guilty in childlessness. She asked God for the child and promised that dedicate this child to God.
As soon as she uttered these words in front of her was the messenger - an angel of God and told her that soon she will give birth to the child and call him Mary. Through this child glorified all the tribes of men. He told her to hurry to go home to her husband.
Anna was very happy, and hurried home. On the way, she went to the temple and repeated her vow given to God.
Assumption of St. Anna, the mother of the Virgin
And at this time also appeared to Joachim messenger - an angel of God and told that he hurried home, and the Lord heard his prayer. Joyful Joachim hastened to Jerusalem, where his wife was waiting. Soon, Anna conceived a child and the child was given the name Maria.
Three years Mary lived with her parents, who were very fond of her. Three years later, the girl, as promised parents, entered the temple of the Lord, where the girl grew up and raised his age.
Almost as soon as the girl entered the temple ,, her father saint Joachim died at the age of 80 years. His wife, St. Anne survived him for 2 years, and died at the age of 79 years, which proves that the birth of a child, they had God's Providence.
Saints Joachim and Anna
At the present time to the holy Anna and Joachim pray childless families who want to have children, pray for expectant mothers who are waiting for childbirth and care of the successful outcome of labor.
There are special prayers for that in the Orthodox Church. There are many monasteries and holy relics, to which the pilgrims come to pay homage. It is only necessary to approach this with true faith in the heart.