Church Palm Sunday celebration, history and traditions

 Palm Sunday 2011 the date of entrance into Jerusalem on April 17 celebration

Orthodox holiday of Palm Sunday always celebrated a week before Easter, so there is no fixed date.

It marks an entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. From that moment begins its entry on his "godfather" way.

Jesus went to it voluntarily, with a love for the people and the Almighty with faith to his father.

Entry into Jerusalem history

Jerusalem at the time was under the rule of the Romans. The Jews believed that the Messiah will come, and Easter would free them from bondage. Before you come to Jerusalem, Jesus revived the dead two days ago and buried in a rock Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha. To do this, Jesus did not engage in any ritual, just I looked at the sky and said:

"Father! I thank thee that thou hast heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but said it is for the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me "(John, Ch. 11)

The news of this miraculous return from the dead spread rapidly between people and when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people welcomed him as a messenger of God and truly believed that he was the Messiah.

Once the custom - the winner enters the city on a donkey, then the world, and if on horseback, then with bad intentions, with the war. Knowing this, Jesus decided to keep the tradition and to show everyone that he wants only peace.

Near the village of Bethphage Jerusalem was located. When he reached her, Jesus asked his disciples to get him a young donkey. Students soon led him and the donkey and the donkey. In the ass laid their clothes on the donkey, Jesus sat down, picked up the palm - the symbol of peace and went to town.

He came out to meet him all the people. People stele at his feet his clothes, throwing palm branches and flowers. Why Palm Sunday is also called Palm Sunday or flowering weeks.

In Jerusalem, Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple of God, and shopkeepers, throwing their desks. He said that the temple was built for prayer and not for transactions, not to deceive and not for evil. After he told the people about God almighty, and about what awaits him.

By Jesus reached out many sick, blind, lame, and the poor, and he healed them all, he strengthened the faith of the people, that he is the Messiah. After finishing all the works in this city, Jesus left him. But not all praised him and recognized the messenger of God.

The high priests of Jerusalem hated Jesus for the national love for him and conceived to destroy. Jesus knew about it but did not want to change anything, because the will of God voluntarily for the good of all of us and all future generations.

In Russia the day entry of Jesus into Jerusalem say to X century. Palm trees do not grow here, and the plant is one of the first awakening to life after the winter, it is the willow. Therefore, what we call Palm Sunday.

Verbena should be cut in advance and on the Saturday before Palm Sunday to bless the church. Earlier in Russia were held solemn processions, simulating the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. In the absence of a donkey in a decked horse. The priest was riding her horse. Under her bridle he led the mayor, the governor, and the capital of the king himself. Later, the procession was canceled.

Feast of Palm Sunday tradition twig willow

But lighting willow in the church there. When people stand with willow twigs and candles in their hands, they are, how would also meet Jesus entering Jerusalem.

It is possible at this time to ask the Lord for healing yourself and your family, for help in childbirth, the possibility to conceive a child to those who would not succeed. Those who truly believe in Jesus, can feel the signs sent to it over and be sure to get the execution of their requests.

Sanctified willow twig

Sanctified willow has long been attributed miraculous properties. It is believed that it helps to heal ailments. For this we need to eat 9 furry buds. This should be done for those who wish to conceive.

With Palm kidneys bake cakes that are themselves eaten, and cattle produce, not to hurt. Also, it was customary to whip (not hurt) consecrated recruit children, cattle, and each other, to add health and ailments could not hang on.

Feast of Palm Sunday is so important, that in this day allowed to eat fish and drink wine, in spite of the fact that Lent lasts.

Poems Greetings husband with Palm Sunday

 husband with Palm Sunday


I congratulate you on Palm Sunday

You dear and most good man!

Let you bypass all the doubts

With troubles and sorrows to the rail.

Let at work waiting for you good luck,

In cases settle success

Let the heart of boredom never not cry

You are dearer to me than all!

Congratulations to the husband of a woman in verse


Spring came. We hear the birds singing!

And clean air dizzy.

I congratulate her husband with Palm Sunday

Let the bell sounds congratulations!

You, my dear, I wish:

In life safely only up to walk,

And do not be afraid to take on any matter,

And a promise to fulfill with honor!

