The causes of dysfunction and autonomic nervous tics in children

 Children's Health

According to statistical data of the hundred and eighty cases of tics in children are the result of suffering psychological turmoil, and also because of the child's stay in a state of chronic stress. The reason for the possible stress may be unfavorable situation in the family, the death or illness of a family member, the tense situation in the children's collective (kindergarten or school).

Not the last factor that wagged the appearance of a child of this type of disease is a genetic predisposition. For example, children whose parents have suffered this problem more likely to get into this category of patients.

Quite often nervous tic kids suffer from brain dysfunction. In some cases, children have tics at completely unexpected, and as it seems at first glance, insignificant reasons. For example, squeezing uncomfortable clothing can provoke a nervous tic kind of engine that will haunt the baby even after irritating clothing will be charged.

Chronic stress, emotional stress and fatigue in children are also one of the causes of such diseases as autonomic dysfunction (VD). Unfavorable situation at home, the parents abuse alcohol, harsh treatment by adults, the conflicts in the school environment, as well as mental fatigue can cause the development of children and HP neuroses.

In addition to the psycho-emotional factor autonomic dysfunction can be caused by the following reasons:

• heredity;

• diseases and injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system (particularly the hypothalamus, the brain stem, the limbic system, infection, injury, etc.);

• adverse pregnancy and birth difficult;

• hormonal imbalance.

Thus, in addition to the treatment by a specialist crucial factor in restoring the health of the child, in the case of both of the above conditions is to create a favorable psychological environment for him.

To do this, you must completely eliminate the appearance of conflict in the family not to discuss the serious problems with the baby, do not speak negatively about his comrades, not to find out the relationship with him. Limit its activities at the computer and the TV screen, increase the duration of outdoor exercise.

If the child is very impressionable - help it!

 Impressionable, vulnerable child

Impressionable, vulnerable child is hard to tolerate failures in the games, the defeat in the competition - a long and angry cries. Increased susceptibility affects not only the assessment of other people, but also to the self-assessment. Such a child currently low opinion ... For parents it is important to notice this behavior.

Sensitivity - not a vice. Psychologists say that the nervous system hypersensitivity is not a negative property. People with strong nerves to cope with life's challenges alone, and impressionable - with others.

This increased sensitivity lifetime draws to impressionable people and children, and adults. Such a person is like a responsive antenna detects the slightest nuances of the mood of others. He is able to sympathize, empathize, and from an early age is able to tune in to the emotional wave source, thereby causing its location.

As babies, he sleeps little, and when crying, it is impossible to appease. Becoming older child painfully aware of its failure - with anger destroys a tower of cubes if it did not work the same as he would like, and you go in sobs, since failed picture.

The reason for hysterics - increased sensitivity of the nervous system that transmits both body and soul. Children prone to tantrums quite intolerant of pain, and they are waiting for it though. Every visit to the clinic hell for parents (a strong reaction is the message of the campaign to the doctor). And if it comes to vaccination, the place is small everyone: parents, and the nurses and other patients ...

Crying and screams are heard at any scratches. If the splinter finger, the baby does not touch the hand, and a broken knee - the reason for the vagaries of the week, no less. Most often his reaction commensurate with what happened. Scarce bring themselves to such a state that does not hear anything around: none of your arguments, no words of comfort.

And if they hear, he does not understand ("Why my mother said that did not happen do not worry, if I hurt so much, and my father frowns with displeasure?"). Impressionable children are usually very suspicious. If you ask such a child, how he feels, that's for sure tell you that bad, he had a headache, and stomach, and throat (although it barely caught a cold).

His hypersensitivity baby good use in a variety of situations, such as when you do not want to go to kindergarten or to her aunt, who does not like. Meanwhile, psychologists say that these kids really feel pain and they deteriorate in stressful situations.

Another distinguishing feature - an extreme touchiness. It is necessary to raise the baby on his voice as his eyes instantly appear tears. Whatever the circumstances, always remember this.

Small hypochondriac also quite fearful. It is useless to talk to him, do not be afraid, because its threshold of fear, like pain, is very low. It is better to gradually and prudently to teach it to various circumstances.

Hypochondriac child you could unknowingly be strengthened. If you're going to regret it too, repeating what he poor and how much scratched handle, the pipsqueak did not try to overcome your fear.

Take it for granted increased sensitivity, and no matter what happens, keep Olympian calm. Thus, you can help him deal with his own emotions.

Vulnerable child is sensitive not only to physical pain but also to the opinions of parents or peers. Slight ban, which other kids just would not pay attention, can lead him into a rage (he falls to the floor, screaming, stomping).

Hard to bear toddler and failures in the games, the defeat in the competition - a long and angry cries. Increased susceptibility affects not only the assessment of other people, but also to the self-assessment. Such a child currently bad opinion.

Something to do, he quickly loses patience and come to the conclusion that nothing at all can. However, work on yourself not in a hurry, because he did not believe that he can overcome the difficulties. For this reason, quickly loses interest in everything.

For parents, it is important to notice this behavior.

If on crying, irritability and discontent with the child not to pay attention in the future, this will result in very serious problems.

Only parental support (but without much moralizing) can lead to the fact that the kid will positively perceive itself, and further believes that much can and will try to prevent him to overcome the weakness.

He will learn to respect themselves and others! And then it will be easier to tame his boundless sensibility. Help your child to pull yourself together! However, it is not as easy as we would like.

Parents are very impressionable kids psychologists offer a number of recommendations:

• Do not contact with the child when you yourself inflated. Otherwise there is a risk to give him my concern. Even grudnichok wonderful sense your mood.

• Do not react sharply to the weeping and wailing toddler. Do not try to bring it in yourself shouts or persuasion: he is in such moments still hears nothing.

• Not too wailed over him if he would break his knee. Better wound quickly zamazh green paint.

• Do not downplay the problem of the child. Do not say: "Just think, do not worry! ". It does not assure that everything will be fine in the garden, and at school he does will be the first.

• Whatever happens, in the presence of crumbs to remain calm. Take your hands, pat on the head, if he does not mind (but remember that some children in this state will not tolerate the touch).

• Behave with a toddler restraint, but then, the same time gently, looking him straight in the eye. Leads his arguments about this or that situation, it makes sense only when will be the first wave of hysteria.

• Always praise, if the toddler was courageous and conquered his own weakness. We appreciate the efforts and strongly supported.

• Greet his achievements in all fields. A child who believes in themselves, it is easier to cope with emotions.
