One way to instill in the child a sense of love, care and responsibility - to get a good pet.
But to do so it is recommended when the baby is not less than 5 years old because at this age the child is already possible to explain,
that homely little animals you can not pull the tail, poke a finger in the eye and nose. The five-year kid is easy enough to learn the rules of hygiene which are required after playing with a pet.
Whom do we get to your house? Consider a few options.
The most popular option - a parrot. If during our childhood on bird markets and pet shops can be purchased just budgerigar, parrot choice now so great that the eyes diverge: here and lovebirds, and Grey and Carell ...
But the choice we recommend still stop at the usual wavy. We can say that this is the ideal bird for friendship with a child: parrots are very affectionate, affectionate, have a bright cheerful color, pleasing the eye. They have a very developed imitation, so they are easy to learn.
Caring for them is quite simple and necessary recommendations are available at any pet store or online.
Chinchillas usually acquire as a pet for an older child. These funny rodents require gentle and caring attitude. They are easily susceptible to injuries and fractures, and a young child may accidentally cause harm small animal.
Child 8-12 years already capable of careful games with chinchilla. Training these rodents are amenable to no worse than dogs. With proper care chinchilla lives up to 20 years. If you decide to buy for your child is an animal, remember that it can deliver to your family and you not only a lot of fun but also a lot of hassle.
In rodents, cheerful, but a very active character. In addition, an animal night, and rebuild it on a daily regimen, it is practically impossible. So, leave the cell for the night with a beast in a child's room should not be, a pet will not give sleep to his master. Furthermore, chinchilla fur may cause allergy. It might be better to have a normal hamster?
The best pet for baby dog
Dog - probably the most cherished dream of every child. Many children do not perceive the puppy as a "smaller brother", but as a friend, no worse (and even 100 times better) neighbor Bears.
Of course, dogs are a lot of advantages, but we must not forget that this is one of the most dangerous animals. A large dog or small - it's like a wolf in nature, and it is unknown what will the relations of the dog with the child, whether it would not cause him harm.
And the damage done by the dog of your apartment and your budget, significantly higher than that of a hamster or parrot. Therefore, the decision on its purchase should be particularly balanced and considered.
Recommendations for selection
In conclusion, we present some general guidelines before you proceed to the choice of a pet:
Make sure your child is prone to allergies and infectious diseases.
Always remember that any animal, even live only at home can be a source of infection (due to microorganisms, initially living in it)
Evaluate whether you have enough space in the apartment for the emergence of a new friend, and if there is enough money in your wallet to ensure an adequate level of his life.
Check how the baby is ready to take care of your new friend. Is it enough to your child self-sufficient to feed the pet, clean the cage behind him, walk with him.