There was a time when parents have not paid much attention to the process of bathing the child. Some even believe that the crumbs that are often washed, is more susceptible to colds. Modern parents and pediatricians do not share this opinion. It is believed that bathing the baby is necessary, and the more the better. Gradually, we should also teach him to swim.
For the full development of the growing organism in water exercises are necessary, as well as
porridge for children
And bedtime stories. In theory, no regular bathing and you can do, but there are a whole lot of reasons why of it still should not refuse. Chief among them is the fact that water has a revitalizing effect, which manifests itself in the fact that stimulates mental and physical development of the child, normal muscle tone, strengthens muscles, develops the vestibular apparatus and relaxation. Also, the time spent during this enjoyable process further brings mother and her baby, who more and more begins to trust their parents.
The sooner you begin to teach the crumbs to swim better. Up to about 3 months, the child's reflexes still present, thanks to which it is immersed in the water immediately holds his breath. And if the parents after the baby's umbilical wound healed, will support this jerk, then soon he will grow into a sustainable skill.
Swimming, diving and then the crumbs should cause only pleasant emotions. If he acts up, it's likely that something was bothering him. It may be just fatigue, and disease state, and too warm or cold water. Before you start classes in water, is still to consult with a pediatrician or neurologist. In most cases, they are recommended for kids and sometimes included in the course of rehabilitation after an illness. However, there are some diseases in which it is necessary to limit water treatments. And there will always help you to determine the doctors.
Kids will love to wash, if the whole process is like a game for them with floating ducks, toys, changes color in the water. The older the child becomes, the more diverse are, and games.
If consistently attach the baby to the water, he can pretty quickly learn to swim. Gradualism - it is an important word. Remember, as administered in the diet of baby puree and juice
Children's cereals
. At first, only a part of the spoon, and only after a while, you can give him a dose of 100 grams or more. So in bathing: at first, the most important thing - is that such studies brought him to you maximum benefit and positive emotions.
How to choose a baby sitter
Sooner or later there will come a day when a woman again want some kind of life outside the home, for example, to go to the barber shop or do some shopping, go somewhere in the evening with a husband or see friends.
In this article you will learn how to choose the right nanny for your child, the first time I leave the baby with a nanny, you need to prepare for the arrival of the nurse, how to avoid painful parting with the child, useful advice.
After a period of complete "symbiosis" where the mother and the child as it were one, the woman begins to feel the desire to live again "normal" life. It should not blame yourself for it - a change of scenery it is absolutely necessary, and if the good mother - well and her child. Gradually, they both need to learn to be separated for a while, and then the child can understand that the mother - not his property.
If you can not leave your child with someone from relatives or neighbors, one way out - to find a babysitter.
It is always better to leave the child, especially the first time, a man whom you know or whom you recommended - to fully trust him. For example, it may be a girl who comes to you to help with the housework - positive thing is that they are already familiar with the child.
If you are not yet familiar with the future nurse, ask her to come to you before, when you're at home, so you can see how it deals with the child and get to know her.
It does not really matter whether you choose boy or girl, young or more mature person. What is important is not so much experience with children, as such qualities as kindness and common sense. The main thing that this man makes you full confidence that he loved children and was kind to them. Will you be able to get away with a light heart - depends not only on Babysitting much of its human qualities.
First time with a nanny
What you need to prepare for the arrival of the nurse to go quietly? Here are some tips to start:
• Prepare in advance everything that the nurse will have to use: bottle mixture, water, diapers, cream and the like. Thus, you eliminate the need to climb on all the cupboards in search of clean pajamas.
• Ask the nurse to come fifteen minutes before your departure, in a quiet environment to explain to her everything and go without haste.
• Help the nurse to get used to a new place: provide it, if needed, the child and show the main rooms of the house (bathroom, nursery, kitchen, living room). Explain where it can take the clean clothes, diapers, baby food and the like.
• Familiarize the nurse to the peculiarities of everyday life of your child (if necessary, write down everything on paper): medication, care, bathing, feeding, and so on.
• Write down the telephone number, which you can easily find, as well as other numbers that may be useful: the coordinates of your physician, "ambulance", neighbors or relatives.
• Finally, try not to change their plans without first notifying the nurse, and do not be late home.
Having done all, so you can leave with peace of mind.
How to avoid the painful parting with the child?
• Warn your child that you go and tell him goodbye. Even if he does not understand the meaning of your words, they will give him confidence. Try, if possible not to leave the house when the baby sleeps. If this can not be avoided, say goodbye to him in advance.
• Child care is more alarming state of the mother than the fact that it is a few hours leaves him with someone else. Therefore, deciding to take advantage of babysitting services, and how to prepare everything for her arrival, quietly go away and try to relax.
• If all goes well, the next time invite the same nanny: they gradually get used to kid each other.
How to choose a pet for children
One way to instill in the child a sense of love, care and responsibility - to get a good pet.
But to do so it is recommended when the baby is not less than 5 years old because at this age the child is already possible to explain,
that homely little animals you can not pull the tail, poke a finger in the eye and nose. The five-year kid is easy enough to learn the rules of hygiene which are required after playing with a pet.
Whom do we get to your house? Consider a few options.
The most popular option - a parrot. If during our childhood on bird markets and pet shops can be purchased just budgerigar, parrot choice now so great that the eyes diverge: here and lovebirds, and Grey and Carell ...
But the choice we recommend still stop at the usual wavy. We can say that this is the ideal bird for friendship with a child: parrots are very affectionate, affectionate, have a bright cheerful color, pleasing the eye. They have a very developed imitation, so they are easy to learn.
Caring for them is quite simple and necessary recommendations are available at any pet store or online.
Chinchillas usually acquire as a pet for an older child. These funny rodents require gentle and caring attitude. They are easily susceptible to injuries and fractures, and a young child may accidentally cause harm small animal.
Child 8-12 years already capable of careful games with chinchilla. Training these rodents are amenable to no worse than dogs. With proper care chinchilla lives up to 20 years. If you decide to buy for your child is an animal, remember that it can deliver to your family and you not only a lot of fun but also a lot of hassle.
In rodents, cheerful, but a very active character. In addition, an animal night, and rebuild it on a daily regimen, it is practically impossible. So, leave the cell for the night with a beast in a child's room should not be, a pet will not give sleep to his master. Furthermore, chinchilla fur may cause allergy. It might be better to have a normal hamster?
The best pet for baby dog
Dog - probably the most cherished dream of every child. Many children do not perceive the puppy as a "smaller brother", but as a friend, no worse (and even 100 times better) neighbor Bears.
Of course, dogs are a lot of advantages, but we must not forget that this is one of the most dangerous animals. A large dog or small - it's like a wolf in nature, and it is unknown what will the relations of the dog with the child, whether it would not cause him harm.
And the damage done by the dog of your apartment and your budget, significantly higher than that of a hamster or parrot. Therefore, the decision on its purchase should be particularly balanced and considered.
Recommendations for selection
In conclusion, we present some general guidelines before you proceed to the choice of a pet:
Make sure your child is prone to allergies and infectious diseases.
Always remember that any animal, even live only at home can be a source of infection (due to microorganisms, initially living in it)
Evaluate whether you have enough space in the apartment for the emergence of a new friend, and if there is enough money in your wallet to ensure an adequate level of his life.
Check how the baby is ready to take care of your new friend. Is it enough to your child self-sufficient to feed the pet, clean the cage behind him, walk with him.