How to protect your child from flu

 Protects against flu

In this article we'll talk about what are the main ways to protect your child from the flu. Especially dangerous is the disease for children of kindergarten age, whose immune systems are not developed as much as adults. Especially hard for those who go to kindergarten for the first time. Little kids are stressed, to which is added and the attack of viruses and bacteria - with her child inevitably faces in the team.

There are a few rules that will help protect the baby from illness and his parents - from the experiences and troubles. It is necessary to regularly tempered child. In summer, this is no problem: the kid himself running around the earth barefoot, swim and take air baths. In the autumn we need to continue training on hardening - allow the child to run barefoot on the floor, burn it to the pool, to accustom him to the contrasting soul.

Do not forget to ventilate the room, the child - let him learn to sleep with half-open window. Physical exercises (eg, jogging / walking in the morning or evening) will also be helpful for your child, but do not forget that it should be appropriately dressed. So you need to stock up on thermal underwear will be required tracksuits, children's hats and so on. In general, hardening improves the immune system, the body learns to cope with children's illnesses.

Diet is very important, that is what your child eats. You do not need to teach a child to fast food, on the contrary, it would be better if the food will be included in all the nutrients / minerals.

When will the period of viral infection, it is best to leave your baby at home - otherwise it is better to carry out preventive maintenance: lubricate the nasal mucosa oxolinic ointment or viferonovoy, and after you get home, rinse the nasal cavity by means of a special sea water.

You can also give your child cough remedies that are safe for the child's body: for example, Oscillococcinum. If the baby is still sick, it is better at the first sign of illness leave it at home, call a doctor and be treated not only as long as the symptoms disappear, but has not yet regained his strength.

Good antibacterial agent against influenza infections - is kulonchik with garlic, which allocates fitonitsidy. You can use a container with a kinder-surprise, which quite cut clove of garlic and hang it on the neck. Fitonitsidy will destroy viral microorganisms, and your baby will be safe.

Particular attention is paid to what clothes your child walks in the fresh air in the cold season. All clothes, especially the one that covers the head and legs should be dry. If a child is often a long walk, you can just buy cheap clothes, shoes and children's hats wholesale, so that he can simply change the wet clothes when it starts to rain, or it will fall into a puddle.

Testing a child at school entry

 School readiness tests, tests for admission to the school, testing the child for school

I am the mother of two sons. After registration of the first class of the eldest son came to the hospital bed with a nervous shock.

By the formation of the younger decided to treat more relaxed ..

In a preparatory class at school, we have not got. Until now, I can not understand for whom are they? Classes are held 2 - 3 times a week on weekdays from 14-00 to 15-00. The question is, who leads the children? In general, we decided to be limited to training in kindergarten and at home.

Commencement address caregiver before the test at school entry, struck to the heart:

- Be careful when answering questions. Be sure to repeat the names of animals and their cubs. They catch (!!!) on the issues of children of parents lamb. They need only the smart kids ... Well, go with God.

Testing at school entry

Dear adult, I immediately raises at least two questions:

1. What is the name my mother lamb?

2. How can a fifty-year-aunt "catch" the six-year baby ?! It's a battle of minds?

No statement ("I beg to test my child ..." or "do not mind testing ..." sign was not offered. From poetry we decided to prepare a "Voskhod". But to be honest, the talent to impress the selection committee did not have to advertise.

Check the following topics:

reading skills,

writing skills

an oral account

test motivation



Sample test questions:

- Is it true that the holidays - the best time to school? (a child with a high motivation to say "no. Not right") You met a lot of these kids?

- If you could go to school in the last year, would you go?

- Give the subsequent number and preceded by a number 8.

- Arrange the pictures in the right order and make them a story.

When they left the school, my son whispered to me: "Mom, where I found the figures in the picture, and has placed everything in order."

- Duck standing on 2 feet and weighs 2 kg. If it podozhmet one paw, how much it weighs?

- The game is "Yes and No". This is when you ask questions, and they can not answer yes or no. Question of the game: Turn around, Tom, there sits your mother?

Can you imagine what the voltage is in the child, and then he showed a loved one, but you need to control myself (!) And shout YES this is my favorite mommy, do not allow the "rules" of the game.

-Do One else clutches a duck or a cat?

-I Ash two branches, each branch of two cherries. How many cherries in the clear?

Interestingly, and advanced mathematics will soon include in the program of pre-school education? Questions still had a lot of different.

Testing lasted 40 minutes And after we went to a nearby Tёmochkoy pizza - stick stress. 7 years Tёmochke fulfilled only in November. Can live another year in kindergarten?

Author Anna

A child from his first marriage

 A child from his first marriage

It is no secret that the statistics of divorces each year becomes more and more alarming - and in fact, behind each figure is the fate of a woman whose hopes were not destined to come true. Being left alone, even with a child in her arms - an unenviable share, but the years go by, wounds scarring, and in the soul of every single woman there is hope for a new meeting.

The second marriage, as a rule, develops more successfully - woman performs a kind of "work on our mistakes," not allowing the new family history of protracted conflicts, quarrels, goes on a search for compromise, builds strong and healthy relationship.

But there are some points that could be an insurmountable obstacle between loving people, if they are not taken into account at the time. No matter how badly it sounds, a second marriage may destroy the children from his first marriage, of course, only if you let things take their course.

If a woman marries a man, having the baby, preschooler, it must accurately represent himself as her future husband is the child from his first marriage. Correctly enter those women who from the first moment for not hide the fact that they have a child.

If that does not alienate a man at once, it is unlikely to alienate and afterwards. Of course, there are times when it is, sharing the child begins to be perceived as a nuisance, but it is - a sign that a man is not ready for a serious relationship.

The best solution may be a trial marriage, when all three of us gradually "lapped" to each other, she shows that she can be a wonderful mother to children together, smoothing out all the "corners" and contradictions.

Well, if during the period of "lapping" caring grandmother from time to time to take the baby to her, to give adults figure out their relationship alone.

The people do not say nothing, when a man loves a woman with all his heart, he, in all sincerity and love of her child, will be his father and example. And the child intuitively feeling the love, always reach for the "new" parents, and sooner or later, will say: - "Daddy!"

In another case, when a man, remarry, have a child by his first wife, it is often a problem, especially if the "new" wife is young and has no life experience.

For women characterized by an adequate perception of the child of her husband, they are able to share in his mind of the child and his mother, but for the young is - a common cause for jealousy and quarrels. In addition, the monthly outflow of money for child support, causes irritation and leads to additional expenses hysterics.

How to save a relationship?

Of course, I am using a dialogue. Speak the maximum amount you will spend a month a man, and with a "reckoning" for unforeseen expenses.

Women should realize that the way a man treats his child, describes him as a good man and loving father, who for joint children is to love and attention. Make your home accessible to the arrival of the baby - the way he understands that there are no enemies, but his dad still loves.

Draw the line from the influence of the effect of the child's first wife - if a child in the home is desired, then his mother - no, but calls on it should not strain, as a common child a great responsibility, and the situations are different.

From women require peace of courage, patience and love - but fortunately, most of us have highly developed maternal instinct, which may overcome the jealousy and anger, or even someone else's child from her first marriage to a good and loving woman will not cause anger or hatred.

And believe me, man will appreciate it in dignity, paying tribute to the patience and wisdom of his chosen. Love, as always, to win!
