Orthodox post. Even from ancient times, since the formation of Christianity the apostles prayed, staying in fasting and severe restrictions, because it gave them the strength of spirit and of wisdom. Especially strict fast on Wednesdays (the day when Judas betrayed Christ) and Friday (the day of the crucifixion of Jesus).
Each post always a time and a reason to, because they are not intended just so, and concluding a great sense that life is not just one big joy. All in good time, there is time to walk and eat from the stomach, and there is time to fasting and humility to pray to God triune.
Petrov post
After Trinity celebrated one big Week (solid means that on Wednesday and Friday, you can eat hot food skoromnaia), a celebration of the glory of God's gifts. But immediately after it comes Petrovsky (Apostolic) post, it originates from the earliest times of the Orthodox Church and the post previously called Pentecost.
Peter and the Apostles Peter and Paul Post, history
"Peter" or "Apostolic" he began after the construction of St. Peter and Paul, in Constantinople and Rome.
The apostle Peter was one of the closest and most devoted disciples of Christ, but has committed the greatest sin - apostasy, three times with an oath renouncing Jesus, after giving him a Judas.
But Peter came to his senses and wept bitterly for what he did, for the purity of his tears and true repentance Lord granted him a pardon, and Christ again called his apostles. Already on the day of the Holy Trinity, he condemned in the Christian faith, not less than five thousand people in the future even three thousand, bringing with prayer and fasting in the world the word of God.
Paul, before his baptism was named Savel was the most ardent persecutor of the Apostles. But one day, on the road to Damascus, he was the light of God and the face of the Lord, by which he became blind, but it realized his error and embarked on the path of faith, passing it up to his martyrdom. Like Peter, Paul went through the world carrying the word of God to the people and the sanctity of his achieved the rank of Apostles.
When Petrov post begins in 2014, the date, the number of
Constantinople Sagrada June 29 the new style (July 12 old) and Petrov post, just given time to prepare Christians for this great holiday.
It lasts depending on the formation of Easter, so in 2014 he begins June 16 and ends on July 11 exactly. So this year it will last exactly 26 days, not too little, because in other years Petrovsky post can reach six weeks.
What can you eat, food
These days, there may be:
Monday hot food without oil, naturally and without meat, milk, fish, even to this day, is not allowed;
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday permissible cereals, vegetables, fish, mushroom dishes with vegetable oil;
Wednesday and Friday - a strict fast, cold food without oil and fish, cold drink.
If on Monday, Wednesday or Friday will drop any events, in the name of the saints, in this day popustitelna hot food with vegetable oil. On the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, which falls on July 7 are admitted to the eating of fish dishes.
Time strict fasting Peter and Paul
After the end of the post and Petrov until the beginning of the Assumption (which is in honor of the Assumption), in 2014 it falls on August 14 every Wednesday and Friday, the time of strict fasting.
It is only if these fall days, the holiday of a saint, the Charter allowed hot food with vegetable oil, and if the temple celebration, then the fish.
The purpose of fasting
Any post, of course is important as a part of his spiritual and bodily part of humility. But the Church does not demand blind obedience, because of the restrictions on food are exempt pregnant women, people with diseases and contraindications of the military people entering the field of battle.
After all, all the same spiritual union with God, keeping the commandments and prayer are the foundation of Christianity and the goal post, in harmony with God, not to kill himself with starvation.