You can not bring up the baby cries, penalties and slaps on the pope. How? We have the recipe!
Sometimes it seems that the child is doing something contrary to that test your patience.
You keep saying to him: "You can not! "And he again and again touches the wire, the contents of the cabinet turns, climbs on the window sill.
He is too young to understand what was wrong, why forbid it to achieve what you want, to satisfy your curiosity. This does not mean that you need to allow all.
But, do not do without punishment?
The world, I want you to know.
One year old toddler tends to get everywhere, all to taste, touch. And if it suddenly begin to shout, he is frightened. You could not resist and put the baby in a corner?
He does not associate the punishment with the incident. Mom somehow angry - a pipsqueak understand, but what caused her displeasure - not. And because the sense of injustice, resentment.
The child is clearly only one thing: if he has caused, Mamochkin anger comes out wrong. He is trying hard to be a good boy, but so do you want to see him?
• Let him that by and large is not dangerous. Admit it, nothing terrible will happen if pipsqueak clicked the TV remote control, to listen to music on a mobile, scattered the rump on the floor and even shove the handle in a bowl for the cat.
The little man is trying to understand how the world works. Do not disturb him in this, but always be there.
• Sometimes the best care of your baby to make sure that a particular action is not safe than endlessly say "no".
This applies to hot (but not too), swing (slightly Push to pipsqueak
I realized they push), burning (eg, stinging nettle). So the kid will learn to trust you.
• The prohibitions should apply to what is really a threat to life and health: sockets and wiring, gas, roads, household chemicals.
At this point you need to be firm and without unnecessary emotions chubby little boy to make it clear: there are things that you would never let that happen.
Calm, just calm
Sometimes the reason for punishment of children is something abstract. Your fatigue, discord at work.
And then the kid constantly pulls you somewhere interfere. If he did not pay attention, he begins to act up.
Believe me, he does so not because of the hazard. On the other hand, I feel that you feel bad, and it also becomes uncomfortable.
Sad, and even worse - my mother crying for remains a real tragedy.
Get a hold of yourself. No matter how (count to ten, drink Persia), but calm down. And not to disrupt the evil on a small, because then you will blame themselves and ask for forgiveness.
You think you're all right, but the child does not manage?
You can be the (or even should) define the boundaries of what is permitted - consistency, firmness, clear rules.
Then all the problems will be solved without any punishment, but under your leadership.
And your family will prevail peace and understanding.