Lessons words and rules of courtesy for the baby

 The lessons of courtesy for the baby, words and rules of courtesy

Want pipsqueak always enjoyed magic expressions? Teach your baby courtesy. "Please," "thank you", "sorry" magic words that can work miracles. The sooner your little one learns this, the better, courtesy and good manners help in communication: allow to solve disputes, to agree, to find a compromise.

They are extremely important in family life - especially in the relationship with the child. Watching mom and dad for their actions and reactions, pipsqueak learns how to and how not to behave. Remember: personal example has a toddler on a much greater impact than the constant reminders and educational activities.

Ask politely - get

Demanding "give" usually appears in children in the first year of life. But, of course, neither of which politeness is not out of the question. But now you should speak little one: "Please." He gradually remember the situations in which it is needed.

The child is older explain the simple rules of behavior with other people, it does not matter - a grandmother or a friend in the sandbox. "Please" - a great way to get the desired toy, while preventing conflict.

Want pipsqueak always enjoyed magic expressions? Teach your baby courtesy.

The right words will not sound if with himself, he hears: "Quickly get dressed and come out! "Instead of" Please get dressed, it's time to go. " You have no time to ask the toddler to accelerate the process of fastening buttons. And even apologetic to explain an angry husband, "Please be patient for another minute."

But the effort will be rewarded when the baby will tell a stranger on the playground boy: "Please give play machine" and thus resolve the conflict of small proprietors.

Replace the requirement requests - they will certainly be more likely to be carried out. When the sound "please", one that is accessed, feels significant. And a little too: he has a choice, not a necessity to do what my mother wants.

Lessons : thanks for all!

Did you know that chubby little boy needs to hear "thank you" at least eight times a day? It forms his self-esteem and self-confidence. In addition, such an amazing word inspires. Thank your child for every good deed!

Be sincere - so you can help your child understand that he really did well. It does not matter if in response to treat your friends, meet along the way, pipsqueak keep silent. Do not make: "What do you say Aunt? .." And thank myself.

Encourage the baby when it is properly will use "thank you", returning the book to a friend, or hearing a wish, "Bon appetit! "Then, for every act of kindness and care of your baby without any reminders will answer with a smile:" Thank you! "

Terms: I will not

Some parents do not consider it necessary to apologize to their children. Even if you know that is not right and hurt the child. We believe that this is not about you. After all, you are a son or daughter as an equal. Explains the little one that incidents happen with everyone. But there is always a chance to save the day: ask for forgiveness.

The main thing is not to bring the situation to absurdity. As a punishment for a misdemeanor crumb put in the corner, and the only opportunity to get out of it - sorry, he can take it as a secret code. Almost "Open Sesame! ". And polite phrase will become a stand-set of words that always helps.

Only if you yourself will use the "sorry" pipsqueak learn to be courteous. To whatever you said the magic word - her husband, mother in law, kid - it will be received with gratitude, understanding and love. With the same feelings accept apologies child, he will easily recognize their mistakes and errors, that is, to grow up.

Words: React correctly!

If your daughter will start after lunch on their own to clear the table plates, not enough simply to show their joy - certainly thank the baby. Every time a child will show some positive qualities - care, commitment, telling him: "Thank you."

You have been treated unfairly or surrender to the emotions? Apologized to the baby. After pipsqueak watching you. And learning how to act if a mistake in what situations should apologize.

When you ask a child to clean the room (not forgetting the "please"!), Do not expect that he will do so, as it could make you yourself. But thank crumbs for their efforts, it feels meaningful.

Always respond to polite words that are pronounced the baby.

Do what asked toddler when he said, "Please." And I'm sorry, when you hear: "I'm sorry."

You have a quiet, peaceful and shy child

 child quiet, withdrawn and shy

You better know your crumbs and try to facilitate its adaptation in our world. Sometimes it is not easy with a child in a low, calm, reserved and shy. He's a weak, defenseless! Adults regret it and try to isolate from reality.

You have always and everywhere been the first. In a year when your peers only "tried on the tooth," the words, you're saying the entire sentence, and three, not paying attention to the guests, reciting "The Man with scattered Street Pool" ... Your husband is not timid: acted on All matinees kindergarten, participated in school competitions.

