Who your baby sign? The nature and contact with the child

 Who your baby sign? The nature and contact with the child

Learn to identify the character and build communication with your baby according to his zodiac sign.

Important features and what parents should pay attention to.

Your child was born under the zodiac sign of Aries

It is intolerable, so your task is to try to develop them such qualities as patience. Make sure that they all started to follow through. This is a very independent little ones, and sometimes even useful to give them an opportunity to take the initiative in their own hands and to learn from their own mistakes.


Try to keep your child always easy listening music shield him from the places where a lot of noise, bustle, bright colors, because such an environment can confuse your baby and he would feel unwell. In order to overcome this, give him an opportunity to fill your world those objects and colors that are interesting to him, themselves take part in it. Little bodies need a great amount of love.


Children of this sign quickly get bored and they rarely follow through begun. They are curious, sociable, and sometimes even too nervous. Usually they have a good sense of humor, easy to absorb everything I saw and heard: both good and bad.


In small claims no cancer or brothers or sisters or friends. These are children, confident and happy by nature. They would like to play with "invisible" friends that will dilute the monotony of the day we live. They like the positive atmosphere in the family, they are very intuitive and usually do things, listening to your heart.


Teach them to be more modest. Cubs need to imagine a lot of attention and always want to be in the spotlight. They are full of life and very amorous. Sometimes they are very generous with friends, so try to teach your child to be a child is not a spendthrift.


Develop imagination and the imagination of your baby, it will greatly help him at school. By nature it is a very neat and organized a child, so try not to break his regime. The children born under the sign of Virgo is very sentimental, consider this item in communion with them.


Friendly and very sociable, love to be around a lot of people, they are very concerned about their appearance. When you ask your toddler to behave, well, try to explain to him the reason, and what you do not like.


Silent children, which sometimes need to be alone with him - they like. They wake up very early interest in sex, so at any time, be prepared to explain to your child this or that thing, regarding gender relations. Small Scorpions quite vindictive and they are worth a lot of effort to forget the offense.


Children who read since childhood - you, the parents should take advantage of it. It is important to teach your baby - Sagittarius the fact that in life there are certain rules and it is for them to live. These children also have the language skills. They are usually cheerful and always in a good mood.


These kids love sports, they are very demanding of himself when it comes to doing something. They know the value of money, so know how to save money and are always looking for an opportunity to earn extra money. Pay attention to walking outdoors, baby Capricorn just need to be able to reset the accumulated energy.


Young Aquarians have a highly developed imagination and they are always drawn to adventure. Teach your kid to think first and then do. This small idealists: they are not interested in fine deeds and actions, their thoughts and ideas are ambitious: they will always find a reason and a way to say, to defend world peace.


Babes - Fish small need to learn to distinguish between what is practical and what is not. They like to be among adults, although sometimes they are shy and they do not like to go out often. They have a huge imagination. They know how to keep long conversations, and talk about how they feel. They have a highly developed sense of the 7th.

When the baby should not be punished

 When the baby should not be punished

You can not bring up the baby cries, penalties and slaps on the pope. How? We have the recipe!

Sometimes it seems that the child is doing something contrary to that test your patience.

You keep saying to him: "You can not! "And he again and again touches the wire, the contents of the cabinet turns, climbs on the window sill.

He is too young to understand what was wrong, why forbid it to achieve what you want, to satisfy your curiosity. This does not mean that you need to allow all.

But, do not do without punishment?

The world, I want you to know.

One year old toddler tends to get everywhere, all to taste, touch. And if it suddenly begin to shout, he is frightened. You could not resist and put the baby in a corner?

He does not associate the punishment with the incident. Mom somehow angry - a pipsqueak understand, but what caused her displeasure - not. And because the sense of injustice, resentment.

The child is clearly only one thing: if he has caused, Mamochkin anger comes out wrong. He is trying hard to be a good boy, but so do you want to see him?

• Let him that by and large is not dangerous. Admit it, nothing terrible will happen if pipsqueak clicked the TV remote control, to listen to music on a mobile, scattered the rump on the floor and even shove the handle in a bowl for the cat.

