Dormition Fast 2014 value meals on days


In August, begins a multi-day Orthodox Uspensky post 2014.

Beginning of the Dormition Fast, three of the Savior

Dormition Fast lasts two weeks - from 14 to 27 August 2014.

Three holiday -

August 14 All-Merciful Savior (called popularly Honey Spas)

August 19 The Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ (the so-called Apple Spas) and

August 29 transfer from Edessa to Constantinople Holy Face of the Lord Jesus Christ (Christ bread or walnut) - how to regard the entire Assumption post.

This post Church urges Christians to imitate the Mother of God, which constantly remained in fasting and prayer before his relocation to the sky in front of Assumption (the word "Assumption" means falling asleep, peaceful death, like sleep).

Also during Lent we follow the Lord Himself to God, fasted forty days in the desert.

Assumption post was established not today, and not even a century ago, and at the dawn of Christianity. This happened in 1166 at the Council of Constantinople, which was held under the Patriarch Luke.

It was confirmed that the Orthodox Christians in accordance with the ancient Marian statutes must comply with the post 1 to August 15 (old style).

Dormition Fast value for what is needed post?

Even a little bit knowledgeable people today can answer this question. To cleanse. In general, - true. But what should be clean? The body? Yes. And most importantly? Certainly - the soul!

And here need to understand that without physical requirements, ie, without fasting, purification of the soul is absolutely impossible. Only light, strong, and not relaxed passionate appreciation of their endless desires of the flesh is able to submit to the spirit.

Fasting person makes it clear that his health does not depend on an abundant and exquisite, but from a simple food, and, - in small quantities. Man during Lent becomes more sensitive to their inner world, is inextricably linked to the world the highest.

He finds in himself, is aware and is trying to eliminate the flaws that prevent it turning to God. It's, you know, it seems like before the arrival of fire inspection rake cluttered room, clearing the way for the exit.

And finally, if you stand on the threshold of some significant cases (whether secular or spiritual realm), you will not find a better preparation for them than the observance of fasting prayer.

Dining at the Dormition fast on days that you can eat

So, if you're determined to fast, I must go to church and the priest's blessing to take the post. By the way, taking into account all the circumstances of your life, and the father may bless the post to loosen up.

But for all other Dormition Fast is not so strict as great, but more stringent than Petrov and Christmas.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday xerophagy prescribed, that is - without boiling food.

Tuesday and Thursday - to cook without oil.

On Saturdays and Sundays, the oil is allowed.

And in the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19) and allowed the fish.

And great, and the Dormition Fast is especially hard on entertainment - even in the Imperial Russian civil laws prohibit these posts during public spectacles.

What is the position, history, traditions and the meaning of church posts

 Church posts

The person must fast at least one day a month to rest your stomach. 24 hours of fasting conscious person can update the cells of the body. Fasting - for the healthy and the sick, for the wicked and righteous people.

A person should fast deliberately. When he noticed a some negative thought or negative feeling, he may fast for 2-3 days in order to get rid of a negative.

But he has to choose the appropriate time post. If he fails to select the time, then lose and that acquired. Man, it is important to be grateful when he eats and when not eating. All that thanks people, sanctified and blessed.

People are cutting life is more overeating than malnutrition. There are diseases that are treated with hunger. But hunger is not always appropriate. Sometimes hunger is well reflected in the health. Hunger is an inner impulse in man, which it strengthens and updates. If starving with fear and doubt, starvation causes a backlash. Basis of sin in human life lies in disgust. It arises from the satiety benefits of life. This should be avoided. That is why I say: "If you do a lot of eating, start fast."

Everyone should fast. Why is that? To extend its life. Why do not need much to eat? In order not to shorten his life. The purpose of fasting is to filter the thoughts and feelings of man. Fasting is also required for internal and external rest of the body. Fasting is recommended as a means of treatment. During the post combustion process in the body stronger, so burn all the substances that cause various diseases, bad moods and discontent.

Fasting - a way to upgrade the human body. The main idea of ​​the post - to awaken the latent energy in the cells and renew the body. While fasting is necessary to behave especially reasonable. There are certain laws that must be followed. If you decide to fast, not knowing why you this post, then this post is not helpful. We need to know the time, the days when fast.

Nutritional requirements of many religions include fission products in the "clean" and "unclean", bans the use of certain products, the rules of cooking food, ritual purity glassware and other regulation related to nutrition.

The situation in the Orthodox Church, as, indeed, in Catholicism, as well as the major Protestant churches. During Lent there is no absolute ban on the use of certain food products and their constant division into approves or censured in the diet.

Only during the post are references to the permissibility of certain foods and abstaining from certain foods up to starvation. Therefore, nutritional requirements for positions connected with the posts and of a temporary nature.

Beginning of Advent 2014 date, number, nutrition in the post

 Christmas post

Have you ever seen in the sky the star of Bethlehem? Have you admired the night before Christmas twinkling stars in the sky? They felt like heaven and earth rejoice, merging into one impulse? How inexplicable easily becomes the soul of the feeling of something very light and good! It seems just about somewhere hear a bell ring and angels descend from heaven to earth.

Beginning of Advent 2014 data, the number of

When a person is waiting for some event in your life, you begin to prepare for it in advance. That's for a meeting with the Divine Child Holy Church prepares us through Advent.

Beginning of Advent November 28, 2014, (with the number of starts) immediately after the feast of St. Philip, why is called, in other words, Filippov fasting. It lasts 40 days and ends with the post January 6, 2015.

Food in the Christmas post

Of the four posts Christmas - the easiest. The Advent is necessary to exclude meat, dairy products and eggs. Fish is permitted on Saturdays and Sundays and great feasts, such as the feast of the Presentation of Mary in the temple festivals and in the days of the great saints, if these days fall on a Tuesday or Thursday.

Wine in moderation can be drunk on Saturdays and Sundays as well as during the commission of the most venerated saints of memory.

Pregnant women, children and sick people may be easing physical post. His personal best of fasting to better align with the priest.

Strict fasting is necessary in the last week before Christmas, especially January 6th (Christmas Eve), when before the first stars did not partake of the food and the evening meal is prepared twelve, although even festive, but still more meatless dishes.

V prepare meatless dishes and salads.

Actually all your favorite salad can be prepared in the lean version. It is necessary to replace meat products fungi or eliminate altogether. And buy a lean mayonnaise.

Lenten table can not be called poor and monotonous, it all depends on the desires and fantasies mistress.

Our bodies autumn quite sated with heavy fats. It's time to break it. Mother Earth worked hard and gave us a bountiful harvest of vegetables. By spring they almost run out of mineral substances. But now is the time to nourish them our body. Besides, they are rich in fiber, that will help the body to remove toxins accumulated therein.

But that position was not a burden, first you need to ask for the blessing of a priest. It is worth consulting your doctor if you suffer from any chronic illness.

And when for a reason you can not give up the familiar food - do not worry. After all, first of all, post - general cleaning of the soul. Make peace with the neighbors, take pleasure lonely man cast away any unnecessary passion curb language.

The main thing is that the post is necessarily necessary to prepare for confession and received Holy Communion. We must try not to judge, not to criticize, not to speak evil, and do not swear, and lead a more collected life and do good things.

Fasting should be fasting enjoyable. And then together we meet adequately bright Christmas holiday.

Author Natalia Kravets

Then you can see recipes: Lenten fish dishes here, the first lean, main dishes, festive meals and other recipes meatless dishes .