And your son is different. In the yard he prefers to play. In the town attractions, which are always full of kids, not let your hand. But the circus did not leave a single step.

This behavior psychologists call a predominance of inhibitory processes. The child is quiet, calm and shy, even somewhat detached. Communication with peers, he prefers solitude. A sort of a dreamer who often retreats into himself, a long time could look out the window or at the sky.

He does everything slowly on slow speed. Many skills are masters of their yearlings later (especially if you run up close all the roads). But it often happens that a child knows much more than it seems parents (not just showing off their achievements).

Relationships with peers these children are different. They are often invisible in the group kept apart. Rarely raise a hand, even if they know the answer, do not hurry to take part in the new game. But it happens that a team like them, because they are non-contentious and do not try to command.

Sometimes the kids go into the world of their own imaginations. Surrounding often believe that they are a weirdo or shine abilities (although they usually do not concede in intellectual development peers, and sometimes even ahead of them). But they simply could others, a certain shyness passed on genes (not necessarily from parents), and maybe the whole thing is just in the nature.

Watching your baby brings not only a lot of fun, but ... knowledge. You better know your baby and try to facilitate its adaptation in our world. Sometimes it is not easy with a child in a low, calm, reserved and shy. He's a weak, defenseless!

Adults regret it and try to isolate from reality. And this leads to the fact that the baby does not seek independence, resigned to the fact that he did not know how (mom and dad will do everything for it). This, of course, is no good!

Other parents behave exactly the opposite. They worry that an indecisive kid can not cope with life's challenges, and at all costs try to change it: organize a meeting with the same age, are recorded in various circles, forced to speak at matinees.

The child feels bad and his detachment from the noisy companies only increased. As a result, there is often a stress, and this - a direct path to low self-esteem.

Parents of shy, quiet, calm and closed children often hesitate to send them to kindergarten, all the more so Some flatly refuse to go there. However, it may be that this is where your shy kid finds a kindred spirit, and no problems adapting.

Please choose for him that fits. Perhaps it will be a private garden with a good reputation, also close to home. On the first day leave the baby in the group for a short time - about two hours. Then try to leave before dinner. Then, take away his right after quiet hours.

And only a week take a chance to come for him at the end of the working day. This will help your child gradually get used to the children's collective, teachers and attendants, overcome shyness and become more independent. Over time, the toddler will love the garden, make friends with the children and, as adults, will remember him with gratitude and warmth.

This will facilitate his contact with others. Toddlers who easily lost, is unlikely to be comfortable in life. And although it is impossible to turn Tikhonov spirited child, you the strength to help him.

If the child is quiet, reserved and shy to follow a few important rules in the education:

• Do not try to do everything instead of crumbs, not patronize it with or without cause, but do not force.

• Stay calm, even if you see that his plan fails it difficult or he does it his own way. Give him a chance to achieve the desired.

• Praise him for any, even the smallest achievements, especially if they are associated with overcoming shyness (independent shopping in the store, questions to a teacher in a kindergarten).

• Each new task, non-standard situation discussed above with a child - a baby surprise rejects.

• Do not try to force him to overcome shyness: do not make recite poems to friends, or to speak in a garden. Do not write it in the pool or the circle "Skillful hands" if he opposed.

• apply methods of small steps. Kohl pipsqueak does not want to participate in the play, you can sing in unison with the other kids.

Related single chain DNA ...

Transfer aptitudes and character types inherited not an assumption but a fact. And it helped to establish ... twins! The idea of ​​studying twins to ascertain what is inherited and what is formed by education, has arisen in the 70 years XJX century.

It turned out that in the actions and decisions of identical twins has a stunning similarity even when they grow in different conditions. One of the most striking cases - brothers George. And J. Springer. Lewis of the United States. Separated in age of one month, they met only 39 went through.

And it turned out that both had been married twice on women with the same name, both named the first-born - James Allen, go to the "Chevrolet" one model and color, have a rest in a small town in Florida, in his spare time loved to work with wood, and even their dogs have a common nickname - That.
