All parents know what children's disobedience. Sometimes it is, and without frustrating mothers and fathers, followed by another and operate on the principle "to spite the enemy." What's the matter? First of all, in the anguish of threads of trust between child and adult. But to understand and recognize this fact, "relaxed" habit until now, children are not capable of obeying parents. Everything was so smooth, the child was docile and suddenly ...
What to do?
The most common pattern: scattered already uninteresting willfully baby dolls or cars, requests gradually remove annoying parents and their complete disregard for the words ... adult favorite child. The key here is "gradually annoying." That's inability and unwillingness of parents to cope in that situation with their (albeit justified) feelings interfere with the resolution of the problem of raising a child obedient in particular and hinder education in general.
It is necessary to try other options influence, for example: "I need help with this big boy (girl)." What kid could resist such a sign of respect and recognition of his adulthood? The next time a similar situation he would take the initiative, wanting to help you.
The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is due to the fact that it is based on the perception of the child as an individual, a small age, but a unique and independent.
Hardly anyone of adult meekly responds to an explicit coercion by: impinge on the most inviolable - our precious person. Why do we have such a reaction is annoying in children? After all, their identity as a freedom-loving. And to raise a child obedient to influence it is necessary to wisely and carefully.
How to achieve this wisdom?
Here are some tips for parents:
Do not raise your voice
Suppress their anger, wield emotions, do not let the volcano erupt passions. Even cry reached in this case obedience does not teach the baby doing right, in principle, does not make an obedient child, and originated in the unconscious desire to do it in spite of, maybe even scare the child and alienate him from you.
Remember the wisdom of the cartoon character "Calmness, only calmness! "Seeing the friendly and relaxed parents, the child will form in the minds of a whole pattern of behavior and let your negative in a particular situation. The child may not know the nature of the wrong. It is necessary to explain to him what he is doing is wrong, and help fix the problems.
Do not forget: the movement - this is life!
Physical activity brings pleasure to the child, allows him to throw out the inexhaustible seems energy. In addition, after running freely, the kid definitely in a good tired, and the forces of disobedience to his left. Better yet, play with him: this is a great way to improve communication, to earn credibility in the eyes of children and in an accessible form to explain the rules of the child life.
be patient
Educating schedule impossible. This process is long, difficult and doomed to crash. Just when we are meeting with them and we should show restraint: only persistent, patient and friendly in the education of parents "get" obedient children. Success is inevitable, if you do not rush things and keep faith in your child.
All children are talented!
Your baby draws an unusually entertaining doodle, a passion for music and he heard her start to dance or sing, or maybe trying to master the piano, barely pulling up the keys ... Do not dismiss these "little things"! Support creative spark in your child. Suppose he does what he likes. Only in this case may teach him to be diligent and determined.
Do not skimp on praise
Adults are very generous to the comments and criticisms ... When all is well, it is so good, no comment. But the child needs a sense of confidence that he is doing the right thing. Do not forget to instill in him a feeling good words, praise. Inspired by promoting adult, the child will seek a similar assessment in the future.
Be attentive to your children
Not such a revelation that all need attention. It was his absence makes the child cranky. Some adults have as their parent intended solely to material well-being of Chad and killing during the day on the way to achieving it do not find time for spiritual and emotional contact, pushing it into the background and on some undefined "later".
But the children are suffering from lack of attention. And there are already problems described above ... Just try to draw together, to look at a butterfly, listen carefully, "very serious" problem of the kid, and you wonder what he is obedient.
And the thing that he saw his own necessity and your love.