Give your family love and affection,

Once a year, take out of the sea,

To tell of - often children tales

Always wife - beautiful praise!


On Palm Sunday, I congratulate you.

Say no doubt - we are one family!

I would like to wish my husband today:

In life not to seek earthly heights

Thing to do, without much hassle.

Something went wrong - it is better not to be sad.

If he was offended - to take, and easy!

Kohl's wife asks - all perform an instant,

With a gentle understanding of repaying cry!

His feelings today I did not withhold:

My dear, good, I love you!


From Palm Sunday to congratulate,

My favorite faithful spouse.

I'll admit to not hesitate:

In the whole world you are - my best friend.

Let everything in life was, love.

I sincerely wish the best blessings.

Just forgive me, my dear,

If you did something wrong.


Congratulations on Palm Sunday,

My husband, my dear, and gold.

You once became my salvation

In this life difficult, difficult.

And now I wish you

In the universe to be happy all.

I love and adore.

Let your deeds live success.

From Palm Sunday to the husband from his wife and children


We congratulate you with the Palm Sunday!

I wholeheartedly want to wish today:

Find a cure for grief workers

And learn how to overcome stress.

Health never let fails,

Your enthusiasm is exhausted though.

Try to overcome doubts

And to avoid discouragement and sadness!

In the affairs of your wish only success

For us you are the best example.

Good luck, humor and laughter

You, our loving Father!

Congratulations on Palm Sunday 2014

 Congratulations on Palm Sunday


I congratulate you on Palm Sunday

Today, in a hurry with all my heart!

Prayers, send congratulations

I want to weekdays were good!

I want to wish you good health,

To grief you did not know a whole century!

That God has given you his love,

After all, you are such a wonderful person!

Let the Lord in your heart forever

Easy on the life and light to go!

Let the happiness in life is endless!

I wish you only joy in the way!


I am pleading for the salvation of your souls,

After Palm Sunday today!

Let us say thank you to the Lord

Because it gives us to live beautifully!

Let's meet again in the temples today

And only with the permission of the Lord,

Repent of sins and communion ...

The existence of God shall see ...

He may bestow upon us the gifts and benefits:

It gives good honor and courage ...

Clear conscience and forgive transgressions ...

For Palm today raise the cups!

Congratulations friends on Palm Sunday


To congratulate with Palm Sunday

I hurry to pray for you all!

I want to send congratulations,

That waiting for you just a gold success!

To your souls nearer to God,

May you remain pure before God!

So as not to waste accidentally sinned!

Let happiness be an extraordinary century!

And let your whole life guarding the sky!

Let your humility ever sent!

Let it be your forgiveness for all the things,

After Palm Sunday today!


At the Palm, the Holy Resurrection

Wish I want, I have friends, fun,

Understanding, caring, kindness,

And in my heart calm, pure beauty.

Let you always, everything in life is possible,

Let love you and good luck will smile.

Happiness only comes into the house forever,

And you do not know the troubles never heavy.


Palm Sunday with the sun got up early,

After spring came much into its own.

I wish to clear days you missed

Give loved ones the kind words,

Open sky soul quickly,

To ask for forgiveness for their sins.

For what is given to us, friends, pray!

For being done, God will forgive you!

From Palm Sunday to colleagues


On Sunday, a wonderful Palm

At the heart of every living boundless love.

All colleagues are pleased today to congratulate.

Bright holiday we will soon meet!

All those wishing to kindness, warmth and light,

Mercy, care and love,

Let you delight sunsets and sunrises,

And long life to be happy days!

Verses parents


Native, Palm Sunday,

I wish goodness in everything!

You met a life true to days,

Live longer than the two of us!

Fate let the protection against sorrow,

And bestow grace!

You live always in good conscience,

Let this day you will shine!

Congratulations sister


I send to you on Palm Sunday,

Dear sister, congratulations.

Wish that living love,

Feeling hot in the heart is not melting!

Congratulations on Palm Sunday sister
Congratulations on Palm Sunday favorite guy, man
Congratulations on Palm Sunday 2014 verses
SMS greetings with Palm Sunday