The little man is trying to understand how the world works. Do not disturb him in this, but always be there.

• Sometimes the best care of your baby to make sure that a particular action is not safe than endlessly say "no".

This applies to hot (but not too), swing (slightly Push to pipsqueak I realized they push), burning (eg, stinging nettle). So the kid will learn to trust you.

• The prohibitions should apply to what is really a threat to life and health: sockets and wiring, gas, roads, household chemicals.

At this point you need to be firm and without unnecessary emotions chubby little boy to make it clear: there are things that you would never let that happen.

Calm, just calm

Sometimes the reason for punishment of children is something abstract. Your fatigue, discord at work.

And then the kid constantly pulls you somewhere interfere. If he did not pay attention, he begins to act up.

Believe me, he does so not because of the hazard. On the other hand, I feel that you feel bad, and it also becomes uncomfortable.

Sad, and even worse - my mother crying for remains a real tragedy.

Get a hold of yourself. No matter how (count to ten, drink Persia), but calm down. And not to disrupt the evil on a small, because then you will blame themselves and ask for forgiveness.

You think you're all right, but the child does not manage?

You can be the (or even should) define the boundaries of what is permitted - consistency, firmness, clear rules.

Then all the problems will be solved without any punishment, but under your leadership.

And your family will prevail peace and understanding.

School uniforms - necessity or unnecessary problems

 School uniform

School uniform clothing is mandatory for students while they are in school and at official events taking place outside the school. This clothing is not only a functional significance. It plays a very important role in development and formation of the person.

Sometimes quarrels between adolescents arise from the appearance or because of differences of tastes. That is why the form of school is a leader in the formation of a certain system of philosophy and focuses on students' humanistic and intellectual values.

Also, according to many psychologists, casual suits for study can prevent the penetration of relationships that develop in the teenage counter-cultural groups in the process of acquiring knowledge. Also worth noting is that during puberty in young people celebrated a special emotional and psychological tension, and increased requirements to help smooth the appearance is a common school uniform. It prevents giperseksualizatsiyu and promotes intellectual affirmation teenagers. It is often expensive trappings of modern life become a kind of way of compensation in the substantial absence of any achievements in sports, education and interpersonal relationships.

School uniforms switches attention to the student from his appearance in the process of obtaining knowledge, gives him the opportunity to concentrate on their studies and improves the efficiency of the educational process. It creates a psychological background, which helps tune into productive work.

The described clothing should be not only strong, but also practical, convenient, and quality. Today, the administration of each school in its sole discretion may choose standards costumes for students. However, there are common criteria that make accessories for school. So, first of all, it should be noted that the form - this is not the dress, and work clothes, which have to carry out five days a week. Therefore, it is desirable that the colors of these costumes were calm and low-key, not tired or irritated vulnerable psyche of the child.

The fabric from which sewed shape should at least fifty per cent consist of wool, cotton or rayon. This clothing must necessarily comply with existing hygienic requirements. Also, it is desirable that it was easy to operate - not myalas, easy to wash, does not lose its presentation.

Any student in the form should be convenient, it is impossible to suppress his natural activity or snare. After the discomfort caused by clothing, it can negatively affect not only his health but also on learning. Also be sure all the costumes are chosen according to the size, but because of quite intensive growth of children, and they require regular replacement.

Modern children's clothing manufacturers pay special attention to the production of school uniforms. In developing the model they are trying to take into account many factors that affect the health of students. Also clothes for school is no longer the same type or ugly. In the process of tailoring using original design solutions to make it a fashionable and attractive.

Today we can note that the times when the form is to go to school was all exactly the same, it is long gone. Now, this clothing can be selected by parents and children in accordance with their taste preferences. If earlier it was not particularly comfortable and made only in a certain color, these days you can easily pick up the costumes, which will satisfy all the requirements of students and fit under certain standards of the school.

From the above it can be concluded that the school uniform plays an important role in a child's life, which is why her choice must be taken seriously enough. In addition, it is worth considering that in such clothes student will go on throughout the whole year. Therefore, if any article of clothing will be spoiled, it will have to choose a replacement. It is also desirable to have a few sets of clothes described, so as not to tire the student monotony.
